
Xu's courtyard -

located in the suburbs of the magic capital, covering an area of nearly ten acres, very large.

Different from some families, the architectural characteristics of combining Chinese and Western architecture.

The Xu family is a purely classical building.

Palace Qiongyu, pavilions, flower terraces...

Walking into it is like traveling through time and space.

Xu Liang came to his courtyard, and a bodyguard came in with several packages of medicinal herbs and handed them to him.

Although with the supplements he sent, it can ensure that the child in Liu Ruolan's belly is born safely.

But in order to ensure that nothing is lost, he came back today and planned to mix some more formulas for fetal nourishment.

Last night, I obtained a god-level medical skill from her, and it can be regarded as wool coming out of the sheep.

In addition to this, he is also ready to configure a ... Poison.

In addition to him, even if the protagonist uses the Taiyi God Needle, he can't solve the kind of poison.

When the time comes, surprise the protagonist.

According to the information he received, the Peace Hospital was about to make a move on the Hundred Herb Hall..........

According to the plot -

they will send a seriously ill patient to the Hundred Herb Hall to make trouble.

When the Hundred Herb Hall can't be saved, they will jump out.

However, because of the existence of the protagonist, no matter what kind of patient they arrange to go to, they will be cured.

Instead, it raised the reputation of the Hundred Herb Hall.

also let the protagonist harvest a wave of good feelings in front of the heroine.

In the next Chinese and Western medicine exchange meeting, the protagonist was a blockbuster and completely made his reputation..........

Since the patients arranged by the Peace Hospital are not good, then he will put some more poison.

Just imagine -

when the patient appears in the Hundred Herb Hall and everyone is helpless, the protagonist jumps out and pretends to be forced.

However, he found that he could not cure it.

Presumably, at that time, the expression of the protagonist must be interesting............

Just because he has an interesting idea, he is going to poison a person.

I don't care what kind of pain that person will suffer.

Not to mention that the person was doing things for the Peace Hospital, even if it was an innocent passerby............. Xu Liang won't care.

Anyway, he is not a good person, let alone a Virgin, and he will do whatever he wants............

.... ............................

Afternoon –

Hundred Herb Hall!

The streets are full of people, and from time to time people come in and out.

Compared with the previous Chinese medicine that was suppressed and could not lift its head, there was not necessarily a patient for half a day.

With the return of Chen Yingyi as the treasurer, Chinese medicine gradually gained momentum................

A middle-aged woman with an ordinary face, a thin figure, and a haggard face came to the door of the Hundred Herb Hall.

Her name is Liao Ping.

Because of long-term consumption of white powder, her body became weaker and weaker, her immunity dropped sharply, and a series of problems also appeared.

The most recent examination detected septicaemia.

It is a disease with a high mortality rate.

The cost of treatment is not ordinarily high, and she has long since sucked up her savings.

And because she usually doesn't care, her condition has reached a very serious point.

Her death could almost be judged..........

Just when she was desperate, a doctor found her.

Tell that you can give her the best treatment without her spending a penny.

The requirement was for her to do one thing.

In the face of death, Liao Ping agreed without hesitation.

When the doctor told her what she was going to do, she was a little surprised.

Let her go to the Hundred Herb Hall, ask the doctor inside to cure her, and make trouble if she is not cured................

It's not easy?

So she, like everyone else, walked into the Hundred Herb Hall and took the number and lined up.

When it was her turn, a gray-haired old man in Tang costume gave her a pulse.

A moment later, Tang Pretended to be an old man's face solemn.

He rolled her eyes again, making her open her mouth to look at her tongue.

The old man was very professional and quickly judged that she had septicaemia.

Liao Ping was very unimpressed.

For Chinese medicine, she doesn't believe it, you can see a doctor by touching a pulse?

It's so mysterious.

Now, even if the old man talks about his illness, she pouts above.

She still believes more that Peace Hospital can cure her...

Immediately, she was ready to stir things up according to the plan.

However, before she could speak, a hot feeling surged through her body.

It was as if the whole person was about to burst into flames.

Unable to bear the burning heat, her whole eyes turned white, foaming at the mouth, and convulsed in place.........

The sudden change not only startled the people in the hall, but also the people who were prepared to follow the trouble.

After coming to their senses, they thought that they had added drama halfway, and quickly began to cooperate.

"It's not good, call the police quickly, the Hundred Herb Hall will cure the dead."

"I just said that Chinese medicine is metaphysics, how can it be possible to cure diseases and save people, now people are dead."

"It's terrible, I won't believe in Chinese medicine anymore


......" As several people shouted, the crowd also panicked, and people panicked.

After a flurry of hands, the hall fell silent.

"Quiet, everyone also saw that this patient was diagnosed in the process of diagnosis, and it is not a problem for us to treat."

"Everyone, please rest assured, I will investigate clearly, if there is really a problem with our medicine, my Hundred Herb Hall will be responsible to the end..."

Chen Yingyi, who was the treasurer, stood up.

She is still relatively authoritative, and she controlled the situation in a few words.

But this is not what people want to see, someone speaks loudly.

"To put it nicely, people have an accident with you........." "

We will cure people in the Hundred Herb Hall."

Before the man finished speaking, he was abruptly interrupted by Chen Yingyi.

A pair of eyes fell coldly on the person who made the sound.

She exuded a pressing momentum that people could not despise, and the man did not dare to say more...


"Treasurer, her illness ........ Something strange..."

At this time,

the old Chinese medicine doctor just now came to Chen Yingyi in a cold sweat.

He had just determined the condition, but after Liao Ping's seizure, he diagnosed it again, but he couldn't find out what the disease was.

It's not that you can't find out, it's a kind of......... A condition that even he had never seen.

It never seems to have appeared........

The blood of the whole body is boiling........ Simply unheard of.

By this time, the patient had passed out.

Her body was still twitching, and just by looking at the way she frowned, she knew that she was suffering even if she passed out...

Seeing that the treasurer had arrived, several other old Chinese medicine doctors stood up.

They all gave the patient a pulse, and they all shook their heads to indicate that they could not find any disease.

Chen Yingyi's expression was solemn, and she also came to the front and gave the patient a pulse.

Gradually, her brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

The body function is still intact, and some damage is also caused by absorbing white powder, that is, the blood is very abnormal.

Such as......... In the boiling, in the burning ........

It was also the first time she had encountered this situation.

Seemingly........ This time those people came prepared..........

The next moment -

seeing that her face was wrong, someone began to coax.

"It won't be cure, right?"

"Isn't it boasting all day that Chinese medicine is very powerful? You can cure a person without surgery.

"Chinese medicine is to spend fists embroidered legs, if you really want to treat diseases and save people, you have to see Western medicine."


came one after another unbearable voices, and Chen Yingyi's face was ugly.

She had long known that the people of the Peace Hospital were targeting Baicao Tang.

They can't see the good of Baicao Tang and don't want the rise of Chinese medicine.

The previous few times of trouble, were invisibly resolved by her.

I'm afraid this time..........

Her heart also kept sinking, and she didn't know the cause, and she couldn't take the medicine at all.

If only she could master the Taiyi Divine Needle.

Taiyi Shen Needle is very magical, all-round conditioning of the body, can live dead flesh and bones.

Even if you don't know the cause, you can cure people.

It's a pity that she never learned.

Just when everyone thought that Chen Yingyi could not be cured, and the Hundred Herb Hall was about to overturn.

A very pretentious voice sounded.

"Chinese medicine is not a fist, today I will let you see the true skills of Chinese medicine

.............................. Thousands of rivers and thousands of mountains are always love, can it be done to give a power generation bank?

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