Chapter 229: It Shouldn’t Be Like This (Subscription, Third More)

In fact, this plot, although blank, but still simply happened a few things.

The emergence of the Qilin family is also a point of checks and balances, because the Dragon Family and the Meihua Family have caused too much trouble, which has also led to damage to many industrial chains.

Therefore, the Qilin Family must send someone out and come and deal with it.

Moreover, Chen Fan’s side also received help.

Because Chen Fan’s industry is actually developing too rapidly, Cao Zizhen’s personal strength is beyond doubt, and the rapid closure of the company or something, the biggest result is that there are not enough personnel.

At this time, it is necessary to adjust, this matter, Jiang Hongyan can not handle, so, can only helplessly find the Qilin family side.

Finally, after some consultation, some people were sent to help.

Interestingly, the Kirin family belongs to that kind of absolute balance in the author’s setting.

You can never see these people, for whom they are going to do something.

If you join a certain faction, you must go all out or something.

Moreover, the most interesting thing is to teach Ye Aotian.

Because Ye Aotian planned to pursue the follow-up matters, he was subsequently taught a lesson by these people.

A check and balance?

In fact, Chen Fan didn’t understand too much when he saw this, why, the author had to set up such a plot.

Later, I pondered and pondered, in fact, it is also a limitation, if the protagonist’s development is too cattle, then the book can not continue to write down.

And the protagonist is naturally unconvinced, probably that is, I am injured, I am humiliated, I need the other party’s whole family to die or something.

However, this should not be in the city, and the Qilin Family had very well restricted Ye Aotian’s side.

Even when Chen Fan finally died, his family was unharmed.

Because, Chen Fan died, in fact, this story is over, but the rest of the personnel have to live.

It is not simply the protagonist who says that this person must die the whole family or something, and come directly to help or something.

If you really do things according to the logic of the protagonist, then the book has no logic.

It is not simple, Ye Aotian killed everyone on Chen Fan’s side, then these enterprises, Ye Aotian can control well.

If that’s the case, it’s too easy to make money.

However, this setting, Chen Fan felt was quite interesting.

The protagonist is very proud to return from school, and then takes the ring, in exchange for a lot of resources, many people bow their heads, let the protagonist pretend to be forced or something.

A task was then given.

This task is very simple, because, during the game, what the Sakura Country side did, Ye Aotian had to go directly to the Sakura Country side and dispose of some people or something.

The plot of the follow-up cherry blossom country, Chen Fan thinks it is still quite funny, because it involves the fun entertainment circle of the cherry blossom country.

Taking the opportunity to shoot the scene, Ye Aotian passed.

Chen Fan would also go, but it was two lines, but in the end they merged into one.

Seriously, this section is a bit of a montage.

At this time, Chen Fan was coaxing the girl in front of him.

“I really… I didn’t expect that you would go with me, and I didn’t even dare to say it. ”

Chen Fan was a little anxious, and it was obvious that his plan had changed.

Originally, Chen Fan planned to leave first, and then pick up this girl or something.

This is the plot that Chen Fan expected, since the plot describes his departure, this still needs to be tested or something.

But I still need to turn back.

This is Chen Fan’s own bottom line.

But now, Li Xiaoxiao took the initiative to follow him.

That’s interesting.

This is something that Chen Fan didn’t even think about.

“I won’t do that for you.”

Li Xiaoxiao sat directly in Chen Fan’s arms, held Chen Fan’s cheek, and said, “Then you say, why don’t you want me to go with you?” ”

“I… I really didn’t think about it, and I felt that you were very happy here. I also feel very happy, I thought you would like me to live with you like this all the time. ”

“No, you always have to go back, Cao Zigen’s thing, I have seen it, although I don’t know much, but I can probably guess that the Chen family needs you, you have to go back.”

Yes, it turns out that the variables are here.

In the original work, Cao Zizhen and Li Xiaoxiao did not have any contact, and when Cao Zizhen found Chen Fan, Chen Fan directly refused to leave.

In fact, this paragraph is more to depict the good feelings of Chen Fan and this young man.

After all, Chen Fan’s personality is an obsessive man, an infatuated man, and there is no way to resist a girl like this. ,

But Cao Zizhen’s attitude was very tough, because at this time, Chen Fan belonged to the stage of half eating soft rice.

The big and small things in the family, even if Cao Zizhen dealt with it.

Chen Fan would even spend anything under control. 、

At this time, the villain gradually shifted from Chen Fan to Cao Zizhen.

Chen Fan, on the other hand, was looking around for help, not looking for Cao Zizhen’s help.

In fact, it is also for the back, and Lin Qingyue’s things, laying the groundwork or something.

But now you have to follow yourself?

Happy is happy, but this kind of not being in control makes Chen Fan very uncomfortable.

“Then let’s do it together, rest assured, no one will bully you.”

Chen Fan didn’t care, since the human design had changed and was willing to follow him, what else did he care about?

Isn’t that just pretense?

Li Xiaoxiao said, “I feel that you are reluctant.” ”

“I didn’t… I really didn’t, I swear, I swear to God. ”

“I’m teasing you, hey hey, Sister Cao Zizhen has already prepared a room for me, let me keep it a secret from you, but I think I still need to talk to you about something.”

Chen Fan said, “Silly boy, don’t be afraid of others, you are the best.” ”

Li Xiaoxiao smiled and hugged Chen Fan and said, “Then you carry me home, I still want to whizz, fly in the sky, I feel, although I will be ancient martial arts, but like you, flying, it is really difficult.” ”



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