In the dim banquet hall, the three people stared at each other.

Mei Xue was very panicked. Wait, this person is Gu Yan, right?

My ability is also activated, right?

Then why can Gu Yan see them? Even approach them?

Why is this?

Although Leng Qingqiu looked very calm, he was actually very panicked inside.

Oops, why did Gu Yan see them? It shouldn't be?

This is over, he actually saw them, no, no, calm down.

Leng Qingqiu clenched her fists. She and Mei Xue not only concealed their own breath, but also changed their appearance.

Even Gu Yan couldn't recognize them directly. No, it should be said that the other party could come over and talk to them. She was shocked.

It was a foolish dream to want to see through their disguise again.

Gu Yan was a little curious. He originally wanted to find Leng Qingqiu.

As a result, with just a glance, he saw two people standing in the corner who looked out of place with ordinary people.

Let's not talk about Mei Xue for now.

The main thing was that this woman wearing a veil hat gave him a sense of déjà vu.

As she got closer, the familiar feeling became stronger.

Feeling Gu Yan's suspicious gaze, Leng Qingqiu calmed down.

Calm down, since her appearance had changed, her voice could also be changed.

At this time, she just had to be careful not to do anything that would let Gu Yan see the clues.

So, Leng Qingqiu spoke, and her voice changed into one full of charm, as if she was a few years older than Leng Qingqiu herself.

She looked at Gu Yan inexplicably, with interest in her eyes, as if she was wondering which family member had run over here without knowing what was good for him:"Huh? Little brother, have we met somewhere before?"

"If you say that, can sister think you are trying to flirt with her?"

Mei Xue was shocked when Leng Qingqiu's teasing voice came out.

Hiss! Is this the tone that the master would use?

Leng Qingqiu felt extremely ashamed.

Damn it, in order to hide his identity, he had to do this. Anyway, he had already done that kind of thing with Gu Yan in front of Mei Xue.

So it doesn't matter.

Gu Yan was slightly stunned after hearing this. He looked at the woman in front of him who was wearing a black veil and whose face could not be seen clearly, and he was a little hesitant to speak.

It's so strange. Although the voice is wrong, her age looks much older than Qingqiu.

But why is it still so familiar? Especially when the other party opened her mouth, it seemed even more familiar.

More importantly, he couldn't even have any idea of fawning in front of the other party.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan shook his head, coughed lightly, and said:"No, no, no, it's just because ma'am, your figure is very similar to my lover"

"So I couldn't help but walk over, thinking that she also came to this party."


Leng Qingqiu asked a question mark. Although Gu Yan didn't seem to discover her true identity, why did I feel so uncomfortable when I heard him say that?

Oh yes, it was that feeling. I knew that the person Gu Yan was chatting up was me, but I also knew that the person he was chatting up didn't look like me, so I felt very angry.

Gu Yan saw the elegant woman in front of him change her temperament. The other party raised the corner of her mouth slightly and chuckled. The elegant voice also came out:"Little brother, do you know that your way of chatting up is outdated."

As she said, she stretched out her hand and pinched Gu Yan's chin. After teasing him up and down, she nodded, and her tone revealed regret:"It's a pity. Although you look good"

"But my sister doesn't like frivolous men like you."

After saying that, she let go of his hand, looked at Gu Yan, and said lightly:"You...You obviously have a lover, but you are still attracting bees and butterflies outside. Do you know that this will make your lover at home feel very sad and painful."

Gu Yan was stunned when he heard it. He looked at the woman in front of him whose face he could not see clearly.

Then he looked at the man next to the woman.........

"Mei Xue, is this person your friend? Why is he so narcissistic?"

Leng Qingqiu:!!

Mei Xue:.......Leng

Qingqiu turned his head stiffly and looked at Mei Xue who was panicking beside him, and said:"Mei...Plum Snow....Do you know him?"

What's going on? Why did Gu Yan recognize Mei Xue?

No! Should I ask why Gu Yan didn't recognize me?

