Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 155 Lin Xuan’S Pua Brainwashing Cake, Ma Yingzhe And His Wife Completely Returned To Their H

late at night.

The First People's Hospital of Shanghai.


A van stopped at the gate at high speed, opened the door, threw down three large, twisting bags, and drove away.

Um? ? ?

This strange situation instantly aroused the strong curiosity of passers-by.

They came to the three big bags, carefully untied the knots, and suddenly found the tied...

Three people from the Lin family.

Among them, Lin Jianjun was in the most miserable condition, covered in blood and falling into a coma.

His left hand was completely bare, and all five fingers had been cut off at the root.


As passers-by screamed, it was destined to be a sleepless night...

The next day, early morning.

"(_ _)( - . - )(~O~)......( - . - )~~"

Lin Xuan yawned and stood up. He did a few exercises as usual to regain his energy.

[Ding! If the host and the wall stick together ten times, 10 points will be awarded. ]

[Ding! The host and the earth stick together ten times, and 100 points are awarded. ]

[Ding! If the host and air stick together ten times, 1 point will be awarded. ]

After completing a set of basic exercises of "Sun Wall, Sun Earth, Sun Air", Lin Xuan washed up and went out.


He came to the familiar food stall again.

Only this time, Lin Xuan did not meet Mu Xiaowan.

But he didn't pay attention, walked into the hospital with his legs raised, and headed towards the best VIP ward in the hospital...

2 and a half minutes later.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Lin Xuan took his time and knocked on the door of one of the wards. There was an immediate response in the room, and a rough voice sounded.

"who is it?!"


The person in the room opened the door, and when he saw Lin Xuan standing at the door, his face suddenly became happy.

Immediately, he helped Lin Xuan in with great respect.

"Boss! Come in quickly, come in quickly. I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"I just bought the breakfast you ordered, and it's still hot! Eat it while it's hot!"

Ma Yingzhe was not surprised at all by Lin Xuan's arrival. He had obviously been waiting for it for a long time.

Because yesterday I was reporting on the progress of my work...

Lin Xuan pointed out that it was unclear on the phone, and the two parties rescheduled a meeting time.


"Not bad. We have been apart for three days, so treat each other with admiration."

"When you wear these clothes, how can you tell that you looked down and out not long ago?"

Lin Xuan walked into the ward.

First, he glanced at Ma Yingzhe's outfit, which was completely different from yesterday, and joked with interest.

The ancients said:

A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle.

If yesterday's Ma Yingzhe, at a glance, gave people the image and temperament of an inferiority complex of a "poor rural migrant worker"...

Now, he was wearing a brand new Cheng Liang dark suit, exuding an extraordinary aura in a low-key manner.

He looked every bit like an elite and successful person, carrying himself with confidence.

Facing Lin Xuan's joke, Ma Yingzhe scratched his head in embarrassment and quickly explained:

"Uh... I can't help it! Boss! These days, if you want to scare people, it's necessary to improve your image."

"It can be said that the reason why I was able to complete the task [of acquiring shares] so quickly was due to this outfit."

"As soon as those shareholders recognized the brand value of the clothes I was wearing, their trust level immediately increased a lot."


Ma Yingzhe's mouth was dry as he explained, and he felt uneasy.

He was really afraid that Lin Xuan would misunderstand and think that he would spend the money randomly after getting it.

In fact, there is nothing he can do!

He also felt bad for spending so much money. This outfit cost hundreds of thousands.

If it weren't for Lin Xuan's sponsorship, Ma Yingzhe wouldn't know how many years it would take him to save enough money...

Fortunately, the money spent is still worth it, and it greatly improves the efficiency of my work.

After all, China is a humane society.

When you ride an electric car to discuss business, you feel a completely different sense of oppression than when you drive a Rolls-Royce to discuss business.

In the former, others will not take you seriously at all, while in the latter, they will be polite to you.

this is the truth! ! !

So after taking over the task from Lin Xuan...

Ma Yingzhe didn't immediately go to recover the shares.

Instead, I went to a luxury brand store to buy an outfit first...

Kiton, an Italian Apex Level suit brand whose products are known for their exquisite craftsmanship and elegant style, spent 250,000.

The famous Swiss watch brand - Rolex, the latest popular model of the Submariner series, cost 500,000.

