Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 49 Su Qingge's Waiting! Lin Xuan, Hurry Home. I Miss You!

The next day, the golden crow shines brightly.

"Qing Ge, (^_^) / Good morning."

Lin Xuan, dressed in comfortable sportswear, entered the familiar girl's boudoir with a bouquet of violets in his hand.

He first put the violets on the head of the bed as usual.

Then he sat in front of the hospital bed and took Su Qingge's little hand.

[Ding! The host and Su Qingge "palm" stickers, rewarding 1 point/7 seconds. ]

Um? Or seven seconds?

Sure enough, the further you go, the harder it is to gain favorability.

Lin Xuan muttered in his heart.

But this was already in his expectation, so he didn't feel so disappointed......

Ten minutes later, Lin Xuan got up to say goodbye.

"Alright! Qing Ge, I have to leave the meeting first."

"Today is the day when my stepdad and I formally signed the share transfer contract."

"So now I'm rushing to the agreed hotel signing place, your grandfather is still waiting for me downstairs?!"

After speaking, Lin Xuan was about to turn around and leave.

And at this time.

In the dark cage of consciousness......

After hearing the news that Lin Xuan was about to leave, Su Qingge desperately controlled the little toe of his right foot.

She has a strong intuition.

I really seem to... have regained a little control over my body.

[Lin Xuan, hold back first~~~]

[Check the position of my feet first, can I move? ! ]

[I really want to know now! ]

[Look at my feet quickly and tell me.... did the toes really move!] quick! look! ! foot! ! ! ]


Su Qingge shouted from the bottom of his heart.

She really wanted to know if it was her own illusion.

Or is Lin Xuan's massage and massage really effective? !

I don't know if prayer helped.

Su Qingge sensed familiar footsteps, and had already reached the door of the room, but suddenly turned back...

[Is it finally going to be discovered? ]

[If it is known that I am conscious and begin to control my body........]

[Lin Xuan, grandpa, Kexin and the others will definitely be very happy. (〃'▽'〃) ]


It seemed to have heard the joyful cheers of the crowd.

Su Qingge was in a much happier mood.

Immediately, she mobilized all the strength of her feet again, controlling the sensation on her little toe.


Little toes as white as jade.

Like an ancient brothel woman beckoning, the arc slowly undulates up and down.

"Come on, Mr. Lin!"

Just when the little toe was trembling, thinking that he had successfully seduced Mr. Lin for his master...


A white light covered the top, and its eyes went black, and it went blind.

"Almost forgot, it's getting colder these days."

"I have to cover you with a good quilt, otherwise you'll catch a cold..."

Lin Xuan wrapped the girl tightly with a quilt, only revealing a beautiful head.

Only then did he clap his hands in satisfaction, humming an unknown song and strode away...

"I dried up the silence, regretting very impulsively~~"


As the door closed, the room returned to deathly silence again.

Only the girl on the hospital bed was silently complaining...

[Damn Lin Xuan, (╬◣д◢) Are you really trying to piss me off? ! ]

[Ahhh, why can’t I see it. ]

[Are all boys so careless? ! ]

[And why did you help me cover it so tightly? |_・) ]

[It makes me a little hot now, what do you think... ]


Seeing another missed opportunity.

In his heart, Su Qingge made complaints about Lin Xuan fiercely.

But as time passed, she suddenly fell silent again.

[So quiet.....]

[As expected... I still can't get used to this situation...]

In the past few days, Lin Xuan was almost like a conjoined twin, always sticking to Su Qingge's hospital bed, chatting with her to relieve boredom.

Even if he never got an answer to everything he said, he still worked tirelessly and talked to himself.

It's just that what Lin Xuan doesn't know is...

In fact, every word he said, Su Qingge silently replied in his heart.

Although this behavior is a bit ridiculous.......

Although Su Qingge himself knew...

It is impossible for Lin Xuan to hear her voice answering.

But she is still working hard in her own way, taking Lin Xuan's contribution seriously.

And it is precisely this silent way of dialogue that makes Su Qingge gradually forget that not long ago...

That hysterical sense of helplessness and hopelessness.

Now, the young man who stayed by the bed all day is gone.

