Murong Ci's dangerous aura instantly put Bai Jun and Xiao Lin on edge. Bai

Jun looked at Murong Ci and Bai Lian who were leaving quickly with a serious look in his eyes.

Such a small banquet was filled with hidden talents. How could there be such a powerful warrior in this world?

It was indeed the Palace of the King of Hell......

Xiao Lin heaved a sigh of relief. If it were in the past, he would not have taken the other party so seriously.

After all, he was not only a genius, but also had the blessing of the Dragon King Jade. He would definitely surpass the other party in no time.

But now, his most important reliance on improving his own training speed is gone.

Although his training speed is still faster than those of ordinary warriors, it is a world of difference compared to the past.


Xiao Lin looked at Bai Qionglan with fiery eyes again. He could feel that the other person had something of the same origin as his Dragon King Jade.

In other words, the half piece of Dragon King Jade was indeed on the other person!

And he also felt that Bai Qionglan did not have the aura of cultivation. In other words, the greatest effect of this Dragon King Jade was of no use to the other person.

Bai Qionglan also felt Xiao Lin's eyes. She frowned, and her eyes showed an extremely disgusted emotion.

Bai Jun also noticed this. His expression turned cold and blocked Xiao Lin's sight of Bai Qionglan:"Xiao Lin, I warn you, don't have any crooked ideas about my sister."

Xiao Lin also found that he was too excited, so he quickly retracted his gaze and apologized:"Sorry, sorry."

He couldn't say directly here that Bai Qionglan had something he wanted.

After all, Bai Jun was able to practice, and it would be bad if the other party knew that the Dragon King Jade could accelerate practice and took it away.

He couldn't lose another piece of Dragon King Jade.

After all, before going down the mountain, the masters told him...

【Lin'er, you are the key to saving the world, go find the other half of the Dragon King Jade and unify the Dragon King Palace! Finding them can help you control the power of your body!】

Lin'er , you are the child of destiny as predicted. We, the teachers, believe that you will succeed.....

Xiao Lin recalled the master's teachings in his mind. He must not let him down!

The Dragon King Jade must be his!

Because Xiao Lin had his back to Shen Wan'er, she did not see the look in Xiao Lin's eyes when he saw Bai Qionglan.

She just felt that the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong, so she looked at Gu Yan and said,"Then Gu Yan, I'll leave first, you guys chat."

Without waiting for Gu Yan's answer, she walked away immediately.

She was afraid that the Bai army would attack her because of anger in this place.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lin hurried over.

After Shen Wan'er and Xiao Lin left, the atmosphere on Gu Yan's side also eased a little.

Gu Yan is still a little puzzled. He doesn't understand why Murong Ci, who seemed to have no emotions at all in the original book, suddenly came to him?

However, it is strange, but it cannot be denied.

The opponent's strength is also the strongest in the organization, and he is also the most loyal and stable one.

Suddenly, Gu Yan thought of something.

His heart sank, and Bai Lian appeared at the banquet alone.

It is probably because the other party has charmed other men, so he followed in to eat for free.

But if Murong Ci is also here, the situation will be different.

Every time Murong Ci is dispatched, it means that Leng Qingqiu has issued a very important order.

It is an order that cannot fail.

In other words, Gu Yan glanced at everyone present at the banquet.

Many members of the Night Organization have already mixed in.

Some are disguised as waiters, or as children of big families like Bai Lian and others.

What is their purpose? The same as in the original?! To control the Hades Palace?

Gu Yan had a headache in his heart. He originally thought that Leng Qingqiu would not be able to do the same thing as in the original book if his eyes had not recovered.

But now it seems that it is not the case.

Speaking of which, it is all the fault of the original author. The character plot and background story of the villain are really too little described.

Often when reading a book, for example, this little villain has the shadow of Leng Qingqiu behind him, so how does Leng Qingqiu control the other party?

Sorry, it is not written in the book, and it depends entirely on the readers to guess.

As a result, apart from the basic information, he had no idea how Leng Qingqiu controlled the Hades Palace in the original novel, and why he had to constantly control one force after another to deal with the protagonists.

