
Braille? Document? Oh yes, the other party didn't care that he had his eyes closed from the beginning.

In other words, the eldest son of the Gu family knew that he was blind, but he still took the trouble to make a Braille document to cancel the engagement?

What kind of operation is this?

Leng Qingqiu touched the document on the square table calmly, but I don't know if Gu Yan did it on purpose, the document was a certain distance away from Leng Qingqiu's fingertips.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yan hurriedly said:"I'll help you." As soon as the voice fell, Gu Yan stretched out his hand and held Leng Qingqiu's hand, and placed the other's hand on the document.

The moment his palm entered his palm, Gu Yan clearly felt a tremor.

At the same time

【Help the pure love object touch the material file, score +1~]

A mechanical sound came from his mind, causing Gu Yan to smile softly.

Leng Ling'er saw this scene and immediately said angrily:"Pervert! Let go!"

Leng Qingqiu's tone was also a little cold:"Master Gu, don't you know that men and women should not touch each other?"

After the voice fell, Leng Qingqiu also broke free from Gu Yan's hand.

"Sorry, sorry, I just want to help you."

Gu Yan apologized sincerely, as if it was really the case.

? Obviously, you can push the file a little further.

Never mind, anyway, I won't have anything to do with the other party in the future.

Leng Qingqiu exhaled lightly, she touched the Braille file and began to read it.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Leng Xing'an looked at the file and was shocked.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Leng Qingqiu, opened his mouth to say something.

But he quickly suppressed the shock in his heart, and looked at Gu Yan incredulously:"....this...this..."

Before he finished speaking, Leng Qingqiu, who was standing by, had already read the meaning of the document. She turned to Gu Yan and asked calmly,"What does this mean?"

This document was not the document for breaking off the engagement as they thought.

Instead, it was an agreement for the transfer of 5% of the shares of Gu Family Group!

You know, the market value of Gu Family Group is conservatively estimated to be 1 trillion, and the value of this 5% can be imagined!

This is too much help to the Leng family now!

"What do you mean? Qingqiu, don't you understand? This is my little sincerity in proposing marriage."

"Because I own 10% of the group's shares, I will give half to you, Qingqiu."

"after all...."

Gu Yan looked at Leng Qingqiu tenderly:"We will be a family from now on."



Leng Qingqiu was stunned on the spot. She stood up directly. Her tone was finally no longer calm and self-assured. She asked incredulously:"Propose marriage? A family? We?!"

What's the situation? What's the situation? Why is it still proposed? Aren't you here to cancel the engagement?

This made Leng Qingqiu stunned. She is a blind person, why would you still think of proposing marriage? Even gave such a big gift!

Seeing this, Gu Yan also stood up and said sincerely:"That's right! Marry me, Qingqiu! I will treat you well for the rest of my life!" Ah

? So direct? No, no, no, this is not a question of whether it will last a lifetime or not.

Leng Qingqiu resisted in her heart.

How could she fall in love and get married now, not to mention that your Gu family has not yet been completely included in her white list.

Leng Xing'an was also stunned, ah? Not canceling the engagement? No, no, brother, aren't you Shen Wan'er's licking dog? Why did you come to my eldest niece? ? Leng Ling'er also thought of this, she quickly stood up and yelled at Gu Yan:"Bah!

You are a lying man!

You were pursuing Miss Shen before!


"But how come you say you like my elder sister now?!"

Hearing this,

Leng Qingqiu also found a reason to refuse. She said,"Mr. Gu, if you are just looking for a substitute for Shen Wan'er, then I think we are still not suitable."

Although it was not a break-off, and such a big gift was given,

Leng Qingqiu still did not want to marry him. After all, she had already decided that she would not live like a normal girl in her life. She only wanted.......

Before he finished thinking, outside, Gu Yan started his performance.

He acted as if he wanted to say something but stopped, his expression was uncertain, but in the end he became very firm, as if he had made up his mind.

He took a deep breath and looked up at Leng Qingqiu. Even though the other party couldn't see him, Gu Yan still acted sincere:"No! Not a substitute!"

"Actually! I have liked you, Miss Leng, since I learned that my grandfather had arranged a marriage between you and me!!"

"It's just that you were the most talented woman in Jianghai City back then, and I was just a dandy boy who had nothing else to offer except being rich and handsome. I like you, but I know I'm not good enough for you."

"So I wanted to work hard to make myself worthy of you, but before that time came, I heard........"

When Gu Yan said this, he looked at Leng Qingqiu and sighed slightly. He did not finish the follow-up, but continued:"Not long after, I heard the news that Qingqiu, you were blind."

At this point, Gu Yan's tone was sad:"I am very sad and guilty. I hate myself for not being with you when you needed me the most."

"I have never dared to face you. I feel that I am not worthy of being your husband, so I want to numb my heart through others, but........."

"But the person I think about every night before going to bed is still you, Qingqiu...."

Gu Yan said this, walked around the square table, walked to Leng Qingqiu's side, stretched out his hand to hold Leng Qingqiu's hand, and said sincerely:"Qingqiu, no matter what you become, I love you."

"I will treat you well for the rest of my life."

Leng Qingqiu wanted to break free from Gu Yan's hand, but found that he was holding it very tightly, and his tone was very sincere, as if what he said really happened.

Leng Ling'er blushed when she heard it, and she stood up and cursed:"Bah! Who would believe such nonsense!"

Leng Xing'an was stunned when he heard it, he looked at the sincere Gu Yan in front of him, no, are you serious?


He swallowed and looked at Leng Qingqiu who was silent.

In fact, no one knew one thing, that is, the person behind their Leng family was actually his niece Leng Qingqiu.

He, Leng Xing'an, was only the nominal head of the family.

Therefore, if someone knew about it, they would understand how panicked he was now.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Leng Qingqiu finally spoke, and he didn't know if he had a great ideological struggle, and said slowly:"I understand"


Leng Ling'er was stunned. Sister, do you really want to agree?


After getting this answer, Gu Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief. That

's great. No matter what Leng Qingqiu was thinking in her heart, at least on the surface, the two of them are a legal and pure love couple!!

"That's great, Qingqiu, I swear I will treat you well!"

Gu Yan held Leng Qingqiu's hand tightly and said sincerely.

Oh, the first step to avoid the death ending has finally been perfectly completed! Hehehe~~!!


Leng Qingqiu remained silent. She certainly didn't want to really marry Gu Yan.

But she changed her mind and thought that since Gu Yan loved her so deeply that he even gave her all his shares in the group, then......

Leng Qingqiu came up with a plan. She could use Gu Yan, or the Gu Family Group, to help her find the murderer behind the incident!

Hehe, Gu Yan, you may never have thought that I actually have another purpose for you!

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