Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 189 In The Small Pavilion, Lin Xuan Feeds The Girl Ice Cream


As soon as the rocking pirate ship stopped, Bai Susu got off the ship with weak legs and kept making retching sounds from her mouth.

Her face was as pale as paper, and her body was trembling slightly, as if she might collapse at any moment.

His body leaned forward involuntarily, covering his chest with one hand.

The other hand tightly grasped the railing beside him, as if this was the only way to keep himself steady.

When Chen Kexin saw this, she was worried. She quickly handed Bai Susu a tissue and patted her back, trying to make her feel better.

"Susu, are you okay?"

"You can't just talk to me! Why do you have to make such a sacrifice for me?     "

"I originally wanted to invite you to ride the roller coaster. Forget it, I'll just rest with you!"


When I think of Bai Susu, for her own sake, she would not hesitate to endure her physical discomfort and risk her life to accompany Loli.

Chen Kexin's eyes were red with emotion.

She really... I'm going to cry to death...


Knew it.......

Only the same sex is true love, and the opposite sex is just to carry on the family line...

At this time, Bai Susu had no extra energy to respond to the little Loli's concern.

She sat silently on the stone pier, waiting for her body to recover.

At the same time, he looked around, looking for Lin Xuan and others...

Under a big tree, she saw Su Fan, who had an expressionless face and put his hands in his pockets, maintaining his composure at all times.

Follow the other person’s gaze.....

Finally, we saw Su Qingge and Su Qingge standing on the merry-go-round in the distance...

My heart suddenly felt as if a five-flavor bottle had been knocked over, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

Once upon a time, she was also the Snow White in Lin Xuan's heart. He had been paying attention to her silently and sharing the happiness and sorrow in his heart with her.

All the sunshine, handsomeness, tenderness, and smiles bloomed for her alone.

Lin Xuan also said personally...I like her kindness, her innocence, and her purity...

But now...

But he hugged other girls and rode the merry-go-round together, smiling so brightly and happily.

Bai Susu felt like a superfluous person, like an abandoned child, like a soulless body.

She wanted to leave, but couldn't take the step.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't.

She wanted to shout, but couldn't find her voice.

She could only stand there blankly, watching Lin Xuan hug the other girls, spinning around and around, feeling her heart break into pieces...

At this time.

In the amusement park, Lin Xuan's song happened to be playing.

It was a new song single he released not long ago under the name [L], and the lyrics fit the occasion.


"I should be under the car~~"

"Shouldn't be in the car~~"

"See how sweet you are~~"

"This way~~"

"I also give up easily~~"

"Give me the courage to leave~~"

"He must love you very much~~"

"Compare me too~ It only took a minute to break up~~"


Listening to these lyrics seems to be tailor-made for myself.

Bai Susu felt it for a while...

It hurts to breathe...

She doesn't know why she is like this? I feel like a clown, only when I lose it do I know how to cherish it.

She doesn't know what to do? How should I face my heart? How to face the fact that Lin Xuan has changed his mind?

She felt so helpless, so powerless, so helpless.

She felt so stupid, so stupid, and so pitiful.

She felt that she needed another kind of stimulation to relieve the pain...


Bai Susu stood up suddenly and grabbed the confused Chen Kexin.

"Let's go! If you want to play roller coaster, I'll go with you."

"Ah...this?! (Touched~~)"

Looking at Bai Susu's back, little Loli's heart felt warm and her eyes were red.

In order to have fun with him, even though the other party was feeling unwell, he still stood up and risked his life to accompany Loli.

Susu, she really...I almost cried to death...

If this is not considered love~~

Then tell me, what is love? ! ! ! !

Chen Kexin suddenly discovered...

My original unwavering love for Sister Qingge wavered for a moment.

But this can't be blamed on her. It was Bai Susu's love that broke out so passionately that she couldn't resist it! ! !

Sister Qingge~~

If I can’t control myself and cheat~~~

Don't blame me~~~

Wuwuwuo(╥﹏╥)o, I actually don’t want to either.

But the love she gave was too much~~~


Chen Kexin fell into a dilemma (ー`´ー), entangled and sad...

Bai Susu began to feel sorry for herself, feeling that no one understood her sadness (⊙︿⊙)...

the other side.

Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan have got off the carousel and are wandering around.

After a while.

He found a small pavilion and placed the girl in his arms on his lap.

One hand held Su Qingge's little head in his arms, fearing that it would fall.

One hand is holding the strawberry-flavored ice cream I just bought.

During this period, Su Qingge's face was always extremely rosy.

From time to time, he would peek at Lin Xuan out of the corner of his eye.

~~( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~~~

Everything I experienced today was like a dream, as if I was in a love idol drama.

She always feels like she is still dreaming...

Who would have thought that Su Qingge would come to an amusement park with a man one day...

They were still like little children, carrying each other on their backs or snuggling in each other's arms along the way.

To those who knew her, this was an almost unimaginable sight.

"Qing Ge, do you want to eat ice cream?"

"The strawberry flavor is delicious."

"(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧This taste... in one word, absolutely!"

Lin Xuan grinned, licked the red ice cream in his hand a few times, and shook it seductively in front of the girl.

[(〃>Van<)What a disgusting man, knowing my current situation and asking me if I want to eat...]

[Can I eat it if I want to? Show off on purpose, right? ]

[And you have licked this...→_→You dare to give it to me to eat, bacterial infection warning! ]

[Hey, I can’t eat it when I see it! I'm furious! ]

[I have forgotten the last time I had ice cream? It seems...many years ago, right? ]


Su Qingge blinked, staring at the tempting strawberry-flavored red ice cream.

It is like a summer elf, quietly held in Lin Xuan's hand, exuding a charming sweet fragrance.

That bright red color is like the scorching sun in summer, passionate and unrestrained.

In the past, due to my status as CEO, I also had the problem of gaining weight due to eating too many desserts...

Su Qingge has almost never touched these creamy snacks since she became an adult.

But since becoming a vegetative state...

Only then did she realize that in the face of life and death, everything was just a cloud.

Sometimes you should eat when you need to eat, and drink when you need to drink.

Otherwise, if you are unable to eat or drink, it will be too late to regret it...

"(。•﹃•。)If you want to eat..."

"Qing Ge, just blink your right eye and I'll feed you."

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, the girl couldn't help but be extremely surprised.

What's my current situation?

Are you sure you can feed me?

How to feed?

I can't even open my mouth? ? ?

Although his heart was full of confusion, Su Qingge still followed the instructions and blinked his right eye.


"I understand, I'll give it to you."

Lin Xuan smiled mischievously, dipped some red ice cream on the middle finger of his right hand, and inserted it directly into the middle of the girl's red lips...

Su Qingge: “what fuck???????”

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