Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 140 Lin Xuan’S Confession: “Qingge, I Don’T Love You. But I Like You!”

"Qingge, are you really willing to marry me?"

Su Family Estate.

In the spirit of a gentleman who respects women, Lin Xuan tried to ask the girl what she really thought.

In fact, he also knew very well that the way the two got along was different from ordinary people.

Suppose he was Su Qingge, and after suddenly turning into a vegetative state, he was inexplicably arranged to go on a blind date and get married.

If you are in a passive state of being unable to control yourself throughout the whole process, you will definitely be at a loss as to what to do and resist in your heart.

"Qingge, marriage is not a child's play."

"Before, you were trapped in a prison of consciousness, unable to express your opinions, and you could only let everything happen."

"But now that you are gradually regaining consciousness, we must respect your thoughts."

"If you strongly express your unwillingness to marry me..."

"Then I won't force anyone to make things difficult for me. I just...choose to let you go...(Suddenly choking...)"

Holding the girl's white and tender little hand, Lin Xuan's gentle tone at first gradually gave way to a hint of crying, as if to express her reluctance.

Play hard to get.

Use retreat to advance.

Be considerate.

After several "killing moves" in a row, Lin Xuan knew... it was stable! ! !

Under such moral kidnapping.

Even if Su Qingge is still unwilling in her heart, 99.9% of the time she will not take the initiative to stop their upcoming engagement.

As for letting her go?

You're crazy, put a hammer on it!

Happiness can only be achieved by men themselves.

In fact, girls often have a more passive attitude.

As long as men take the initiative, they will let it go even if they are reluctant.

And after the two people really get together, wouldn't it be beautiful to slowly cultivate and deepen their relationship as they get along day and night? !


Marriage first, love later.

Love grows over time.

This is Lin Xuan's next emotional strategy...

[I do. ]

As expected, the girl lived up to his expectations.

In the palm of his hand, he drew an answer that satisfied Lin Xuan.

"Then you love me?"

Lin Xuan struck while the iron was hot and asked pointed questions again.

But this time, the girl on the hospital bed just fell asleep quietly and did not respond quickly.

Because she didn't even know the answer herself, her head suddenly shut down.

[Damn it! (〃>Van<)I agreed to marry him...]

[Why does Lin Xuan still ask these "weird" questions? ! ]

[How do you want me to answer this? ]

[How long have we known each other? Is "love" something that can happen so easily? ]

[I also want to ask you if you love me? ! ]

[But my aunt taught me a long time ago...]

[A man’s mouth is a liar! ]

[Lin Xuan's answer must be able to say "love" lightly. ]


Su Qingge was in a state of confusion. She had already made up her mind.

In order to repay Lin Xuan's kindness, he will first fulfill the engagement between both parties no matter what.

As for emotional issues, she would think about them after she wakes up.

But she didn't expect that Lin Xuan would be so persistent and cling to this question. Now she was in a dilemma and didn't know how to answer it.

She didn't want to be hypocritical and deliberately pretended to "love" Lin Xuan.

It was so hypocritical and would just make her want to puke.

But if you say "don't love" directly...

She was also worried about hurting the boy's fragile self-esteem. She was also afraid that Lin Xuan would not be able to think about it and ran to the rooftop to enjoy the breeze.

at last.

The girl thought for a long time and gave an ambiguous answer.

[have no idea. ]

As soon as these three words came out, Lin Xuan grinned instantly. He probably knew what Su Qingge was thinking.

For this marriage that was made by mistake.

The girl is not really completely willing, she is conflicted in her heart.

But for various reasons, she doesn't intend to overturn it, and will most likely choose to let nature take its course...

[Then you love me? ]

At this time.

Su Qingge turned around and threw Lin Xuan's question back to him.

I thought the man's answer must be the expected sweet words.

But the next second, Lin Xuan's firm voice came.

"do not love."

Su Qingge: "(ÒωÓױ)??????"

The girl was full of confusion and was stunned by Lin Xuan's "sexy operation" on the spot.

