"Wan'er, why don't you give Gu Yan another call?"

"Yes, Wan'er, this 130,000 is really too much."

Wu Lili and Xie Baiwei said anxiously.

Usually, Shen Wan'er would pay for dinner and other things, and Gu Yan would take the initiative to reimburse Shen Wan'er after knowing it.

In the past, if Gu Yan knew that he had to pay for Shen Wan'er, he would be so happy that he would post several Moments.

How come Shen Wan'er called in person today, but the person didn't even answer the phone?

The two women were stunned.

They had forgotten that not long ago, they were still telling Shen Wan'er to wait for Gu Yan to admit his mistake first.

Shen Wan'er bit her lip, she glanced at the hung up call, and her self-esteem naturally made her unwilling to call again, but.......

Shen Wan'er glanced at the restaurant owner whose smile seemed to be fading. They definitely couldn't deny the money today.

Shen Wan'er had no choice but to call Gu Yan again.

In her opinion, no matter how busy Gu Yan was, he should have understood the urgency of the matter after seeing her call him twice in a row! He should have answered the phone anyway....

As the call was made, a scene that made Shen Wan'er stunned occurred.

【The user you dialed is powered off.

[Off... powered off?!

How could it be? Gu Yan turned off his phone?! Just because I called him?

Shen Wan'er's expression became a little ugly, and she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Why didn't the other party answer the phone at such a critical moment?

The boss next to her was almost impatient waiting, and Shen Wan'er had no choice but to open the LV bag that Gu Yan gave her. She took out a small box from it.

Shen Wan'er looked at the small box reluctantly. This was the gift that Gu Yan gave her when he asked her to be his girlfriend a few days ago.

She had only tried it a few times and wanted to show off in front of her bestie, but unfortunately....

Shen Wan'er opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring inside.

Wu Lili and Xie Baiwei were stunned, and they swallowed their saliva one by one:"Wan'er, is this a gift from Gu Yan to you?"

For a moment, they were extremely jealous of Shen Wan'er.

Obviously, they and others are not inferior to Shen Wan'er in appearance and background, but why does Gu Yan only like this Shen Wan'er?

Damn, if Gu Yan came to them, maybe she would have become the wife of the Gu family!

Shen Wan'er heard what the two said, nodded silently, then took another look at the diamond ring and handed it to the boss, saying reluctantly:"Boss, can I pay with this?"

The restaurant owner took it and looked at it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Oh? Tiffany diamond ring?

""Miss, are you sure you want to use this diamond ring as a payment method?"

The boss was delighted. He had a very good eye. He could tell at a glance that the diamond ring was specially made, and you could imagine how expensive it was.

It seemed that the person chasing this fake socialite was very powerful, and he was willing to give her such a thing.

After hearing the boss's words, even though she was very reluctant, Shen Wan'er had no other choice now. Gu Yan gave her all these gold and silver jewelry.

Although she is currently in charge of her family's business.

But those are all company funds.

She didn't have that much cash on her. In order to leave, she had to pay with a diamond ring. She nodded:"Well, can we go now?"

Shen Wan'er picked up her bag, her face a little ugly.

Because what happened today has made her very embarrassed.

It's all because of that guy Gu Yan.

If the other party answered her call and came to pay, she wouldn't have to pay with her diamond ring.

The restaurant owner nodded after hearing this, and he smiled and said,"Of course, everyone is welcome to come next time."

When they got outside,

Wu Lili and Xie Baiwei started talking again.

"Wan'er Gu Yan, this scumbag is really too much! He actually hung up the phone directly!"

"Yes, you must talk to him nicely!"

"If I dare not answer your call today, I will scold you directly next time!"

"If the two of you were together, he would definitely abuse you!"

Shen Wan'er's face became uglier and uglier. She clenched her fists and was in a very bad mood.

Gu Yan had always been available whenever she was called before, but today's behavior made her feel uncomfortable for a while.

She took a deep breath and said,"Weiwei, you are right. I won't pay attention to him anymore."

After hearing this answer, the two looked at each other and saw a teasing look in each other's eyes............

The next morning, at the gate of the Leng family,

Leng Linger came out with a bag on her back, yawning listlessly.

"I'm so sleepy and tired, why do I have to go to school?"

After saying this, Leng Ling'er seemed to have thought of something, and her sleepiness disappeared. She looked around as if looking for something, and when she found that everything was the same as usual, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew, it seems that the pervert listened to me carefully."

""Yeah! The crisis is over!"

Leng Ling'er giggled, then took a step and sat on the fancy modified electric scooter parked at the intersection.

Then she put on her helmet and walked towards the school in high spirits.

Less than a minute after Leng Ling'er left.


The door of a luxury car on the side of the road slowly opened.

Gu Yan walked out of it.

He looked at Leng Ling'er who was getting farther and farther away, his eyebrows slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly. He raised his middle finger at that person:"Idiot kid."

Then he walked into the door of the Leng family as if he was going back to his own home.

In the study room,

Leng Qingqiu was improving her level every day.

She was flipping through a variety of books, including finance, biomedicine, management, etc.........

Before becoming blind, Leng Qingqiu was the most talented woman in Jianghai City. Her intelligence was as high as 260 according to international tests, which caused an international sensation.

She also has a photographic memory. It can be said that one of the people who would have stood at the top of the world in the future is definitely Leng Qingqiu.

Therefore, after Leng Qingqiu became blind, some people felt sorry, but more people were glad that this child of the world finally disappeared.

In addition, there has been no news about Leng Qingqiu in recent years, so everyone thought that she was decadent, self-degrading, and ready to be a blind person and live a lonely life.

But this was all an illusion she deliberately created.

The enemy is in the dark, and her goal is to keep herself in the dark, and then use her talents to continuously absorb the world's knowledge. Manipulate everything behind the scenes, and....After so many years of accumulation, she has already become a powerful force in secret.

She has even investigated part of the truth of what happened back then.

For example, the murderer back then was not an ordinary person........Warrior!!!

Leng Qingqiu was thinking too much, and her temples were aching.

"call.....Take a break."

Leng Qingqiu exhaled, leaning back slightly on the chair, tilting her head back slightly, making herself feel a little more comfortable.

For so many years, she would get up at four o'clock every morning and work hard to improve herself.

Not only did she have to do this, she also had to review some important matters of the Leng family company.

After all ,........She is the real person behind the Leng Family Group. Leng Xingan is just the nominal head of the family.

At the same time, she has to secretly cultivate her own power.......

What Leng Qingqiu didn't realize was that when she looked up,

Gu Yan was standing right behind her.

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