Jianghai Hospital.

Inpatient payment window

"What? Are you saying that all the medical expenses I owed have been paid off?"

Wang Yulan looked at the nurse who was checking the medical expenses for her at the window with a somewhat shocked expression.

"That's right, Ms. Wang. The system shows that your fees have been paid in full two hours ago."

The nurse smiled and nodded. She also knew the family of the patient in Room 302.

After all, the other party had been in the inpatient department for half a year.

Everyone knew the other party's family situation.

So even if the other party couldn't pay the medical expenses in one go, their hospital director would turn a blind eye.

I didn't expect that not long ago, some kind-hearted person actually paid off the previous debts for Wang Yulan.

And he also advanced 2 million yuan to the other party's account for subsequent treatment.

It can be said that Wang Yulan's family definitely met a noble person.

"this this this......Can I know who paid for it?"

Wang Yulan's tone was a little excited, her hands tightly grasped the counter in front of the window, and her depressed mood seemed to improve.

She really didn't expect that someone would pay off their previous medical expenses.

Wang Yulan is not the kind of person who accepts other people's kindness without knowing how to be grateful.

As long as she finds the person who helps them, no matter what the other party wants her to do, she is willing to do it!

The nurse was a little embarrassed when she heard what Wang Yulan said. She shook her head:"I'm really sorry, Miss Wang, the person at the window before was not me, so I don't know who came to pay the bill."

"and....Generally speaking, we don't record other people's names and information."

At this point, the nurse suddenly said,"By the way, that kind person also transferred 2 million to your mother's account.......Ms. Wang?"

"Are you okay?"

The nurse looked at Wang Yulan, who was stunned, with some concern.

What happened to the other party? Wouldn't it be good if someone paid off their debts?

"without...It's okay, I...I'll go out for a while."

Wang Yulan came back to her senses, she shook her head, and then suppressed her excitement and walked out of the hospital.

When she came to the hospital gate, a ray of sunlight shone on her face.

Wang Yulan raised her head and used her hand to slightly block the sunlight.

Looking at the clear blue sky, Wang Yulan seemed a little absent-minded.

Today is a sunny day.

And just when Wang Yulan was enjoying this happy moment. Gu Yan

, a senior executive of the hospital, stood expressionlessly in front of a French window. He looked down from top to bottom, with calm eyes at Wang Yulan, who showed a long-lost relaxed look.

"Are you happy? You will have a happier time later."

"Just as.......This is my compensation for depriving you of the original plot."

Gu Yan muttered to himself.

Then he picked up the phone and made a call:"As the plan said, prepare for action."

Click, at this moment, the door of the room was pushed open.

A kind old man in a white coat walked in with a stack of information.

He looked at the back of Gu Yan standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. The image of Gu Tianming, the head of the Gu family, when he was young, popped up in his mind.

Haha, he really deserves to be the son of that man.

Gu Yan also heard the movement, and he put down his phone.

When he turned his head, a gentle and sunny smile was already on his expressionless face:"Good afternoon, Grandpa Pu"

"I came to visit my teacher today. I haven't visited you for a long time, so I came to sit with you."

"I hope I don't disturb you."

Gu Yan's humble and polite appearance instantly won Pu Songlin's favor.

He put the materials in his hand on the table, then walked to Gu Yan kindly:"Don't disturb me, don't disturb me. I'm about to retire. What can I do?"

"But Xiao Gu, I didn't expect you to still remember an old guy like me."

"You obviously hated me the most when you were little. After all, I was a scary doctor in your eyes."

Pu Songlin missed the past a little bit. Gu Yan was born in Jianghai Hospital at that time.

He didn't expect that he has grown up so fast.

He has been following Gu Yan's news over the years, but his reputation is not very good. Some people call him a dog-licker and a rebellious son.

He is extremely disappointed with Gu Yan.

But now, it seems that he is not as unbearable as the rumors say.

"Haha, I was ignorant when I was a kid."

"Please forgive me, Grandpa Pu."

Gu Yan smiled slightly and exchanged a few words:"Father has always missed you, Grandpa Pu, but he has been unable to get away because of family affairs."

"I just happened to come to see you on his behalf."

Pu Songlin felt very relieved and moved.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and asked,"By the way, Xiao Gu, you said you came to visit the teacher?"

"Is it Wang Lan from 302 who you called me to waive the hospitalization fee for?"

Pu Songlin also had some impression of this patient from 302.

After all, he had been in this hospital for half a year.

The medical expenses were delayed a lot, but the advantage was that his daughter would pay the debts one after another.

Although the progress was slow, he was not a heartless person.

In addition, this hospital was opened by the Gu family, so there were not so many rigid rules.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Keeping the patient from 302 in the hospital was just adding one more bed. Besides

,....The Gu family really doesn't need this little money.

Hearing what Dean Pu said, Gu Yan also made a sad expression.

He took a deep breath, looked at the scenery outside the French window with a sad look, and his voice was a little trembling:"Well, Wang Lan is my teacher."

"I learned that she had been in a car accident and was hospitalized, her husband had died, and she had only one daughter who had just graduated a few years ago. Her life was very hard."

"That’s why I choose to waive the other party’s medical expenses."

"This is also��.....It's to repay her for the kindness she gave me back then!"

Gu Yan's words touched Pu Songlin deeply.

He patted Gu Yan's shoulder with satisfaction and pride:"Good boy! I was right about you back then."

"You are indeed Gu Tianming's son, and your father will definitely be proud of you."

Pu Songlin looked at the grown-up child in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel extremely angry at those who spread the rumors.

Such a good child was actually said to be a dog-licking and unfilial son!

It's really too much! Do you really think that we, the elders, don't exist?!


Gu Yan nodded, and then seemed to have thought of something.

He specifically reminded Dean Pu,"By the way, Dean Grandpa, you must not tell Teacher Wang's daughter that I paid off their debts."

"I don't want to affect my relationship with them........."

Before he finished speaking,

Pu Songlin nodded and smiled with satisfaction:"Okay, I will definitely keep it a secret for you." He is neither arrogant nor impatient, and he is also filial.

Well, he is a good child.

It seems......When the family reunion comes,

I will definitely vote for Gu Yan as the heir to the Gu Family Group.

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