Villain: My brother is the Chosen One

Chapter 1542: Everyone has the responsibility to destroy the evil ways

"No, how could he..."

Zhao Changsheng suddenly felt bad.

There were obviously four people at the scene, one rabbit and one grass. For safety reasons, he even protected Lin San in front of him, but this Wei Jie just locked his eyes on him in the crowd, making him feel helpless. Hidden preference.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for trapping the mythical Chosen One and gaining 500,000 villain points!"

"Let's see where you hide now!!"

Qin Feng glanced at Zhao Changsheng, and his mouth was even harder to press than AK.

"You refined this blood slave!?"

Lin San stood proudly with the Wuchen Sword in hand, looking at Wei Jie in front of him like lightning.

"That's right!"

Wei Jie answered happily and had no intention of hiding anything.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes were filled with strong murderous intent, and a black demonic aura surged around him, like a black vortex, exuding a heart-stopping evil aura. It was obvious that he had no intention of leaving anyone alive.

"Death to the devil!!"

Lin San had no unnecessary nonsense, and his righteousness burst out instantly.

I saw his body rising up, rushing towards Wei Jie like a bolt of lightning. The aura of awe-inspiring energy danced on the Wuchen Sword, making bursts of dragon roar-like sword sounds, bringing with it a series of dazzling rays of light, like a rising sun. The sun is hot.

"Just you?!"

A contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of Wei Jie's mouth, and black demonic energy shot out like a poisonous snake.

Although he now has a broken arm and is seriously injured, a strong Immortal King Realm is a strong Immortal King Realm, and it is definitely not something that a mid-level True Immortal can shake.

Boom! !

The demonic energy and the sword energy collided heavily, making bursts of dull sounds.

"Break it for me!"

Lin San could feel the strength of the other party and crazily stimulated the great righteousness in his body.

I saw a huge sword energy roaring out, breaking through the demonic energy with the force of riding the wind and waves, and quickly slashed towards Wei Jie.

"Haoran is upright!!"

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Wei Jie's expression changed slightly and he quickly increased the output of his demonic energy.

Even though his cultivation level is much higher than that of Lin San, everything in the world is about mutual growth and restraint, and the pure and righteous Qi cultivated by Lin San can just restrain the demonic Qi he cultivated.

Bang! !

I saw that the awe-inspiring sword energy that Lin San had condensed collapsed directly as the output of the demonic energy increased.


Lin San's chest was churning violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Although his awe-inspiring righteousness can restrain the demonic energy, the difference in cultivation between the two sides is too great, and it is impossible to shake Wei Jie, the first-level demonic cultivator of the Immortal King.


Wei Jie suddenly coughed violently, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

I thought I could easily eliminate Lin San, a middle-level true immortal, but who knew that the other party actually cultivated the Haoran Sword Qi, and opened his wounds with a single force.

“So you can’t do it!!”

Zhao Changsheng's eyes immediately lit up.

It was as if the Takajia family's aircraft carrier had been shot, and it didn't seem to cause any real damage, but its health bar was accidentally revealed.

A sonorous sound! !

I saw Zhao Changsheng immediately pull out the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy soaring to the sky also burst out.

"Everyone has the responsibility to kill the devil!!"

Zhao Changsheng shouted slogans of justice and rushed towards Wei Jie with a long sword in hand.

Buzz! Buzz!

The sharp sword energy swept out, and there were constant explosions wherever it passed.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal Elementary Level!!"

Wei Jie's face became gloomier than before when he saw Zhao Changsheng's revealed cultivation.

In the past, he was only 70% sure that Zhao

Changsheng was the mastermind behind the scenes, but now after seeing his Taiyi Golden Immortal elementary level cultivation, he immediately concluded that this person was pretending to be Ye Chen to kill his lover and rob him of the Supreme Book of Heaven.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for trapping the mythical Chosen One and gaining 500,000 villain points!"

"Lao Zhao is too good at pretending!?"

Qin Feng couldn't help but complain, he really didn't know what to say.

A year ago, he showed his cultivation level as the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and a year later, he is still at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level. Who is a serious immortal cultivator who hasn't made a breakthrough in more than a year? ? ??

"Die to me!!"

Wei Jie was extremely jealous when he saw his enemy, and he immediately released terrifying demonic energy from his body.

Boom! !

The demonic energy soaring into the sky enveloped the entire village, and the earth began to shake violently.

Immediately afterwards, the dark demonic energy turned into a black snake, spitting out a snake message and rushed towards Zhao Changsheng.

"bring it on!!"

Zhao Changsheng was not afraid at all, and the man and the sword instantly became one.

Boom! !

The sword light and the black snake collided heavily, causing a deafening roar.

Immediately afterwards, the energy storm generated by the impact swept out, and the surrounding air seemed to be torn apart.


Wei Jie's expression suddenly changed dramatically.

The black snake he had condensed was instantly penetrated, and the sword light was stabbing at him at a terrifying speed. Even if he quickly used his magic power to resist, all defenses were defeated by the extremely powerful sword light.

With a bang, the sword light pierced the chest! !


Wei Jie spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his chest was penetrated by the sword light.

However, he did not just retreat and run away. Instead, he roared even more crazily, and then blood flowed out of his chest as if for free.

"Sea of ​​blood and black water

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! ! "

Yu Lan could not help but exclaimed.

Like the weak water controlled by the Wuling Saint Lord in the lower world, the black water of the sea of ​​blood is also the holy water nurtured by heaven and earth. It is said to be the dirty blood flowing in the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld, or even the evil water, the most filthy thing. Once touched, evil spirits will enter the body.

"Fuck! !"

Zhao Changsheng could not help but burst out a swear word. He did not expect that the other party would have such an evil thing.

"Go to hell! !"

There was a hint of madness in Wei Jie's eyes, and the demonic energy burst out again.

Boom! !

The black water of the sea of ​​blood instantly turned into a rushing river of blood, as if it wanted to swallow up everything in the world.

"Go! !"

Yu Lan's face changed immediately, and she pulled Qin Feng to escape.

"It doesn't matter, I will do it! "

Qin Feng tore his clothes to pieces, revealing his muscles and a dragon tattoo over his shoulder.

"Woo woo..."

Yu Lan seemed to be touched at some point, and she cried out in her heart that she couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for seducing the chosen girl of the heavenly level and getting 500,000 villain points!"

"Little Lan Bao, it's easy to grasp!"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly, and a golden light burst out from his body.


A dragon roar resounded through the world, revealing an unparalleled majesty.

The dragon over Qin Feng's shoulder seemed to come alive, turning into a golden dragon and roaring to the sky, and then rushed towards the blood sea with supreme momentum.

"Buddhist Golden Dragon! !"

Wei Jie immediately stared and exclaimed: "How do you know the Buddhist skills! ? "

"You have never seen the world! "

Qin Feng curled his lips in disgust.

The tailor of the poor sect can learn calculus, so what's the big deal about him, a swordsman, knowing Buddhist skills...

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