Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 327 Dare To Take Action Against My Sister And Brother-In-Law? Brother-In-Law, Bear The Burde

Under the patient guidance of the staff.

After taking the pen and paper, Lin Xuan and the two began to lie on the table and fill in the information on the form carefully.


Lin Xuan's pen tip flew across the paper, and his handwriting was neat and powerful. Every word seemed to reveal his respect and cherishment of this marriage.

Su Qingge, who was beside him, was filling in the form while reading each word softly to ensure that there were no omissions or errors and everything was foolproof.

Two and a half minutes later, the two people who had both completed filling in the form looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of longing and expectations for the future...

"You two, please come with me."

Under the leadership of the staff, Lin Xuan and the two came to a solemn corner, the swearing-in area.

This is a small wooden platform, with the sacred five-star red flag fluttering in the wind.

Under the national flag, Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan solemnly read out their wedding vows with their hands on the "Constitution of the People's Republic of China".

"We voluntarily become husband and wife, starting today..."

Lin Xuan's voice was loud and firm, and every word revealed his commitment and expectations for the future.

Su Qingge read along softly from the side. Her voice was gentle and sincere, full of faith and expectation for love.

At the same time, she held Lin Xuan's big hand tightly, and tears flashed unconsciously in her beautiful eyes, which was the concentration of happiness.

Click! Click!

After the oath was completed, the staff also took a group photo of the two to capture this beautiful moment.

In the photo, Lin Xuan and his wife are standing under the national flag, smiling brightly and happily, as if the whole world has become better because of their love...

Finally, the staff solemnly handed two bright red marriage certificates to Lin Xuan and his wife.

After receiving the certificate, both of them couldn't wait to open it. Looking at the names and photos of both parties on it, their eyes were full of joy and emotion.

I only saw it on the marriage certificate.

The names Lin Xuan and Su Qingge are closely linked, as if to remind them that they will spend the years to come together and the new life that is about to begin...

At this moment, lovers finally get married.

The two became the most important people in each other's lives and became a real couple! ! !

Although the whole process is simple, it is full of solemnity and sacredness.

From waiting in line, submitting materials, filling out forms, taking oaths, taking photos, and receiving marriage certificates, every step represents an important moment when they are about to enter the marriage hall...

Looking at the sacred marriage certificate in his hand, Lin Xuan looked at the girl aside suddenly, grinned and said:

"Daughter-in-law! We can't look back on the past. Please give me your guidance for the rest of my life."

Hear the words.

Su Qingge raised his head with a smile and responded neatly: "I hope there will be no betrayal in this life, and I will be more tolerant in the next life."

Lin Xuan, who became interested, continued to speak with poetry and made a romantic confession: "I love you like a poem, like a picture scroll, and my love is so deep that it fills my heart."

Su: "The hand we hold will never change, and we will go to the end of the romantic world together."

Lin: "Love is like a star that never dies, love is like a flower that blooms and never withers."

Su: "I wish to be with you till the end of the world, and my romantic love will never grow old."

Lin: "I can't stop loving you in this world, and everything in the world becomes poetry."

Su: "Holding hands and growing old together, this romantic vow will last forever."

Lin: "The wind blows the flowers and makes them miss each other, while the rain hits the pear blossoms and closes the door."

Su: "It's hard to end love over the years, but I only hope to spend eternity with you."

Lin: "Love is like a dream, and dreams are like smoke, and love is as deep as the sea and never changes."

Su: "I am willing to go through the wind and rain with you and share this fate hand in hand."


Under the admiring eyes of everyone in the hall, Lin Xuan and I left the Civil Affairs Bureau with smiles on their faces.

The warm afterglow of the setting sun shines on the road home.

Lin Xuan pushed the girl in the wheelchair and walked towards home, talking and laughing...

His eyes fell gently on Su Qingge, looking at her cheeks that were flushed with excitement, and endless love surged in his heart.

"Qingge, what time is it now?"

"Huh? Now? 5:30, what's wrong?"

Su Qingge was stunned by the sudden question. She subconsciously glanced at her phone before answering.

"Wrong ×."

Lin Xuan shook his head, and under the girl's confused gaze, he took her little hand and intertwined their fingers, and said with a bad smile:

"This is the starting point of our happiness."


Su Qingge reacted and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Then he pinched Lin Xuan hard on the nipple.

Seeing the man grimacing in pain, he said angrily: "You are so oily! How disgusting! →_→"

"Come on, go home quickly! Don't you want me to sing a duet? I want to hear it!"

"∠(°ゝ°) I obey, my dear wife. Hurry up! I'm going to speed up. Go ahead~~~"

"Hey, hey, hey! Be safe! And don't shout so loud. If you don't think it's embarrassing, I will."


In the friendly eyes of passers-by with aunty smiles on their faces.

Lin Xuan shouted "┗|`O′|┛ 嗷嗷嗷~~", quickened his pace, and pushed the wheelchair to run amidst the girl's exclamations.

The whole journey was filled with the laughter and laughter of the two people, as well as their happy smiles.


The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the young couple, reflecting their happy backs.

And just when Lin Xuan and his wife were enjoying the quiet time, little did they know that someone was carrying the burden for them...

There was a white van parked at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Sitting in the car were three fierce and burly men, each of them filled with evil spirits, and their hands were stained with a lot of blood.

"Boss, the target person has appeared again. Do you want to take action now?"

In the driver's seat, the leading bald man stared closely at Lin Xuan's backs, holding a walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Stand by for the time being, don't alert the enemy. There are many organizations coming this time, and they have attracted the attention of Chinese officials. It is not the best time to take action now. You withdraw first, and then wait..."

"Roger that, boss."

Toot toot—

After the call was cut off, the bald man put away the walkie-talkie and shrugged helplessly at the other companions in the car.

"I heard you! The boss asked us to retreat first, let's go!"

"What a pity! If I do it now, I am 95% sure of success. It would be a pity to miss it!"

"That's right! I can stab a disabled person and a helpless rich second generation to death with one finger. I suggest that we discuss it with the boss again..."


In the car, three burly men were discussing...

The back seat door was suddenly opened. Under the astonished eyes of several people, an ordinary young man sat on the car with an expressionless face and closed the door slowly.



For a moment, there was only deathly silence in the car, except for the young man's cold voice.

"By the way! By the way, are you mercenaries? Or killers?"

"What's the purpose of finding those two people? Kidnapping? Assassination?"

"I will give you different ways to die based on your answers..."


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