In the room.

After the initial warm interaction, the atmosphere between the two became extremely harmonious

""Qingqiu, do you think I should learn Braille?"

Gu Yan closed his eyes, and his big hand forcefully touched the Braille book that Leng Qingqiu was reading.

Feeling the big hand reaching out from the side to block her from reading,

Leng Qingqiu sighed helplessly. Sometimes she didn't understand Gu Yan's train of thought:"Why do you want to learn Braille? Aren't your eyes fine?"

Seeing that Leng Qingqiu was willing to pay attention to him, Gu Yan curled the corners of his mouth, and then said:"Think about it, to you, Qingqiu, the world is pitch black."

"But to me, the world is colorful."

"So there must be a lot of estrangement between the two of us. I can't understand your world as a blind person, and you can't understand my world as a normal person."

"So I thought, if I become blind, will I be able to understand you, Qingqiu, better?"

Gu Yan's words shocked Leng Qingqiu's heart.

This guy.....

She pursed her lips with a complicated look:"I am not..."

I didn't become blind by choice.....I just had no choice.

Leng Qingqiu felt very complicated.

He is such a hopeless fool.

He wants to become blind just because he wants to understand me better?......

However, Leng Qingqiu was still thinking about it.

Gu Yan waved his hand again and said,"But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. I don't want to be blind anymore."


Leng Qingqiu was still moved, but Gu Yan, you just don't care about the atmosphere?

You are standing here, and you are still moving me!

However, the next second, Leng Qingqiu felt a warm feeling on his face.

Then he heard Gu Yan say gently:"Because I became blind, I can't see your beautiful face Qingqiu."

"Isn't it a pity that such a beautiful face cannot be seen?"

"I feel very uncomfortable just thinking about it."

Leng Qingqiu's heart skipped a beat, and she unnaturally slapped away Gu Yan's big hand that was caressing her face, and said in a panicked tone:"Take your dirty hands away from me!"

""Hiss! Qingqiu, you're going too far. What's wrong with a husband touching his wife?"

Gu Yan pretended to be in pain and shouted, then he couldn't help but rushed over and hugged Leng Qingqiu tightly.

"You! What are you doing!"

Leng Qingqiu was very flustered by Gu Yan's sudden hug.

"Obviously! Daily life with my wife!"

"I've been running around outside these days, but I'm dying of suffocation!"

Gu Yan said confidently.

"Daily stickers?!"

"And you've been hanging out outside all the time. Isn't that all your own fault?"

"I don't care about you, let me go!"

Leng Qingqiu's heart was very flustered. After feeling the breath of the man in front of her, her face was stained with a blush.

However, Gu Yan buried his head in Leng Qingqiu's arms, so he didn't see

"I won’t let go! Unless Qingqiu, you call me"husband, I love you the most!" Gu

Yan yelled while lying in Leng Qingqiu’s arms....Favorite?

Leng Qingqiu's breath stagnated. What kind of shameless name is this?!

"You... you actually want me to shout like that?..."Please don't lie down in a weird place and talk, okay!"

Leng Qingqiu raised her head slightly. She felt that when Gu Yan spoke, she felt itchy all over.

No, no, I am the controller of the Night Organization. How can I be treated like this by an ordinary person?

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu showed a trace of anger on her face, and then stretched out her hand and directly pressed it against Gu Yan's shoulder.

"You die!"

Leng Qingqiu pushed Gu Yan hard, but she was helpless because of the rules of the dagger, which made her still an ordinary person.

Before she removed the seal in her eyes, Leng Qingqiu's strength was that of an ordinary woman.

"Damn it!"

Leng Qingqiu was both ashamed and annoyed.

She had never been so close to a man before.

She didn't expect Gu Yan to be so shameless and pounce on her.

Oh, and he had even eaten the saliva from the spoon she had used.

He was an incurable pervert.

"Qingqiu, if you call me I will get up!"

No matter how Leng Qingqiu pushed him, Gu Yan just wouldn't get up.

Because Gu Yan remembered what he had learned from books.

When you are in love, you must be thick-skinned enough.

And you must learn to cling to your partner, only in this way can you have a chance to win the beauty.

