Jianghai High School.

Why...why treat me like this...

What did I do wrong?

Deng Feng's eyes were confused and desperate. He lay on the cement floor with bruises all over his face and pain all over his body.

He was beaten up by Wang Zilin and others just now. He didn't understand why he was beaten up so suddenly.

Suddenly, the other group rushed over and taught him a lesson. They also warned him not to think about having anything with Leng Ling'er.

Why...I didn't do anything, I just stood here and looked at Ling'er...Is it not okay even if it's like this? Are you sure you want to deprive me of everything?

Deng Feng's vision blurred again and he cried.

In the dark.

Mei Xue looked at the cowardly boy lying on the ground with great disgust in her eyes.

She had been thinking that the other party had been squatting in the corner and peeking at Leng Ling'er, and she thought that the other party was a killer hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity.

It feels like he is just a dog-licker, which made her wait here to see his true face.


Mei Xue looked at a tree not far from Deng Feng.

There was some confusion in her eyes. People from Xuanwu Gate?

Why are they here? What is their relationship with the young man?

The next second, the old man from Xuanwu Gate and the middle-aged man walked over.

Deng Feng felt the movement and thought that Wang Zilin and others were coming to beat him again, so he shrank into a ball in fear.

But he only heard

""Child, do you want to protect the people you care about?"

A kind voice came into Deng Feng's ears.

Deng Feng was startled. He opened his eyes and saw two people standing next to him.

One of them he knew, a physics teacher from another class.

"you...You are..."

Deng Feng was a little scared

"Don't be afraid, kid. Just tell me, do you want to... protect the person you cherish?"

The old man kindly extended his hand.

Deng Feng stared blankly at the hand that was handed to him....Protect the person you cherish?

Leng Ling'er's figure flashed through his mind. The figure of the other party saving and helping him made him fall in love with her directly.....I am too weak, so weak that I don't even have the courage to tell Leng Ling'er my feelings.

"I want to protect!"

"But how can I protect him? I'm too weak, I can't do it at all!"

Deng Feng choked and shouted

"It's okay, hold my hand kid, we will make you stronger"

"Let you gain the power to protect others!"

The old man smiled even happier when he heard this, and he said kindly.

In the dark.

Mei Xue's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

So that's it, this young man is the heir that their Xuanwu Sect has chosen?

No wonder Gu Yan asked me to come and protect Miss Ling'er, it turns out that he knew about this a long time ago.

No, no, I have to report this to the master!

Thinking of this, Mei Xue's figure quickly disappeared, and she also included Deng Feng in her must-kill list.............

At the Leng family dinner table, the atmosphere was a little tense. Leng Linger was eating nervously.

Her mouth was full, and she didn't dare to look at Gu Yan.

Wow!...My brother-in-law is so scary...


Yan looked at Leng Qingqiu with a kind face. He looked at the other's slightly bulging belly kindly and said,"So...Have you finished eating all those puffs?"

Leng Qingqiu felt a little guilty. She lowered her head and argued,"I just... I didn't finish them."


Gu Yan raised his voice slightly, then walked forward and stretched out his hand to press directly on Leng Qingqiu's slightly bulging belly, ravaging it hard:"What is this? What's in it?"

"Um! No...don't be so hard!"

Leng Qingqiu's body froze, she grabbed Gu Yan's arm, her face slightly uncomfortable

"Really? Why would you finish it all if you knew it would make you uncomfortable?"

"You still can't eat dinner, I shouldn't have bought it for you."

Gu Yan pressed her and threatened,"Tell me, have you finished eating it all?"

Leng Qingqiu was pressed so hard that she felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit because she ate too much.

In order to let Gu Yan let go, but felt it was very embarrassing to be scolded by Gu Yan, so she laughed dryly and said,"You can't say you have finished eating it all....I can only say that I ate it all by accident."

Is there any difference?

Gu Yan's mouth twitched, and he loosened his hand, and the latter's expression eased a little.

Before Leng Qingqiu could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Gu Yan say coldly:"I will not buy you sweets in the future."


Leng Qingqiu was stunned for a moment, and then his expression froze....Won't buy it for me anymore?

That means I can't eat sweets anymore!

No...Don't do that kind of thing!!

Leng Ling'er looked at her sister with a dull expression and felt a little sorry for her. What a terrible brother-in-law, he could actually teach her a lesson so that her sister couldn't speak.

She swallowed her saliva and smiled awkwardly:"Sister...Brother-in-law, sister already knows she is wrong, you don't have to......."Eh!!"

Before she finished speaking, Leng Ling'er saw Gu Yan's cold eyes, which scared her so much that she screamed like a chicken, and immediately lowered her head to eat without saying anything.

As for Leng Qingqiu, she felt extremely ashamed and wronged.

She was obviously the actual behind-the-scenes controller of the Leng family and the king of the Night Organization, but why did she have to be taught a lesson by Gu Yan here! Damn it!....In front of my own sister, do you know that this will make me lose face?

Looking at Leng Qingqiu with a sad expression, Gu Yan couldn't bear it.

He sighed helplessly, sat next to Leng Qingqiu, and used the [God-level Massage Technique] to gently massage Leng Qingqiu's belly.

The latter's body stiffened for a moment, but did not refuse.

Gu Yan said earnestly:"Qingqiu, I am doing this for your own good. What if you get sick from eating? I originally wanted you to eat while reading, but who would have thought that you actually ate it all in one breath."

"You will get sick if you do this. You must feel uncomfortable in your stomach right now, right? Because you haven't eaten for a long time, and now you suddenly eat so much in one go, your stomach will definitely not be able to bear it."

Leng Qingqiu said nothing. She was indeed a little uncomfortable. Listening to Gu Yan's soft voice, she felt a little strange in her heart. She couldn't describe the feeling, but it always���have to....It was warm.

By the way, did Gu Yan get angry? I thought he would always be gentle and kind to her.

But he was too disrespectful to her! How abominable!

Seeing that Gu Yan was no longer angry, she returned to her usual expression and snorted proudly:"Hmph...I know my body best, don't bother me."

This guy, Gu Yan couldn't help laughing, the two sisters are really the same.

But it's Qingqiu like this! I like her the most!

"Okay, okay, but I really don't want to buy sweets."

"........Really not buying?"

"I really don't buy it"


Leng Qingqiu shook off Gu Yan's hand that was massaging her belly, and then kept silent as a silent resistance.

Gu Yan laughed and rubbed his hand again:"I'm just kidding, but you have to reduce the amount in the future, eat once a week, okay, otherwise you will get fat, Qingqiu."

Leng Qingqiu was happy that Gu Yan was very tactful when he heard this, but she was very unhappy with the second half of his sentence:"What do you mean by getting fat?"

She said dissatisfiedly:"You don't like me anymore if I get fat?"

Leng Qingqiu didn't know why she subconsciously shouted this sentence, and felt a little ashamed for a moment.

Damn it......I blurted it out accidentally, even in front of my sister.

When Gu Yan heard this, he smiled slightly, and then said gently:"No matter what you become, Qingqiu, even if you are fat, sick, thin, or whatever, I still like you."

"Or.....I like you the most."


Leng Qingqiu's face flushed slightly, and her heart began to beat wildly. Was this what it meant to have a deer beating like a fluttering heart?

"Obviously....You were Shen Wan'er's licker before, but you are so arrogant!"

Leng Qingqiu showed a shy and threatening smile:"Did you say these words to Shen Wan'er as well?"

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