Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 278 Lin Xuan Became The Representative Of Justice, And The Entire Network Supported Lin Jian

“I am here to plead with the judge to sentence Lin Jianjun to death!!!”

(ÒωÓױ)Nani? ! death penalty! ! !

Witnessed by the majority of netizens, Lin Xuan's cold words immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

No one expected...

The chairman of the Su Group is so ruthless that he actually wants to kill his own father! ! !


"Oh! Zun Du is fake, that's too cruel! After all, he has the gift of procreation, isn't it a bit too much?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... I originally suspected that Mr. Lin was putting on a show, and he would definitely look for opportunities to rescue his father in private! It seems that I am superficial!"

"So cruel! But I like it. Anyone who has watched the video about Lin Jianjun knows that that guy is an incurable scum!!!"

"That's right! If you support Mr. Lin, beasts like Lin Jianjun should be sentenced to death!!!"

"Even if you don't get the death penalty, you will be sentenced to life imprisonment at the very least!"

"Support Mr. Lin's request!"

"Support Mr. Lin!"


Lin Xuan's act of killing relatives out of justice has received enthusiastic support from the majority of netizens.

In major live broadcast rooms, the screen is full of barrages such as "Lin Shao 666", "yyds", "strong support", "Tai Ku La", etc.


No matter what era you are in, there are always some high-minded moral bitches who will jump out...

In the crowd, a female anchor with heavy makeup held up her mobile phone with a look of dismay on her face.


"Director Lin, are you too cruel and ruthless? Tiger poison does not even eat its seeds!"

"No matter what, that man is still your father. Even if he is not very good to you, at least he has raised you."

"Why do you have to worry so much and hold on to his mistakes? As the saying goes, if you endure the calm for a while, you can take a step back to make the world brighter!"

"And they are both biological sons. Why does your father only favor his illegitimate son and choose to hurt you?"

"Do you have some problems yourself? Have you ever reflected on yourself?"


The female anchor spoke carefully and pretended to have a noble attitude. She stood on the moral high ground and pointed at Lin Xuan.

She believes that this wave of "kind" and "just" remarks will definitely increase her fans and become a top anchor in one fell swoop.

But he ignored the weird looks around him, especially Lin Xuan, who glanced at the female anchor as if she were a fool and said speechlessly:

"I'm thinking about your mother!"


The female anchor was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned ugly for a moment.

She was just about to complain to the Jimei people in the live broadcast room, scolding Lin Xuan for not respecting women and being a lowly man...

"First of all, I want to correct you! Lin Hao is not the biological son of my scumbag father!"


Not his biological son? That is........

Damn it, could it be...that guy is too miserable? !

For a bastard who is not related by blood, he turned against his own son...

After hearing such explosive inside information, everyone was full of gossip and couldn't help but mourn 2 and a half seconds of silence for Lin Jianjun in their hearts.


"Anyone who commits a crime must pay the price! Everyone is equal before the law!"

"It would be fine if Lin Jianjun only damaged public property, and his crime would not lead to death."

"But after he caused the tragedy of two families..."

"Not only did he not repent at all, but he despised the law and spoke nonsense, which had an extremely bad impact on society!"

"The reason why I request that he be sentenced to death! On the one hand, it is murder to pay for life, which is reasonable! On the other hand, it is to give an explanation to the family of the victim..."


In full view of everyone, Lin Xuan looked sad and heavy.

"According to the reliable information I got!"

"One of the female college students who lost her life was a poor person who was abandoned by her biological parents since she was a child and lived in an orphanage."

"Fortunately, ten years ago, she was adopted by an old couple who were unable to have children due to physical reasons. From then on, she lived a poor but happy childhood."

"Now that girl finally got into Shanghai University through her own hard work, work-study, and the hope of her whole family."

"Maybe in a few years, after graduating from college, their family will be able to make ends meet. The girls can also rely on their own efforts to make their adoptive parents live a good life."

"But this should have been a beautiful thing, but now it's..."

"The most painful thing in this world is when a white-haired person gives a black-haired person a gift."

"Lin Jianjun killed not only the life of the girl in her prime, but also all the hopes of the old couple! Do you think Lin Jianjun should die?!"


The sonorous and powerful words resounded in everyone’s ears.

Originally, they were only swayed by Lin Jianjun's arrogant attitude and the antagonism between the rich and the poor, but no one really cared about the situation of the victims.

Now they suddenly heard Lin Xuan reveal that they knew the specific information of the deceased.

For a moment, the eyes of the crowd who came back to their senses were all burning with blazing anger.

Among them, many people from poor families felt the same and shed tears of sadness and sympathy.

Everyone can hardly imagine how much pain the old couple will be immersed in for the rest of their lives after losing their daughter. !


"Death, damn! Lin Jianjun must die! If you don't kill, it won't be enough for the people to be angry!!!"

"That girl is so pitiful! That old couple is even more... wu wu wu... How are they going to live their lives in the future?"

"I remember my life when I was a child. My family was very poor at that time! I vowed at that time that I would study hard and let my parents live a good life in the future! Now my dream has come true, but that girl... "

"It's not just the girl's family, the other victim is not dead! But I heard that he became a vegetative state and will never wake up in this life! Damn Lin Jianjun!!!"

"How can such a scumbag be worthy of being Mr. Lin's father? He's not worthy! I support Mr. Lin's righteousness in annihilating his relatives!!!"

"Good people! I used to think that rich people were bastards! Now it seems there are still some good people!"

"Support Mr. Lin, support the Su Group!!!"


At this moment, both the excited crowd at the scene and the hundreds of millions of netizens in major live broadcast rooms were all moved by the girl's story told by Lin Xuan.

They all mourned for the girl from the bottom of their hearts, felt sorry for the kind old couple, and were extremely disgusted with Lin Jianjun, that lawless beast.

At the same time, in the minds of everyone, Lin Xuan has become the righteous representative of "extermination of relatives for justice"! ! !

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