Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 56 In Order To Repay Lin Xuan's Kindness, Granddaughter, You Should Give Birth To A Foo

Su Group, headquarters.

"Chairman, I have drawn up the contract you want. Would you like to have a look at it first?"

Boom boom boom.

After knocking on the door, there was no answer in the house.

Just when Lawyer Hu frowned, wondering what happened to the chairman, and was about to open the door and enter...

"Come in!"

Hearing the chairman's voice, Lawyer Hu heaved a sigh of relief, and then opened the door and entered.

Just walked in.

He found Director Su, who was sitting at the desk with white hair, his eyes were red.


Did the chairman cry just now? ? ?

That's why you didn't reply for so long? ? ?

Lawyer Hu was puzzled.

His face remained the same, and he handed over the share transfer contract in his hand to Su Shengtian.

And start reporting:

"Chairman, thanks to the 3.5 billion. Mr. Xiao's liquidated damages have been paid."

"Besides, all kinds of troubles before have basically been solved with money."

"Now the company is thriving and well funded."

"I suggest that we can invest in and expand some projects outside, maybe the company can go to a higher level."


But despite the hype that Lawyer Hu said, Su Shengtian didn't respond.

He just put on his presbyopic glasses silently and read the contract carefully.

"Invest in expanding these things. After your new boss takes office, you can mention it to him."

"As long as he agrees, then you can let it go."

After reviewing the contract, seeing that there was no problem, Su Shengtian nodded in satisfaction, picked up the pen on the table, and solemnly signed his name.


He only needs to hand over the contract to Lin Xuan and let the other party sign his name, and the share transfer contract will come into effect completely.

"Chairman, don't you think about it anymore? You don't need to be in a hurry."

"In a few years, it will be the same to transfer the shares to Mr. Lin."

Seeing Su Shengtian was so decisive, Lawyer Hu couldn't help but persuade him.

He had been with the old man for so long, but he was still a little bit reluctant that this kind old boss would retire like this and follow a young man instead.

"Hahaha, little Hu!"

"Maybe I won't be here in a year, and in a few years...cough cough..."

Su Shengtian, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, covered his mouth and coughed a few times while laughing.

When he took his hand away, his palm was faintly stained with a few streaks of blood.

But the old man didn't care, but said calmly:

"I'm old, already a remnant of the old era."

"This world belongs to young people... Birth, old age, sickness and death, and the alternation of old and new are the unchanging laws of the world."

"Now my granddaughter has the hope of waking up again. As long as I can see the day when she wakes up, then I will have no regrets at all!"


Su Shengtian laughed heartily, with tears in his eyes.

He had just received news from his family that his poor granddaughter had regained some consciousness.

Elder Deng even asserted that he would wake up soon, how could this prevent Su Shengtian from laughing heartily? !

And the person who brings all these hopes is Lin Xuan, who was not expected at the beginning.

Who would have thought that when he was in a hurry and went to the doctor in a hurry, he found the son-in-law who was happy to be married by accident...

In the end, he became the biggest contributor to saving the Su family and his own granddaughter? !

"Just these shares..."

"Actually, I don't think it's enough to repay Xiaoxuan's kindness. My Su family owes him too much."

Listening to Su Shengtian's rambling.

Attorney Hu finally got a general idea, knowing that Su Shengtian's mind will not change.

Seeing the other party frowning and sighing, and in order to please the future boss, he said:

"The chairman doesn't have to do that."

"You have cultivated the most beautiful and outstanding Miss Qing Ge in Shanghai. This is enough for Mr. Lin to thank you."

"If you think it's not enough. After Miss Qingge wakes up, build a football team for Mr. Lin. I'm sure Mr. Lin will thank you."


football team?

Su Shengtian didn't react at first.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but smiled wryly and pointed to the snickering Lawyer Hu.

"You, you, but you are right..."

"While my old bones still have the strength to hold my grandson, Qing Ge really needs to be reminded when he wakes up!"

"But the football team is too outrageous, let's join the mahjong table first...the rest is slowly giving birth, so many children will be blessed!"