No, no, isn't it a good thing that he can't recognize me? But why am I so unhappy? Damn it, it's all Gu Yan's fault. I'm so upset. Why did you come here?

Leng Qingqiu clenched his fists, waiting for Mei Xue's reply.

Mei Xue was already panicking, because she didn't cover her appearance, so it was normal for Gu Yan to recognize her.

But, that was because she never thought that the place where she and her master were would be discovered.

"cough...This is Qingqiu's husband, Gu Yan."

Mei Xue coughed dryly and replied according to the answer Leng Qingqiu gave her in her mind.

Leng Qingqiu seemed very surprised to hear this answer. She looked at Gu Yan carefully and nodded:"Oh? You are Qingqiu's lover?"

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

"That was my misunderstanding. I am Qingqiu's sister, my name is Leng Bingning."

Hearing this, Gu Yan became less confident.

He originally thought that the person next to Mei Xue was Leng Qingqiu.

But when the other party said Leng Bingning, he suddenly realized.

Leng Bingning, it turned out to be her.

In the original novel.

Leng Qingqiu actually has a sister named Leng Bingning, who is a character who will appear in the middle and late stages.

The other party was sent to the Bingxin Sect of the ancient martial arts world to practice when she was very young, so she escaped the midnight massacre that year.

In the later period, Leng Bingning became the leader of the Bingxin Sect. She was extremely powerful. As soon as she appeared on the stage, she defeated the protagonist group and became Leng Qingqiu's helper. It was just that after the world discovered that the other party had colluded with the evil way, that is, Leng Qingqiu, they were besieged and destroyed by the warriors of the ancient martial arts world.

The fact that the other party was discovered to have colluded with Leng Qingqiu and was besieged and destroyed was also Leng Qingqiu's handiwork.

Because when Leng Bingning appeared, Leng Qingqiu had already become darker and darker because of the death of her family and her sister.

Even if they knew that Leng Bingning was her sister,....No feelings for her���Leng Qingqiu, who was already a basic person, naturally had only the mentality of using her.

In order to use Leng Bingning, or to get all of her cultivation, she recognized her. Leng Qingqiu had gone crazy, and she only had the idea of revenge.

After using Leng Bingning for everything, she chose to betray Leng Bingning and absorbed all of her cultivation. She let the other party be wiped out by the righteous people.

In short, she was a very pitiful person. She was sent to Bingxin Sect by her family to practice Bingxin Jue since she was a child.

When she grew up and practiced successfully, she learned that all the family members died, and only her sister Leng Qingqiu was still alive.

When she found Leng Qingqiu, she was betrayed by the other party and all her strength was absorbed.

After Leng Qingqiu absorbed Leng Bingning's cultivation, he also learned Bingxin Jue by the way, and practiced Bingxin Jue to the perfect level. He completely became a heartless and heartless person. It can be said that Leng Qingqiu at that time had become a shell driven by the idea of [revenge].

However, Gu Yan did not expect that Leng Bingning recognized Leng Qingqiu so early.

It seems that Leng Bingning in the original novel is a hidden handwriting of Leng Qingqiu.

Or has the plot changed completely now?

Gu Yan was a little unconfident.

But before that.

He smiled at Leng Bingning played by Leng Qingqiu and said,"Hello, I am Gu Yan."

"I didn't expect Qingqiu actually had a sister"

"But you two gave me a very similar feeling, so I misunderstood. I'm really sorry."

Of course I don't have a sister! This guy, why did his attitude suddenly become much better.

Leng Qingqiu felt a little unhappy in her heart, but she chuckled on the surface:"Who makes us sisters?"

"Speaking of....Qingqiu and I have been close friends since childhood, and we even share things."


Leng Qingqiu leaned forward slightly and slowly moved towards Gu Yan. When the two were face to face at a close distance, Leng Qingqiu chuckled and said,"What do you think of me? If you want, I can take off my veil and show you my true face~"

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