She really thought about it, but she never thought that Lin Xuan would answer this.

For a moment, I felt a little lonely in my heart unconsciously.

[Am I really overthinking everything? Lin Xuan, he doesn't have any feelings for me? ]

[But what happened to those previous actions and words? ! ]

[Is Lin Xuan going to propose breaking off the engagement next? ! ]

[No way, right? ! Why did I build so much in my heart before? ]

[(ΩДΩ)How dare...the clown is actually me? ! ! ]


The entire Magic City, and even all of China, are young talents who dream of becoming partners with Su Qingge.

There are countless crucian carp crossing the river.

Even though Su Qingge never thought highly of himself or was complacent because of his appearance.

But the basic charm and confidence are still there.

So she never thought that a man would say that he didn't love her.

But since you don't love her, why are you preparing to form a partner with her?

Before the girl could express her confusion out loud...

Lin Xuan's voice came over and he gave his own answer.

"Qing Ge, maybe my interpretation of love is different! I think [love] is a relatively high emotional level."

"True love is based on deep emotions. Both parties are willing to give everything to each other, consider each other, and make selfless contributions."

"And have a strong emotional dependence on their partner and cannot live without each other. They hope to establish a deep emotional relationship with their partner and have each other exclusively."

"We have only known each other for a short time, and my feelings for you are not yet at the level of [love]..."


This time, Lin Xuan was not hypocritical.

His words came from the bottom of his heart.

The time the two knew each other was too short.

The way they get along seems too different compared to normal people.

Human nature is selfish, and feelings need to be cultivated.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible for two people to create any "true love" sparks. At most, it is hormonal attraction to each other.

If Lin Xuan swore and said "I love you for ten thousand years" to Su Qingge...

With a girl's high IQ, she will only feel that it is fake and hypocritical, which is counterproductive.

Even Lin Xuan himself might feel sick.

So he did the opposite and only expressed his views on love to Su Qingge.

"Qingge, I don't love you. But I like you!"

"Because every time I stay by your side, I feel happy and satisfied, and I feel joyful emotions unconsciously in my heart."

"I can't always take my eyes away from you. I want to get close to you and know more about you."

"Seeing that your soul is bound to your body and unable to control your own destiny makes me sad and sad for you."

"What I look forward to most every to wake up and see you. This makes me happy all day long."

"I like you♥^▽^♥. You are like my sunshine, lighting up my whole world."

"And this feeling is getting deeper every day. One day, this [like] will evolve into a deeper [love]..."


Lin Xuan explains the difference between "like" and "love" from the shallower to the deeper, raising a wave of expectations for the girl's emotional evolution.

the other side.

On the hospital bed.

After listening to Lin Xuan's "confession" quotation, Su Qingge felt numb and felt dizzy.

I originally thought that when a man said "I don't love her", it meant he hated her.

But I never expected that things would take a turn...

Although Lin Xuan doesn't love her, he says he likes her? !

Ahhhh! ! ! w(゚Д゚)w

crazy! crazy! I'm going crazy! ! !

Is love [love] such a complicated thing?

It’s too difficult. [Love] This question is too difficult!

I can’t, I really can’t do it! ! !


Su Qingge's heart is broken. For her who suffers from male misogyny and is emotionally blank...

[Love] This question is really difficult and requires her to spend her whole life studying it.

But she knew one thing...

Lin Xuan actually likes her!

Think about this.

Su Qingge didn't know why, but a sense of joy kept rising in her heart.

"Qing Ge. I know that you are resistant to this upcoming marriage."

"Especially because your misogyny has not been cured yet. So I don't plan to get a marriage certificate for the time being."

"I will wait until you are willing to confirm the relationship with me as husband and wife, and then we can go get the marriage certificate!"


Adhering to the strong principle that melons are not sweet.

Lin Xuan gave up the opportunity to get a marriage certificate with the girl.

Although he knew that if he wanted...