The reason for dealing with Xiao Lin might be because Xiao Lin killed Leng Ling'er, but what about the others? You know, in the original novel, many of Xiao Lin's concubines were attacked by Leng Qingqiu's forces before they met Xiao Lin.

Damn dog author, in order to save effort, the villains were not described or supplemented!

Tsk, think about it, think about it again.

There must be some key factor.

When Gu Yan seemed to have thought of something

""Gu Yan, are you interested in joining the army?"

Bai Jun came over with a smile on his face.

Since Shen Wan'er and the others had left, he naturally didn't need to pretend to be unhappy.

Join the army?

Gu Yan was stunned and quit thinking mode. He looked at Bai Jun's smiling face. He immediately understood that the other party's mention of joining the army was probably to let him join the warrior department. Did the strength he just showed make the other party think that he was a warrior?

He was about to refuse, but.....

Gu Yan seemed to have thought of something, so he neither refused nor agreed, but just said vaguely:"Join the army, I'll think about it."

When Leng Ling'er heard this, she was shocked. If Gu Yan went to the army, there would be no man in the family!

"No, no! Brother-in-law, you can't go to the army! What will happen to my sister and me if you go!"

Leng Ling'er yelled immediately, and then she glared at Bai Jun:"Hey! You fish-eye glasses guy, why did you give my brother-in-law such a bad idea!"

"Sister Ling'er~ My brother is such a bad guy. Whenever he came back, he would take someone back to serve in the army."

"Everyone else refused, but he still insisted on taking people away."

Bai Qionglan also hugged Leng Ling'er's arm and betrayed her brother.

Bai Jun's mouth twitched. This guy was just shouting something - I love my brother the most!

Oh, he was still cute when he was a child.

However, it's rare to meet someone you like when you go out.

He didn't want to give up, so he said to Gu Yan:"Gu Yan, let's talk for a moment."

Gu Yan nodded and said:"Okay.".............

Arriving at a corner of the banquet,

Bai Jun said straight to the point:"Gu Yan, do you know that in addition to ordinary people, there is also a kind of existence called [Warriors] in this world?"

He said this directly for his own reasons. After all, he believed that the Gu family was a top family in Jianghai.

Gu Yan, the only son, should not be unaware of the existence of warriors in this world, or to learn a little about warriors.

Of course, Bai Jun was wrong, because Gu Yan in the original book was indeed well protected, so he did not know the relevant information about warriors.

This also led to Gu Yan being a useless person without any cultivation until his death.

"I know, but what does this have to do with you recruiting me into the army?"

Gu Yan smiled slightly:"You are not going to say something next, seeing that I am a martial arts talent, so you want to recruit me into your warrior department, right?"

Bai Jun showed a trace of embarrassment on his face when he heard it. He really wanted to say that.

Seeing that Gu Yan knew everything, he did not pretend to be so mysterious, but continued:"It is indeed the same as you think."

"When you taught Xie Zhilan a lesson, you must have discovered that your strength was very wrong, right?"

Gu Yan thought for a moment, then replied:"I also exercise on weekdays."

Bai Jun:"?"

Obviously, fitness can't break marble, okay?! Do you think you are a devil muscle man?

Bai Jun almost swore. He took a deep breath, pushed his glasses, and then said with a smile:"Haha, this has nothing to do with your fitness."

"This is most likely because you have awakened the true energy in your body."

"Awakening true qi?"

Gu Yan pretended to be puzzled.

Bai Jun patiently explained:"This is a phenomenon that our ancient martial arts department has discovered in recent decades, or a conclusion we have drawn."

"A long time ago, we always believed that if we wanted to become a warrior, we had to study the ancient books left by our ancestors step by step in order to cultivate true qi."

"But in recent decades, this idea has been overturned because...."

At this point, Bai Jun's tone became a little excited, he looked at Gu Yan:"We found that some ordinary people, under certain circumstances, can awaken true qi in their bodies on their own!"

"One of the main tasks of our department is to find these natural warriors who have awakened their true qi and bring them back to the department for training."

"Become a hero in maintaining social stability���!"

When Gu Yan heard this, he nodded:"So I am what you call a pure natural warrior?"

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