Su Qingge finally recalled the past...

The fear dominated by darkness and silence......


Today's Su Qingge has hope to support him, and he also has the warm package in his palm.

She was no longer alone.

[Lin Xuan, come back early. ]

[I miss you. ]

.......Special dividing line for hydrology.......

"Xiaohao, don't worry. You will be released in the afternoon."

"When we finish signing the share transfer contract, we will be able to pick you up and get you out of prison."

The Metropolitan Police Department.

Meet indoors.

Lin Jianjun and his wife were looking at their son distressedly through the transparent glass.

"Woo woo woo..."

"Mom and Dad, take me out quickly! I'm so scared here!"

Lin Hao's eyes were blank, and he looked very haggard.

When he saw his parents, he could no longer suppress the fear and grievance in his heart, and wiped away his tears.

For the past three days, he lived in fear.

At the beginning, he was detained in the same detention room as a dozen or so society thorns covered in tattoos...

Originally, Lin Hao didn't care about it, he just wanted to get through the three days, in the blink of an eye.

Who would have thought that the group of burly men would find his fair-skinned, frail and bookish appearance very appealing? !

On the first day after entering, he was forced to pick up soap together.

They also planned to throw him down together and forcibly execute "a big man all over his body" on him.

Fortunately, Lin Hao kept an eye out, took out the toothbrush he had hidden in a hurry, and swung the thorns desperately.

Only then did the policemen who arrived belatedly detain Lin Hao alone in another room, otherwise now...

Maybe the chrysanthemum has long since died? !

Recalling the horrible experience of the past few days, Lin Hao was so frightened that he trembled all over, and couldn't help but choked up.

He wants to go home.

And this miserable appearance immediately made Bai Yuelan's heart ache.

It is the so-called mother-child connection.

She couldn't hold back the tears for a moment.

Mother and son looked at each other through the window, both crying.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. Be strong man, I will pick you up in the afternoon."

"Hey, don't cry. Daddy is here, and Daddy will protect you two."

On the side, Lin Jianjun felt uncomfortable seeing this scene, so he hurriedly comforted him softly.

No matter what Lin Hao looks like in private...

He has always been his favorite young son.

Coupled with the fact that he has fallen out with Lin Xuan, he will have to rely on Lin Hao's son for the pension in the future.

That's why he doesn't care about Lin Xuan's "stimulation of discord", thus alienating Lin Hao...

ten minutes later.

Under the repeated assurances of Lin Jianjun and his wife.

Lin Hao turned his head three times with red eyes.

In the end, two policemen, one on the left and one on the right, directly carried him out of the meeting room...

When the baby son's back disappeared, Bai Yuelang couldn't hold back any longer, and hugged Lin Jianjun beside him, tears streaming down his face.

"Husband~~~ Tell me, why is Xiaohao's life so hard... (sobbing)..."

"Okay, it's all right! Don't cry, be good!"

Lin Jianjun hugged Xiaojiao's wife in his arms and comforted her softly.

After a while.

With his dog-licking efforts, Bai Yuelan finally felt a lot better, smiling through tears.

At this time, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the big clock hanging on the wall.

"Oops, man. We're late!"

Seeing that it was more than half an hour before the appointed time, Bai Yuelan couldn't help covering her mouth and screaming.

"It doesn't matter, the king is always the finale."

"Besides, what's the matter with telling them to wait? Just give them a blow."

Lin Jianjun glanced at the big clock with a nonchalant expression on his face.

Under Bai Yuelan's kind words and sweet words.

That's why he was dragged out of the police station without haste.

main entrance.

There was a brand-new rented van parked, and there were a few men in suits and leather shoes standing around, waiting eagerly for something...

They are all members of the legal department of the Lin Group, responsible for the handover of the share transfer contract.

Seeing the appearance of Lin Jianjun and his wife, they all bowed at 90 degrees and shouted:

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Hi Madam Chairman!"

The loud voice attracted passers-by to stop and watch.

"Well. Get in the car!"

And this also greatly satisfied the vanity of the couple.

Lin Jianjun even waved his hands pretendingly, motioning for everyone to come over and help him get into the car.

