In the evening, at Jianghai High School, at the school gate, Bai Qionglan sat in a luxury car that came to pick her up. She stuck her head out and waved goodbye to Leng Ling'er:"Sister Ling'er, I'll leave first."

""Okay, okay, please leave quickly!"

Leng Ling'er curled her lips and waved her hand in disdain.

At the same time, she felt a little depressed. It was really abominable. Why did the people from Zayu Gu come so slowly today?

Bai Qionglan seemed very happy today. She rolled up the window and asked the driver to start the car.

Seeing her best friend leave, she was the only one at the school gate again.

"Ahhhhh!! You forgot me again!"

Leng Ling'er kicked the concrete floor angrily. It was the same last time. He forgot her again this time.

The next second, a luxury car drove in front of Leng Ling'er. Click, and the back door opened automatically.

A face that Leng Ling'er did not expect was revealed.

Gu Yan was sitting inside with a smile on his face:"What's wrong, who bullied my Ling'er?"

Leng Ling'er was stunned for a while, then quickly snorted coldly, walked up aggressively and slammed the car door.

After doing all this, she glared at Gu Yan fiercely:"Why are you here to pick me up?"

"Well, why can't it be me?"

Gu Yan shrugged and asked with a smile:"Don't you want it to be me?"

Leng Ling'er was surprised when she heard this, but she didn't show it on the surface:"Who wants you to pick me up? I have already accepted your men as my brothers. I want my brothers to pick me up!"

She shouted proudly.

Gu Yan recalled the report that his subordinates had given him in tears.————Master, Miss Ling'er insisted that I call her Big Sister, otherwise she would hit me, and I didn't dare to fight back......

He smiled lightly:"In that case, then I will drop you off the car and call my subordinates over?"

When Leng Ling'er heard this, she immediately shook her head like a rattle:"Stop, stop, stop! Ahem! It's fine if you come to pick me up today, but it's okay if you always come in the future!"

She coughed dryly and emphasized:"Don't get me wrong, it's just that you and Zayu Gu are more familiar with each other."

When she said this, Leng Ling'er was actually a little nervous.

She was afraid that Gu Yan would really listen to her and drop her off and call someone else to pick her up.

Gu Yan rubbed the other's head helplessly, and complained:"What a dishonest kid."

Under the latter's pretended angry gaze, Gu Yan said:"Lao Gao, let's go back"

""Okay, young master."

Gu Yan had already withdrawn his hand, while Leng Ling'er covered her head with both hands and muttered,"You stinky bastard Gu, you damn bastard Gu, don't you know that touching people's heads will make them grow shorter?"

"Hmm? What did you say?"

"No! Nothing!"


Gu Yan said, his eyes looking in a certain direction outside the window intentionally or unintentionally, and said:"Ling'er, how is your campus life recently? I heard that several of your good friends have transferred to other schools?"

"Do you feel lonely?"

Hearing this, Leng Ling'er's originally happy eyes suddenly showed a hint of gloom.

She sighed and said with some disappointment:"The KTV incident was known by Xiaowei's parents, and they transferred them to another school at their strong request."

"I feel lonely, but it doesn't matter, I still have Qiong Lan to accompany me."

Hearing this name.

Gu Yan retracted his gaze to the window and asked casually:"Bai Qiong Lan?"

Leng Ling'er was stunned, then nodded, and said with a little annoyance:"Yes, but you, Gu, remember it very clearly! You don't really want to be someone's brother-in-law!"

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!"

Gu Yan sighed helplessly after hearing this:"I admire your way of thinking. The eldest lady of the Bai family only has a brother named Bai Jun besides herself. Who do you think I can be her brother-in-law?" Leng

Ling'er knew she had said the wrong thing after hearing this, but she still said stubbornly:"Who said we can't have gay sex! What if you have that kind of fetish!"


This little devil!

Gu Yan took a deep breath, snap!

He pinched Leng Ling'er's two cheeks, causing the latter to struggle constantly:"Um, ah, ah, you stinky fish, let me go!"

However, Gu Yan didn't care, looked at Leng Ling'er kindly, and said:"Stinky little devil, let me tell you, your brother-in-law's aesthetics and sexual orientation are very normal!"


However, as he was talking, Gu Yan noticed that Leng Ling'er's cheeks were a little red, and she didn't dare to look at him.

Helplessly, Gu Yan put down his hand, shook his head and said ruthlessly:"I will confiscate all the romance novels you have hidden in the bedside table."

"You! How could you do this!"

Leng Ling'er had originally lowered her head because of the shame in her heart and didn't dare to look at Gu Yan, but when she heard this, she instantly became unhappy.

"I will return it to you after you finish the college entrance examination."

Gu Yan said ruthlessly.

"You devil!"

"Haha, people who say their brother-in-law is gay have no right to say this."

"How could this happen!"

Leng Linger closed her eyes in despair, feeling that there was no hope in life.

Gu Yan felt a little headache, having a troublesome sister-in-law was really a troublesome thing.

But........I didn't expect that one of the protagonists likes Ling'er so much, this is a bit abnormal.

Hiding in one place every day to watch Leng Ling'er, it seems so persistent.

Gu Yan curled his lips, Meixue, you should take a good look at your brother, anyway, you won't see him again.

Forget it, don't think about it, I should think about what to eat in the evening.

After a moment.

He seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. In his memory, Qingqiu seemed to like sweets more.

After all, there was a scene that described the other party adding sugar crazily while drinking coffee.

On the other side.

Under a corner of the wall, Deng Feng stood there, staring at the luxury car going away.

Every time after school, he would stand here and watch Leng Ling'er go home. All the people who came to pick up Leng Ling'er before...���That man's subordinate.

So he was very happy and relaxed in his heart. Being able to look at Leng Ling'er like this was already a very good thing for him.

But today.....

Deng Feng felt a sense of reluctance and loss.

"Ling'er's boyfriend is here to pick her up......"

Deng Feng's eyes were filled with sadness and loss. He thought for a moment and walked to the school gate. He looked around, then squatted down and stretched out his hand to pick up the stones scattered on the ground one by one.

He murmured,"This way, Ling'er won't be tripped by the stones and fall......."

In the distance, a man with glasses said to a short old man beside him:"Master, what do you think?"

The old man remained silent. When he looked at Deng Feng with his cloudy eyes, he showed a trace of satisfaction:"I am so considerate of others and willing to sacrifice myself......It fits our purpose of Xuanwumen."

"Let this child practice Xuanwu Sect's skills, and he will definitely be able to restore Xuanwu Sect's glory!"

"Go talk to him, he has pure black tortoise power in his body.....There is a high probability that he is one of the people destined to save the world as predicted!"

""Okay, Master."

Just as he finished speaking, the man with glasses saw a group of people walking towards Deng Feng.

They were Wang Zilin and others.

The man with glasses was startled and was about to stop them.

But the old man shook his head and said lightly:"Wait a minute, don't stop them."

"....Okay, Master."

The man with glasses hesitated for a moment, but chose to wait and see.

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