In that silent moment, the banquet hall seemed to be frozen in time.

People's eyes were fixed on the huge spider-web-like cracks on the ground and Xie Zhilan embedded in it, as if they couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Wait, what happened? Wasn't Xie Zhilan just standing in front of Leng Ling'er showing off?

How come she was buried in the ground in the blink of an eye? Moreover, this crack on the ground is something that humans can do?

No, no, no, no, it should be said, why is Mr. Gu angry? ? ?

Xie Zhilan didn't scold Shen Wan'er, why are you angry?

Originally, everyone thought that Gu Yan was just a dog who licked Shen Wan'er, but now it seems that the other party is not easy to mess with.

Gu Yan originally just wanted to come here to happily attend an ordinary banquet.

If possible, he also wanted to see the plot of the protagonist Xiao Lin being looked down upon and looking for trouble, and then being slapped in the face.

In the end, why did Xiao Lin have no problem, but Leng Ling'er was embarrassed?

He walked over helplessly, originally thinking that Xie Zhilan would apologize to Leng Ling'er and that would be the end of the matter. After all, the Xie family and the Gu family also had cooperation, and they would see each other sooner or later.

But who knew that after just two steps, Xie Zhilan said a few more words that made him lose his mind instantly.

He looked at Xie Zhilan who was buried in the marble floor and was silent.

First of all, I want to make it clear that he did not have any fluctuations in his cultivation, which was confirmed by Lao Gao.

He usually did not feel how strong he was, so what was going on with this situation?

It couldn't be the effect of the [Universe Pure Love Kung Fu] that he practiced, right? No way, no way?

But he didn't feel anything special.

And at this moment.

The bodyguards of the Xie family reacted, and when they saw the eldest lady embedded in the floor of the banquet hall.

One by one, they shouted in horror:"Miss!"

They ran over in horror and tried to pull Xie Zhilan out of the ground.

The latter was also unrecognizable, and she was breathing out more than breathing in.

Seeing Xie Zhilan like this, some righteous people couldn't stand it.

Some are young people who have never seen Gu Yan. Most of these people are young people who have never experienced the beatings of society and have no way of contacting people like Gu Yan.

"You've gone too far!"

A young man with an immature face walked up to Gu Yan with courage. He pointed at Xie Zhilan and then at Leng Ling'er who looked dazed, and shouted,"The daughter of the Xie family obviously had her clothes soiled by this inappropriately dressed man."

"If you want the other party to apologize but to no avail,........."



Before he finished speaking, the whole audience took a deep breath.

The person who spoke was slapped to the ground.

The man felt a burning pain on his left face. He looked at Gu Yan in disbelief, who suddenly gave him a big challenge:"You...You hit me?"

Gu Yan looked at the other person coldly:"Get lost."!!

The man trembled all over, lowered his head and dared not speak, as if he was doubting himself.

The other person couldn't stand it anymore, he walked over and acted as a peacemaker:"Hey Xiaoyan, I'm your Uncle Yuan, do you still remember me?"

The middle-aged man with a big belly walked over and said in a familiar manner:"We are all young people, don't be so angry........."


Another one was slapped to the ground


A man who was watching the show saw his father being slapped to the ground. He was furious and immediately ran over to curse at Gu Yan:"You bastard! Do you know who my dad is?........"


Another fell to the ground.

A woman ran over and cursed:"How dare you hit the head of the Jiang Hailin family! Are you crazy? Do you know that I am......"


"Xiu'er! How dare you hit my daughter? Do you know that I am from the Wang family of Jianghai? ?"


"Okay, Brother Gu, give me some face and don't do this........"


"How could you do this? It's really too much........"


After slapping the last one, Gu Yan felt a little tired.

He even thought it was a little ridiculous and funny. This group of people didn't stand up when Leng Ling'er was bullied, but stood up when Xie Zhilan was beaten. They even wanted to blackmail him morally. He really deserved to be beaten.


Mr. Gu...

So cruel...

Everyone present felt a pain on their cheeks, and looked at Gu Yan in disbelief as he repeatedly challenged others to a big fight.

They all swallowed their saliva, thinking that what happened today was too ridiculous.

Gu Yan, a young man, actually beat up so many people? Most of them were well-known figures in Jianghai City.

""Okay, okay, everyone calm down!"

At this time, a full of energy voice came over. Everyone looked over and saw a woman wearing a purple evening dress and with smooth black hair like a night elf walking over. She walked towards Gu Yan with interest.

"Hiss! Miss Yan Qingqing of the Yan family!!"

"Isn't she trying to enter the entertainment industry? How come she has time to come here?"

"Hehe, the Yan family is a top family on par with the Gu family. If Miss Yan speaks, even Gu Yan wouldn't dare to do anything."

"That's right, this farce can finally be over."

Yan Qingqing walked elegantly in front of Gu Yan, who had an expressionless face.

She looked at him with interest. This man was really interesting. The banquet was originally boring, but he gave her a good show.

"Your name is Gu Yan, right?"

Yan Qingqing smiled gently as usual:"Give me some face, and forget about this matter. We are all invited to the banquet."

"It would be bad to cause trouble to the host."

After that, she smiled at Gu Yan and said,"What do you think?..........."


Yan Qingqing fell to the ground.


The whole audience was stunned.

Yan Qingqing was also stunned. She covered her face blankly and looked up at Gu Yan who was looking at her coldly:" hit me?"

"Shut up ugly girl."

Gu Yan said coldly.

What kind of person is this? Why does everyone come over and shout"Give him face"?

How much is your face worth? I'm giving you face.

Ugly?! Ugly girl?! Yan

Qingqing was stunned. The lethality of this sentence was even greater than the power of being slapped in the face.

For a moment, her eyes turned red, and she looked at Gu Yan with an unconvinced face, crying and shouting:"Who is the ugly girl! Who is the ugly girl? You bastard! I will let my fans cyberbully you!"


"Big! Big Miss!!"

The Yan family bodyguards immediately rushed over and glared at Gu Yan:"Mr. Gu! You really went too far!"

"No matter what, you can't hit our young lady!"

Gu Yan felt a headache after hearing this, so he chose to ignore the other party. Then he looked around and shouted,"Is there anyone else who wants me to give him face?"

The people who were swept by Gu Yan's sight either lowered their heads or looked away.

No one responded in the audience.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yan smiled and said,"Very good."

Then, he walked to Leng Ling'er, who had been standing there in a daze, and stretched out his hand to press on the other's head. He announced to everyone:"Listen to me! I'm protecting the Leng family!"

"Before you embarrass others, think about whether you have the courage to stand in front of me and negotiate with me!"

After these words came out, everyone took a deep breath again.

They looked up at Leng Ling'er, who was standing beside Gu Yan with a dazed look in disbelief.


The Leng family!! Cooperated with the Gu family!!

Oh my God!! This news is really true!!

The Leng family! Is going to make a comeback!!!

Leng Xing'an was also shocked, this this this...Niece, I really didn't mean to borrow Gu Yan's name.

It's because the other party has already announced it in front of everyone......

This time....The situation in Jianghai City is about to change again.....

He looked at the daughter of the Yan family who was sitting on the ground and refusing to get up and crying loudly.

And the heads and children of the big and small families who were covering their faces and doubting themselves.

The head of the Gu family was probably having a headache.

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