Image of the heroine Leng Qingqiu........

Mei Xue looked at Gu Yan who was so happy that she couldn't help but sneer.

Haha, you are only happy for a moment. When the master takes away the Gu family, don't burst into tears.

As if sensing Mei Xue's gaze, Gu Yan turned his head away and gave an expression that said,"What are you looking at? Are you envious?"

Mei Xue:"!!"

Her face twitched, she was not angry, she was just pretending that all this was a beautiful illusion created by her master.

You won't be able to laugh when the time comes!

But I have to say, the dishes cooked by Gu Yan are indeed delicious.

No wonder he said that the egg fried rice was not as good as his at the tea restaurant.

Mei Xue thought about it, and saw Gu Yan interacting with her master over there.

As she watched, she didn't know why, she felt uncomfortable all over.

Damn guy, don't push it too far, ah! How dare he do it!

Mei Xue's face turned slightly red, as if she felt that she couldn't hold it back any longer, so she quickly stood up, said,"I'm full," and went into the kitchen with the bowl.

Gu Yan glanced at the other person who was leaving, and smiled in his heart, wow, he really knows how to read people's expressions.

He knows that I will have a good love with Qingqiu next.

Thinking about it, he looked at Leng Qingqiu with a smile on his face:"Qingqiu~ This time it's my turn to feed......."

But as he was talking, Gu Yan couldn't continue. Leng Qingqiu's gentle and considerate appearance suddenly dropped like the temperature, and became as cold as usual. The former listened to Gu Yan's words, feeling ashamed and angry in his heart, but said coldly on the surface:"Go away, who wants you to feed me, I can eat by myself!


"I just held the chopsticks for so"

Before he finished speaking

"Um, where is the dishwashing liquid?"

At this time, Mei Xue came out of the kitchen.


"Ah, under the cabinet."

"Come on, Gu Yan, open your mouth, ah~"

Leng Qingqiu showed a gentle face, and held the dish to Gu Yan's mouth.

Gu Yan was stunned.

Wait a minute, Leng Qingqiu turned out to have schizophrenia?

"Oh, okay."

Mei Xue looked at her master strangely, it was so strange, she always felt an indescribable feeling.

She shook her head and turned back into the kitchen.

Leng Qingqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Gu Yan finally understood, and he suddenly realized.

That's it.

Because Leng Qingqiu has not completely turned evil yet, he must be gentle and considerate in front of his subordinates.

That's why he showed gentleness in front of Mei Xue.

So that's the case.

Gu Yan looked at Leng Qingqiu, whose gentle expression gradually converged, and he sighed with loss.

So that's the case.

Gu Yan looked at the chopsticks that were close at hand, he shook his head and said:"Qingqiu, Mei Xue is gone."

A sense of loss was revealed in his words.

Leng Qingqiu was startled when he heard it.

Gu Yan seemed...Very disappointed....

She suddenly felt a little guilty.

Yes, because she pretended to be gentle, Gu Yan mistakenly thought that she was acting for Mei Xue. As a man who loves her, he would naturally feel very disappointed and lost.....Obviously Gu Yan loves her so much and treats her well without reservation.

But why can't I let go of my pride?

Leng Qingqiu gritted her teeth. Damn it, just this once.

She seemed to have made a decision and took a deep breath.

Gu Yan's side.

Just when he thought Leng Qingqiu would not continue to act...

"Give it to me."

Leng Qingqiu raised his head and said in a strange voice.

Gu Yan was stunned. He asked in confusion:"Qingqiu...Mei Xue is not here..."

Why did Qingqiu still want to act after all his subordinates left? Since he didn't like doing such things.

Gu Yan would not force him.

However, Leng Qingqiu still gritted his teeth, turned to Gu Yan, and said:"Eat it!"

Gu Yan was startled, and then ate the chopsticks that Leng Qingqiu had used.


Leng Qingqiu asked:"Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious."

After saying that, Leng Qingqiu picked up another bite of food and handed it to Gu Yan:"Give it to me."

The latter didn't quite understand, but he still did as he was told.

"Is it tasty?"


Then Leng Qingqiu picked up another bite of food and handed it to Gu Yan, without saying anything this time.....Gu Yan was stunned.

Because Leng Qingqiu's face was slightly flushed, and even her hands were shaking slightly.

Gu Yan couldn't help but ask:"Qingqiu....."

But before he finished speaking,

Leng Qingqiu interrupted in a low voice:"Stop talking, okay?......."

Her voice was trembling, and she turned her head away with some shame in her heart:"I just don't want to......I want you to be looked down upon by my bestie, but that doesn't mean I can only do these things between lovers for this purpose."

Leng Qingqiu didn't know why he said these words. Maybe it was because.....

She saw......Gu Yan felt a wave of sadness in his chest.

She realized how sad her actions would make Gu Yan, and this was not the time for her to pretend to be arrogant.

Leng Qingqiu's voice gradually became lower, and the chopsticks gradually fell:"This is also my first time to fall in love...."

"Do this kind of thing....Very shy, okay?....."

Plop! Plop!

Gu Yan's eyes trembled, and his heart beat wildly.

Bang, bang, bang!

He pressed on his chest and beat it hard.

"Hello...What are you doing?"

Leng Qingqiu was stunned. She stood up and was about to stop Gu Yan.

But the other party stretched out his hand and held Leng Qingqiu down.


Gu Yan took a deep breath, even though the pain in his chest from being hit by himself could not stop.......

The corners of his mouth kept rising and almost grinning.

"I! I love you so much! Qingqiu!"

"I love you so much, hahahahahaha!!"

Gu Yan laughed, held Leng Qingqiu’s hand that was holding the dish, and ate it in one bite.

"Delicious! Qingqiu, you feed me with your own hands���Delicious!"


Leng Qingqiu breathed a sigh of relief. She thought something was wrong with Gu Yan. She didn't want to continue, but when she heard Gu Yan's happy voice, she didn't know why she became happy.

"How about trying this?"



"Still delicious!"

"How come everything tastes good to you?"

"Because Qingqiu, everything you pick up is delicious!"

"Really? Then I'll cook for you next time?"


"Why aren't you speaking?"

"I should go wash the dishes........."

Gu Yan fled from the table, carrying the dishes and running towards the kitchen.

Leng Qingqiu showed a trace of anger on his face. This bastard, does he think the food I cook is not delicious?!....

Leng Qingqiu couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, and the blush on her face did not fade away.

She held the chopsticks in the air and made the action of picking up food.

For some reason, her mood became very happy.

It's really.....A willful fellow.

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