But Gu Yan remembered that there seemed to be several prerequisites before that.

He forgot what the prerequisites were, but what he knew was that it was unlikely to work to use ordinary means to improve Leng Qingqiu's favorability.

Only by doing something that impressed Leng Qingqiu could this person who would become the biggest villain in the future remember him to some extent.


【The object of pure love feels ashamed, points +20!】

【The object of pure love feels embarrassed and annoyed, points +30!】

【The pure love object is angry, points +40! 】

The points are increasing, we can't bear to give them up.

Leng Qingqiu didn't know what Gu Yan was thinking, she only knew that she felt very embarrassed now.

How could the dignified Night King be controlled by a man?

So she gritted her teeth and pushed Gu Yan's shoulder hard:"Give me....."

"stand up!"


Gu Yan was still enjoying the joy of increasing points, but was interrupted by a strong push from the other party.

At the same time, his body fell backwards.

Leng Qingqiu finally pushed the man away, and she stood up with a slight breath.

If she could open her eyes now, she would definitely have an expression of shame and anger that wanted to kill.

She knew that Gu Yan was pushed to the ground by her, but she didn't care about those

"Qingqiu, you are going too far. Do you treat your husband like this?"

Gu Yan rubbed his head, helplessly and guiltily looking at Leng Qingqiu who was facing him with her arms folded across her chest and a cold face.

"Haha, too much?"

"There are even more outrageous things!"

Leng Qingqiu sneered. This guy, if he doesn't teach him a lesson, he really thinks he is the dominant one in the relationship, right?

The next second, under Gu Yan's surprised gaze, Leng Qingqiu walked straight forward.


She stepped on Gu Yan's chest with one of her icy jade feet. With her arms around her chest, she stepped on Gu Yan's chest and spun around, saying with a cold face:"You actually hugged me suddenly, you man are really a hopeless pervert!""


Gu Yan pretended to be in pain, but his expression was very comfortable:"Qingqiu! Don't do this! I feel so uncomfortable!"

""Ahhh, let me go!"

Gu Yan yelled.

Leng Qingqiu couldn't see Gu Yan's expression, but she could hear his miserable cry. The corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

"Do you know you're wrong? Sorry, I'm still angry."

""Just keep lying on the ground and let me step on you until you make useless noises." Hehehe, you know you're in the wrong, right?

If I don't teach you a lesson, do you really think that I, Leng Qingqiu, am easy to mess with, a naive person who has never been in love? Do you really think that if you say a few words of love to me, my face will turn red with joy and my heart will beat fast?

Let me tell you, Gu Yan, that is impossible.

Gu Yan was still pretending to shout in pain, but his expression was very wrong:"Uh ah! Qingqiu, I was wrong!"


【Being stepped on by the object of pure love, points +50!】

【Being trampled continuously by the object of pure love, points +100! 】

No, your pure love system is faulty, do you have any strange habits?

Although Gu Yan cursed in his heart, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

This is really...A surprise....

Leng Qingqiu felt a little bit sorry when she heard Gu Yan screaming so miserably.

Forget it, just teach him a lesson. Gu Yan is just an ordinary person. Why should she be so stingy?

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu put away her feet and snorted:"You know the consequences of making me unhappy. If you do it again, the punishment will be more than this!"

Seeing Leng Qingqiu put away her jade feet, Gu Yan was a little disappointed that she could not continue to gain points.

But on the surface, she also put on a face of"I know I was wrong":"I was wrong, my dear wife. You are the boss in this family. Whether you want to step on me or beat me in the future, I have no complaints!"

Seeing Gu Yan so tactful, Leng Qingqiu was surprised, but it was good this way.

Gu Yan knew who was the dominant position in love, so she nodded with satisfaction:"It's good that you know."

Then she stretched out her hand to pull Gu Yan up.

Gu Yan held Leng Qingqiu's little hand and stood up halfway. Suddenly, he thought of something, so he said:"By the way, Qingqiu, I won't come tonight. I have something to do.....Ouch!"

Leng Qingqiu's face turned cold when he heard that, and he loosened his hand. He ignored Gu Yan who fell to the ground again and said coldly:"Oh!"

Gu Yan who was lying on the ground:???

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