Then, the meeting turned into a commendation meeting.

Lin Beifan came to Angkor with a bright red commendation ribbon in his hand, and said seriously:"Brother Wu, please lower your head slightly, and I will put it on for you!"

"Hey, great!" Angkor lowered his head, and Lin Beifan took the opportunity to hang up the commendation belt.

Angkor lowered his head and looked at the commendation belt hanging on his chest. There were several shining big characters on it: Outstanding Advanced Worker!

There was also a big red flower. On the shoulders, it looks very bright and eye-catching

"This big red flower looks a bit familiar……"

"Of course I am familiar with it, because I once hung it on Brother Ye!"


Then, Lin Beifan took a huge medal:"Brother Wu, catch it!"

Angkor looked down at the golden medal, with a reward of 1 million written in the middle.

"This medal is also a bit familiar……"

"Of course I am familiar with it, Brother Ye has also taken it before!"


Angkor looked at the big red flower on his chest and the huge medal in his hand.

I don’t know why, but I always have an ominous premonition in my heart!

Then, of course, we took pictures.

With a click, the picture freezes.

Lin Beifan stood on the left, wearing a beautiful designer suit and polished leather shoes. He stood very upright with a gentle and bright smile. He looked like a leader at first glance.

Our protagonist, Angkor, stood on the right, wearing rustic cleaning clothes, with an even more rustic big red flower hanging on his shoulder, holding a huge medal in his hand, smiling like a fool

"This photo was taken well, and I will hang it next to Brother Ye’s winning photo!"Lin Beifan is very satisfied.

"Don’t, you’re embarrassed!"Angkor felt a little ashamed

"Don't take no for an answer, you deserve it! Only by hanging it on the wall can it inspire everyone all the time. Hard work will be rewarded! Lin Beifan said with a smile.

Next, the meeting broke up.

After going back, Angkor almost jumped up with excitement!

After working hard for so long and going through so many hardships, he was finally one step closer to Lin Beifan!

This means that he has revenge. The chances are even greater!

"Lin Beifan, you must have never imagined that the people you value, the people you are close to, will be your biggest enemies! I'm suddenly no longer in a hurry for revenge. I plan to kill you slowly and slowly! Let you have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth!"

Angkor thought bitterly.

At this time, he received a text message from the man in black.

Man in black: How is the situation?

Angkor: I have exposed them, and then they were fired! Because of the establishment of Great work, Lin Beifan values ​​me very much, calls me brother Wu, rewards me with 1 million soft girl coins, and raises my salary to the level of a full employee!

Man in black: Lin Beifan really values ​​you after seeing this! Last time I had this Ye Xingchen is the one receiving the most favorable treatment! He has become Lin Beifan’s right-hand man and is very respected! We hope you can reach his level!

Angkor: That’s natural, I already have a plan!

Man in black: Needed Shall we help?

Angkor: No need this time, I have my own plan, you guys are waiting for my good news!

Man in black: Looking forward to it very much!

After the conversation, Angkor immediately deleted all text messages to avoid leaving evidence.

Then, he thought about how to go one step further and become Lin Beifan's true confidant.

Just being loyal is not enough. Only those who are loyal and capable will be trusted by the other party.

Just like the God of War Ye Xingchen.

The other party also helped Lin Beifan earn billions of dollars before becoming his right-hand man.

Therefore, he must show his value and ability.

His abilities are nothing more than tomb robbing, Feng Shui, and treasure appraisal.

Tomb robbing The ability must not be shown. This thing is illegal in the first place and can only be done secretly.

The ability of Feng Shui cannot be shown either. If the other party finds out the clues, it will be miserable.

Therefore, the only thing left is to identify the treasure.

"In his previous life, Lin Beifan had too much money, so he was more interested in collecting antiques!"

"Now that I think about it, it's not bad. I can just do what he likes and help him identify treasures. It's best to pick out some antique treasures of great value. He will definitely look at me differently!"

Wang Ge chuckled, and he already had some calculations in his mind.

On this day, he was cleaning Lin Beifan's office and took the opportunity to say:"Mr. Lin, many places here are empty and very unsightly. Do you want to add something? ?

Lin Beifan raised his head:"Brother Wu, what do you think would be good to add?""

"I think the decoration of your room, Mr. Lin, is more Chinese-style, so it’s best to add some antique vases or old objects, which will make it look more cultural! Moreover, antiques also have collection value and appreciation value, so you won’t lose money if you buy them!"

"What you said makes sense! So tell me, what should I put here?"

"I think……"Angkor started his performance, eloquent and very professional.

Lin Beifan was very surprised:"Brother Wu, I think what you said is very clear. You seem to have done some research in this area!"

"I can only say that I understand it slightly! Angkor said modestly:"I didn't go to school well when I was a child. I studied these old objects all day long. After a long time, I naturally became familiar with them!" However, my parents wouldn't let me play with this, saying that it would be a waste of time!"

"These are all prejudices! Anything played to the top is very powerful! Seeing as you are so familiar with these things, that’s just right. I plan to go to the old street during the weekend tomorrow to see if I can find any good stuff! How about you go with me and take a look? Lin Beifan smiled and sent out the invitation.

Angkor said happily:"Mr. Lin, I happen to have time, I will accompany you!"

Lin Beifan was also very happy:"Okay!" If you help me find something good, I will definitely reward you heavily!"

Angkor returned home with this good news.

He lived with his best friend Fatty Wang.

Not only did the two play together since childhood, but they also went to rob tombs together. They were close to each other through life and death, and they had a very close relationship.

Just one day As he walked into the house, Fatty Wang's voice came:"You kid is finally back!" I'm starving. Do you have anything to eat?"

"Don’t you want to order takeout if you’re hungry?" Angkor said angrily.

"The takeaway is not as delicious as the one your kid brought back! Did your kid bring it or not?"

"Of course I brought it, it’s all your favorite food!"

A fat man rushed out of the room quickly, grabbed what Angkor was holding and looked at it, his mouth watered:"Dongpo elbow, roast duck with sour plums, pork sausage...all are my favorites! Good brother, I love you so much!"

"Stop saying disgusting things and go eat it!"

"Well, hey!"

The other party opened the bag and started eating.

Angkor looked at this good brother who had shared life and death for two generations, and his heart was filled with warmth. He secretly swore in his heart: Fatty, I will not let you suffer anymore in this life.! I will also defeat our common enemy and make him lose everything!

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