The leather shoes were selected from the Italian national treasure brand, Lattanzi/Langdanzi series, and cost 100,000 yuan.

When he put on this clothes... Ma Yingzhe was almost trembling all over.

He never thought that one day he would have such an opportunity.

His heart couldn't help but be filled with endless gratitude to Lin Xuan who gave him a chance to be reborn.

But at the same time, I was also slightly worried, fearing that Lin Xuan would not understand and think that he was lining his own pockets and squandering money carelessly.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is not a brainless idiot, so he naturally knows Ma Yingzhe's intention.

Seeing that he was eager to explain the purpose of the money to her, she secretly laughed in her heart and took advantage of this opportunity to win over people.

"What are you worried about? You don't think I will blame you for this little money, do you? I'm drunk, do I look so out of place?"

"You will soon become the spokesperson of Lin Group. Image and temperament are particularly important. What does this expense mean?"

"And I'm not interested in money. I'm only interested in the value you can create for me."

"As long as you do things well for me, a few hundred thousand means nothing? You have to remember that our goal is the stars and the sea!!!"


Under Lin Xuan's silent brainwashing PUA.

Ma Yingzhe was so excited that he nodded repeatedly while being moved, secretly determined to make some achievements to repay Lin Xuan's kindness...

While talking and laughing, the two came to the hospital bed, and Lin Xuan also saw the woman who had regained consciousness.

Although his face is still pale, his complexion is much better than in the past few days.

"Xiaomei, this is the new boss I'm talking about, and also your savior."

Under the introduction of Ma Yingzhe.

When the woman on the hospital bed knew Lin Xuan's identity, she looked very reserved and nervous. When she got up, she kowtowed to Lin Xuan to express her gratitude.

"Stop, stop, stop! Why do you and your wife like to do this? Why don't you die so early in the morning?!"

"The most important thing is that you have a good rest now! I really want to repay me. After you recover, you can work with your husband to do things for me!"

Lin Xuan grinned and extended an olive branch.

He remembered that in the plot...

Although Chen Mei's ability is not as good as Ma Yingzhe's.

But with the support of her husband, Late Stage is also a strong woman who is prosperous in the workplace.

"But... can I, a housewife with a junior high school education, really do things for my boss?"

Years of being looked down upon by others have made Chen Mei timid and inferior.

Faced with Lin Xuan's recruitment.

Her first reaction was to doubt her ability, thinking that she was not worthy at all, and she did not even dare to look at Lin Xuan.

When he heard this, Lin Xuan looked solemn, and without thinking, he turned into a life mentor and started the pie-making mode.

"Who says women are inferior to men?"

“Women hold up half the sky.”

"The prince and general Xiang Ning have the guts."


After a quick talk, Chen Mei was forced to say it, her eyes were shining brightly, her heart was surging, and she felt that she had a lot to do.

"Yeah. Thank you boss for trusting me. I will definitely work hard and live up to your expectations."

"That's right, I'm very optimistic about you."

After accepting the two generals in one go, Lin Xuan was in a good mood. He sat down to chat with the couple over breakfast, taking the opportunity to deepen their relationship.

He plans to be a hands-off boss, and from now on, the company's affairs will be fully handed over to Ma Yingzhe and his wife.

So I don’t mind taking some time to sympathize with our employees.

Even according to the character settings, these two people are loyal and will never betray.

But saying a few words can make the other person feel warm, and a small favor can make the other person give up. Why not do it? !

Soon, breakfast time is over.

Lin Xuan stood up with a smile, told Chen Mei to have a good rest, and then left the ward with Ma Yingzhe.

In a lounge.

Ma Yingzhe reported on the current progress of share recovery and gave Lin Xuan some documents to sign.

"Boss. Currently, a total of 38% of Lin Group's shares have been recovered."

"What's left are some retail shares in circulation, and a few small shareholders are still stubbornly resisting."

"When you sign these share transfer contracts, these shares belong to you."

"Now as long as you can recycle your father's shares, the Lin Group will completely become your master."


After listening to Ma Yingzhe's report, Lin Xuan nodded with satisfaction, took out his pen and started signing.

At the same time, he asked if he had heard anything about Lin Jianjun’s whereabouts.

He was still a little worried that the kidnappers had no moral integrity. After receiving the prescription, they not only refused to release him, but also silenced Lin Jianjun.