As a result, several workers were forced to be oppressed by capital.

Only one can open the door.

The two left and right helped Lin Jianjun get into the car.

The remaining three.......

Wearing black-rimmed glasses, he opened his hands vigilantly and surrounded Lin Jianjun and his wife in the center, fearing that they might encounter any danger.

And this behavior, which was bigger than the pomp of the country's leaders, immediately received a lot of cynicism from passers-by.

"Damn it! Who is this idiot? What are you pretending to be?"

"Hahaha... drive a van to pretend to be aggressive, and at least rent a sports car if you want to pretend!"

"Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu to help

"It's outrageous! When I saw it just now, I thought it was a national figure traveling. I didn't expect it to be a few scumbags?!"

"Hey, what are you talking about? Others have bodyguards, be careful of that man with a big back and give an order. The bodyguards made you blood splatter five steps on the spot! Hahaha, it's so funny~~"


Hearing the pointers from the people around him, Lin Jianjun's face suddenly darkened.

His original intention was to let those low-level people look up to his wealthy life with adoring eyes.

Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating, but it attracted a lot of ridicule.

Before he could lose his temper, Bai Yuelan stepped forward and hugged his arm, and softly advised:

"Okay! Husband, why should you care about other people's opinions!"

"Hmph! That's right! These inferior people don't deserve to waste my time."

After all, it is at the gate of the police station.

Lin Jianjun didn't dare to make trouble, so he could only take advantage of the donkey's scolding a few times, and then got into the van.

As soon as the couple closed the car door, they were disgusted by the rough environment in the car.

This car... Are you sure it's not for beggars? !

Lin Jianjun immediately became upset and cursed at the bald middle-aged man in the driver's seat:

"Trash! How do you rent this kind of car? Isn't this lowering my status?"

heard the words.

The bald middle-aged man said yes, and answered in a low voice:

"But... Chairman, the company has no money in its books, and it's not enough to rent a better car."

"Even if it's this van, we can only afford to rent it with the help of a few brothers..."

While answering, the bald man peeked at the pretty Bai Yuelan.

In my heart, I have raped Lin Jianjun 10,000 times in front of Lin Jianjun.

Grass! Convex

Evil capitalist, dare to scold Lao Tzu?

Watch Lao Tzu mentally rape your wife and put on a big mental cuckold for you! ! !

the other side.

After hearing from my subordinates that the company was unable to make ends meet and had no money at all......

The corner of Lin Jianjun's mouth twitched, and he fell silent.

He was afraid that if he continued to ask, the bald man would ask Barbie Q for the car rental fee.

In order to make up 3.5 billion.

He almost emptied the company's turnover, and sold all the cars, houses, stocks and other valuable things under his name.

Now that he has borrowed usury, he can barely make up the money.

The current him, can be said to be empty pockets, clinking poor, I am afraid that the workers' deposits in front of him can hang him...

"Let's go! What are you looking at me for?|_・)"

"Really, then there is no concept of time?"

"Don't you know you're already late?! What if you make them wait in a hurry? Hurry up and drive!"

In order to quickly expose this "car rental fee" topic.

Lin Jianjun took advantage of the chairman's authority and cursed angrily.

"Yes, yes, boss! I'll drive right away!"

The bald man nodded and bowed, looking very humble.

It's just that when he turned around, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Bai Yuelan's chest again.

Just at this moment, Lin Jianjun was mentally cheated 10,000 times...

With the car started.

Lin Jianjun and his party headed towards the agreed place.

"After this matter is resolved, a press conference must be held immediately, and [beauty ointment] will be launched to cut leeks and restore blood."


Lin Jianjun bet all his hopes on his company's favorite product.

Judging by his years of experience....

The chance of the Lin family taking Pengfei to be promoted to the first-tier giants is as high as 95%.

The ancients said:

The roc rises with the same wind in one day and soars up to nine thousand miles.

The rise of the Lin family is already unstoppable.

My name, Lin Jianjun, will definitely become a new generation of legends in Shanghai! ! !

As for that rebellious son, hehe...

I will give him time to catch up, until he is completely out of sight, regretting the beginning......

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