Amidst a burst of chatting and laughing, Lawyer Hu got up and prepared to leave, and reported the last thing.

"By the way. Chairman, I forgot to say that!"

"The latest news has just been released on the official website of the Lin Group, and a press conference will be held tomorrow."

press conference?


It should be something to announce [Beauty Salve].

After all, he lost 3.5 billion in one breath, and Lin Jianjun must be in urgent need of a large amount of funds to recover his blood......

"Hehe... Lin Jianjun, Lin Jianjun..."

"Kicking such an excellent son like Xiaoxuan out of the house, this will be a decision you will regret for the rest of your life."

"You can be proud of your last happy time!"

"After all, the next thing to do is... a nightmare."


Modu, the police station.

The three-day sentence has come.

Lin Hao, who was released, dragged his tired body and ran out of the gate in a hurry.

He doesn't want to come in this kind of ghost place again.

As soon as I stepped out of the gate, fresh air was blowing in my nostrils.


Lin Hao took a deep breath, his face full of enjoyment.

The taste of freedom is so good and fragrant!

Lin Hao, who had regained his composure, looked around the door, but he didn't see his Lamborghini.

Not far away, there was only a broken van parked.

"Damn it. Mom, why haven't they come to pick me up yet?!"

Lin Hao frowned dissatisfied.

He has been terrified these days.

Right now, I just want to go back to my villa as soon as possible, take a shower and sleep happily before talking.

Beep beep——

At this time, the van approached slowly and kept honking at him.

This made Lin Hao very impatient.

What he despises the most are these poor people who drive broken cars.

See the other party "beep beep" non-stop.

Just about to turn around and yell at Lin Hao, he suddenly found his father sitting in the driver's seat.

He was startled.

Instantly restrained his ferocious look, and changed into a harmless and weak scholar's expression, trotting towards the van in puzzlement.

"Daddy. Mommy."

"Have you come to pick up Hao'er? Why are you driving a van! Where's our Lamborghini?"

After greeting Lin Jianjun and Lin Jianjun one after another, Lin Hao asked in confusion.

As soon as he asked this question, Lin Jianjun became very angry.

"You still have the face to say?! If it wasn't for you!"

"Now your mother and I won't be wronged to come and take this kind of broken car."


Bai Yuelan hurried forward to appease Xia Lin Jianjun.

Then he explained to Lin Hao the ins and outs.

Hearing that because of him, Lin Xuan had to leave 500 million more, and now the Lin family has reached the point where they are running out of ammunition and food.

Lin Hao immediately understood the reason for Lin Jianjun's fury.

With guilt all over his face, he "plopped" and knelt down in front of Lin Jianjun in the street, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. It's all my fault, I'm obsessed with ghosts. Woooooo..."

He did not say what Lin Xuan had framed him for.

After all, I have been in jail for three days, and it is meaningless to justify now.

If the parents found out the truth, they were so angry that they went to find Lin Xuan, which caused the recording to be exposed, then the loss outweighed the gain.

Fortunately, based on his understanding of Lin Jianjun...

As long as the two lines of tears are first-rate, the other party will definitely soften their hearts and forgive themselves.

"Okay, okay. Get up!"

"What are you kneeling on the street? People see me and think I'm abusing you! Let's go back and talk about it first."

Looking at Lin Hao who was hugging his trouser legs and crying loudly.

Lin Jianjun's tone softened, indicating that he forgave the other party, and got into the van first to leave.

This is the only son he has left, and the other is useless.

So Lin Jianjun didn't bother to worry about it, what kind of person is Lin Hao in private?

Anyway, in front of me, just be my big brother and be obedient.

"Thank you, Daddy. Mommy, let's get in the car!"

Seeing that the trick was as effective as ever, Lin Hao stood up triumphantly, took his mother's hand and got into the car.

After the three of them got into the car, Lin Jianjun stepped on the accelerator.

The van "creaked" and drove.

This extremely poor experience made the three of Lin Jianjun in the car frown.

But they had no choice but to forcibly endure.

Van, in the back seat.

Bai Yuelan stroked her son's obviously haggard face, feeling very distressed.

