Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 299 Lin Xuan’S Uncle And Aunt Appear On The Stage

Tang family.

"Beasts! How could there be such heartless parents? They refused to save her and forced her daughter to give up treatment?"

"(O_o)What??? Abuse? Abduction? So this is the truth?!"

"Hey, ε=(´ο`*))) What a poor girl!"


After carefully browsing the entire post, Tang Chuan's mood changed again and again. His sense of justice made him furious, and he also expressed deep sympathy for Chu Ling's experience.

Especially I don’t know why……..

He discovered that the girl's appearance was quite similar to his mother? !

This made Tang Chuan instinctively feel a sense of intimacy, and he even had the urge to help the other person.

"My beastly cousin finally did something good this time. This girl is so young. If she hadn't met her cousin, the consequences would have been... Wait!!!"

"Could this be the purpose of that beast? The other party is a pervert who likes minors. The girl in the video is so skinny that she looks like a child..."

"If my cousin repays his kindness and makes a perverted request, such a weak and helpless girl will not be able to resist his violence!"


Tang Chuan frowned. Innate took over his subjective consciousness, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became.

No, how could I just sit back and do nothing? !

Tang Chuan, who has a strong sense of justice, is determined to put Chu Ling on the rescue list and help her escape from the clutches of her beastly cousin, just like he was about to help [L]...

"But what exactly should we do? By the way, I can ask my parents?! As the saying goes, three stooges can rival Zhuge Liang!"

"They know the true identity of Cousin Beast as well as I do, and maybe there are other ways."


Thinking of this, Tang Chuan clenched his cell phone and walked out of the room in a few steps.

When he came to the luxuriously decorated living room, he was surprised to find that his parents were both at home...


On the sofa, a plump and graceful lady was sitting.

Her name is Xu Shuyun, she is a strong woman, and she controls [Shuyun Entertainment Media Co., Ltd.], which is an influential comprehensive large-scale private entertainment group in China, mainly involved in film and television, music, entertainment brokerage and other fields.

It owns many popular and well-known artists, such as Cai Xukun, Wang Yibo, Deng Chao, Yang Yang, William Chan, Zhang Han, etc.......

Today, Xu Shuyun is wearing a black suit with body integration, which is elegant and solemn.

The straight shoulder lines and straight trouser legs all show her majesty and determination.

A delicate pearl necklace hangs gently from the neckline, adding a bit of feminine tenderness to her rigor.

Her hair was also combed meticulously, and every strand seemed to tell her rigor and self-discipline.

Although there are traces of time in the corners of her eyes, it does not reduce her charm, but adds a bit of maturity and stability to her.


Standing by the balcony was a middle-aged man with an elegant temperament who looked to be in his early 40s.

He was tall and straight, wearing a crisp suit and black tie, and his leather shoes were polished as bright as a mirror.

Under the soft sunshine.

The man's face showed a calmness and depth that had been baptized by time.

The corners of his eyes were slightly wrinkled, but he still had that unique charm, like the traces of time gently crossing his face, giving him a mature and wise temperament.

This person's name is Tang Guoan, director of the Ministry of Land and Resources Planning.

Because of his status, he holds some of the country's latest land planning information...

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