Then my plans will have to be delayed for a while.

trouble! ! !

Fortunately, after Ma Yingzhe looked weird for a while, he quickly gave the answer Lin Xuan wanted.

"They...are all recovering in this hospital now."


Under Ma Yingzhe's explanation.

Only then did Lin Xuan know that the kidnappers left the three Lin family members in front of the hospital yesterday, as well as Lin Jianjun's current miserable situation.

"I heard that your father lost too much blood and was in a coma all night. I don't know if he is awake now, but his left hand seems to be useless."

Due to the bad influence of [Beauty Ointment], the three Lin family members are completely famous, but they are just notorious.

So there was quite a stir after last night's incident.

The Internet is full of very happy comments, and Ma Yingzhe also knew about these things at that time...

"That's right. As long as you're not dead, then you can do whatever you want!"

"The old man will no longer be stubborn after this incident. It should be much easier for you to acquire shares."

I could hear Lin Xuan's indifference towards his biological father.

Although Ma Yingzhe was a little surprised.

But he still nodded and said that he would meet with Lin Jianjun as soon as possible and take back the shares from him.

"But boss, the Lin Group is already on the verge of collapse, and its brand is already stinking."

“Are you planning to use [Beauty Enhancing Pill] to regain the decline?”

Hear the words.

Lin Xuan smiled and nodded, then shook his head and said mysteriously:

“After I fully grasp the Lam Group, Su Family [Beauty Enhancing Pill] will become the group’s key brand product.”

"But it's not enough! If we only rely on one product, no matter how good it is, it will be difficult for the group to make a bigger breakthrough."

"Now that you've made the choice, you have to go big. Let's produce more popular models..."

How many popular styles will be produced?

Ma Yingzhe was a little confused.

He knows exactly the kind of product that can create massive buzz.

It cannot be developed casually, it requires the right time, place and people.

But why did my boss say it was as simple as eating and drinking?

But doubts remain doubts, what the boss said is definitely correct.

All he has to do is obey orders...


Sorry, I said last time that I have been uneasy for a while since I was diagnosed with the disease.

Today I made another appointment to take a ride and went to the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou for a checkup, but the result was not satisfactory.

This made me really not in the mood to write anymore, so I took a day off.

I'll try to make up for it tomorrow. Sorry, I'm really tired right now and can't write anymore.

Hey, I'm feeling sick all over my body now.

The most troublesome results after the B-ultrasound in the hospital were chronic prostatitis and varicocele.

In particular, the varicocele is severe. The doctor said that after many years of practicing medicine, I was the most severe one he had ever seen. It may also be related to the injury I received when I was a child.

Anyway, what the doctor means is that apart from surgery, there is no possibility of recovery by taking medicine...

I haven't thought about the surgery yet. After all, it requires an incision on the testicles. I'll see how it goes then.

In fact, these were not bad, but the one that hit me hard was the semen test, the result almost made me collapse. . . . . .

The sperm activity is extremely low, the malformation rate is as high as 60%, and the liquefaction time and viscosity are all abnormal.

In short, it is impossible to give birth to a child under the current situation.

And although I haven’t tried it, the doctor said that I was suffering from Qi and blood deficiency, severe kidney deficiency, premature ejaculation and almost couldn’t run away. . . . . .

And I’m getting married in 2 months, and my blind date is going crazy! ! !

I didn't expect that so many things that only happen in movies would happen to me one day. I really want to laugh, haha.... (If it's so miserable to a certain extent, I might just... smile bitterly~)

I stopped talking. The more I talked, the more I wanted to cry. I felt so tired. o(╥﹏╥)o

I advise everyone to cherish your body.

Especially don't hit the machine. I've been using it for ten years, but it turned out to be useless. I don't know what to do anymore.

As a man who is about to turn 30, living like me, I really can’t hold my head up, I really want to cry, I’m so tired! ! !

This fucking life! ! !

Hurry! ! !

PS: I will reset my mentality tomorrow and make up for the word count. I'm not in a good mood these days due to illness, so what I write is a bit watery, sorry.

Don’t worry, it’s impossible to interrupt updates.

After all, my income depends entirely on this book. Even for 600 yuan for full attendance, I have to guarantee a minimum of 4,000 words per day. If I stop reading, I won’t even have money to buy medicine.

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