In the end, Su Qingge would not refuse and chose to become a legal "husband and wife" with her.

But so what? Is it the marriage certificate he lacks?

This is useless!

What he wants is Tie Tie? !

Even if he has the certificate, it doesn't mean that Su Qingge will definitely have sex with him.

Rather than this.

It would be better to retreat in order to advance, and use that certificate that is more decorative than practical to gain Su Qingge's favor.

After all, as long as you win the heart of a beautiful woman, what else do you want?

Then everyone will be mine!

It is very important to have a certificate...

And everything was as he expected. When Lin Xuan said that he would not get a marriage certificate for the time being, Su Qingge subconsciously relaxed a lot.

She was surprised, moved, and guilty.

In fact, Su Qingge was also very helpless.

Nowadays, she has too many worries in her heart. She is really not suitable to enter into marriage and become a good wife and mother in the eyes of most people.

Otherwise, this would be irresponsible to Lin Xuan and may even bring danger and trouble to him.


[Unless one day, I take revenge on my parents. ]

[Otherwise, how could I possibly be able to be the husband and godson that makes me feel at is it possible...]

[I have worked hard for so many years, and even my hands are stained with blood. How can I accept that all my efforts have been wasted? ! ]

[Just like this, I owe Lin Xuan more and more. In the should I pay it back? ]


Just when Su Qingge was filled with emotion and a little confused about the future!

Lin Xuan was in a happy mood.

He rolled up his sleeves, climbed onto the bed carefully, and began the happy body-to-body contact again.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Qingge, let's continue the massage~~"

....... [(,,・∀・)ノ゛hello! Long time no see, I miss you so much. I am hydrograph. I am here to ask for some free gifts for my master, His Highness the Prince! thank you all. ].......

Lin Group, headquarters.

In the conference room.

The board members did not disperse, but were waiting for Lin Jianjun to bring good news.


Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Lin Jianjun, who was soaked to the skin, walked in shivering.

"Old Lin, how is the situation? Has the Su Family agreed to share the prescription?"

"Stop trembling and speak up! I'm really worried. The entire company is now relying on your son."

"Your son must have forgiven you, right? You are his father after all. How can any son be so heartless?"


A group of shareholders looked excited, as if they had seen a savior, and surrounded Lin Jianjun, asking for the results.

But no one noticed Lin Jianjun...

That pale face.

And his body was soaked from the rain and was obviously shivering from the cold.

Seeing those directors who usually nodded and bowed respectfully to him.

At this time, no one cared about their own situation and only kept asking about the "prescription".

Lin Jianjun was extremely angry and heartbroken.

He pushed away the crowd blocking him and cursed:

"Go away! Don't ask anymore, I'm freezing to death."


Lin Jianjun ran to his seat, took out the coat he had left there and put it on himself.

"I didn't even see that beast's face when I went there this time."

"Hmph! The Su Family is so powerful that they wouldn't even let me in. They're a bunch of bastards!"

After feeling a lot of warmth in my body...

Lin Jianjun then turned gloomily and briefly described the humiliation he encountered in the Su Family to everyone present.

I thought everyone was in the same camp.

Everyone present will definitely stand on his side and join him in scolding the Su Family for their arrogance.

It's a pity that he completely underestimated the shamelessness of these former colleagues.

Many shareholders not only did not choose to stand on his side.

He was still indiscriminate and blamed all the faults on him alone, which almost made Lin Jianjun angry to death on the spot.

"Old Lin! We have asked you to lower your attitude, why are you still so arrogant?"

"They won't let you in, so you have to think of a way! Why are you back like this? Maybe this is a test for you from your son!"

"That's right, and even if you can't think of a way, you will always use this trick, right?"

"You could have kneeled down in the rain and kowtow to apologize to your son while it was pouring. I don't believe you can't impress your son like this?!"

"That's right! Even if you don't want to kneel down, you can at least pretend to faint in the heavy rain!"

"It's impossible for the Su Family to remain indifferent! But you came back in despair, so what's going on?"


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