"'ve lost weight these days!"

"Hey, why are you so naughty to molest others..."

"However, Haoer, you have really grown up and are interested in women. Tell Mommy what kind of woman you want. Mommy will find a way to help you get into bed."

Bai Yuelan pampered Lin Hao's brain, which was regarded as punishment for his "wrong" behavior this time.

She originally thought that her precious son was framed.

But Lin Hao himself admitted that he had "obscene" behavior, which is true after all.

But Bai Yuelan didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Instead, I feel relieved that my son knows how to take the initiative to touch women.

As the saying goes:

Food sex also.

A fair lady, a gentleman loves you.

Which woman can be favored by Xiao Hao, it is really a blessing from her previous life.

"It's also true of the Su family! It's her life's honor for that vegetative person to be favored by Hao'er."

"Except for my Xiaohao, who would be interested in a living dead who can't take care of himself? It's fine if you don't appreciate it!"

"I called the police because of such a trivial matter. Don't you know how much this incident will affect Hao'er's reputation?"

In advance of this incident, Bai Yuelan's face turned red with anger.

In particular, Lin Hao's title of "obscene criminal" has been widely spread in Shanghai.

This makes my precious son, how can I marry those rich and noble daughters in the future? !

Lin Hao as the party involved.

Obviously more aware of the consequences, he sighed helplessly.

He was ambitious at first, and wanted to rely on his pretty face to attract the daughters of those top-notch families in order to achieve a class transition.

But now his reputation is tainted.

For those wealthy family members who are most concerned about this area, his road to class transition has been cut short.

Cutting off one's future is like killing one's wife and humiliating one's mother.

Lin Hao at this moment is full of unprecedented hatred for Lin Xuan who ruined his future.


Thinking of Lin Xuan's life, he can only be with a vegetable person and be dragged down by him for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao felt a little more balanced in his heart.


"Actually, my brother and I knelt down and apologized. We promised not to dare next time."

"But brother, he said that in order to avenge Daddy's eccentricity, he must send me to the police station."

What? !

Hear Lin Hao's words.

In the driver's seat, Lin Jianjun's blood pressure skyrocketed after a "chuckle".

He didn't expect Lin Xuan to do it for such a boring reason.

That's why he wanted to ruin Lin Hao's life.

"Xiaohao! You've already knelt down, that bastard won't let you go?"

"Yeah. But don't blame brother, it's all my fault, it's my obsession..... I failed the trust of Daddy, Mommy..."

Said here.

Lin Hao curled his mouth, and burst into tears in an instant.


Lin Jianjun felt distressed, and became more and more annoyed at Lin Xuan, who was ruthless.

"That bastard! Doesn't he know that brothers are like brothers and women are like clothes?"

"He actually sent his younger brother to the police station for a piece of clothing. He is simply inhuman!!!"


Lin Jianjun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

I just feel that it was because he was incapable of raising his children in the past, which led to the current tragedy of brotherhood.

It made Lin Xuan look like he couldn't distinguish between right and wrong.

Especially that rebel!

How dare you say he is biased?

Said he was eccentric like his mother? ?

Where is he biased? ? ?

At the beginning, he and Yuelan were in love with each other, and they were happy to have their son Lin Hao.

He brought the mother and son back to the Lin family full of joy, but they were swept out of the house by the vicious woman in the end.

You know, Lin Hao was only three years old at the time!

Three years old! ! !

Such a young child, but that woman is cold-blooded and ruthless, without any mercy.

How dare she cry in front of him and pretend to be pitiful.

He also scolded him for being a "scumbag" and "loved the wrong person"......

But I obviously just want to find her a sister to share the pressure of work and housework, and also find a childhood playmate for Xiao Lin Xuan...

What am I doing wrong? !

Kindly treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs! ! !

Lin Jianjun didn't understand, why did that woman react so strongly?

He really doesn't understand? !

Isn't it natural for a rich man to have three wives and four concubines? ? ?

By contrast.

He just wanted to give two women a home at the same time.

What the hell is he...

What's wrong? ! !

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