Chapter 240 Pretending to Be Full (Subscription Required, Second Change)

At this time, the group has begun to discuss, you can feel it, this is true, frying pan. ,

“Sister, so handsome.” , sleeper, really too handsome. ”

Liu Feifei shouted here, all kinds of flag waving and shouting.

I can feel that although she did not come, she was still very happy in her heart.

MeiHua Thirteen said, “Seriously, I’m scared now, no, I remember, isn’t the Chen family gone?” ”

Cao Zizhen said: “The Chen family is gone, according to the direction of the plot, it is indeed gone, and now the Chen family is still nominally still there, but now most of them belong to the Development of the Cao Family plus the Chen Family.” ”

Mei Hua said, “Is this okay too?” ”

“Yes, but there is a need for a premise, the change of equity, now even if my equity is the largest, but I love my husband, mine is my husband’s, it does not affect, but in order to develop the story, it still needs to be dealt with.” 」

At this time, everyone probably understands how this plot continues.

In fact, the reason why Chen Fan was not worried was entirely because the development of this section was indeed in such a direction. ,

In fact, after the two families fought, a huge opportunity point appeared, and this opportunity point was also the reason why Cao Zizhen began to develop gradually.

Therefore, many people on the scene felt that Chen Fan was pitiful, entirely because a family was finally lost.

However, for Chen Fan, for the family, this is the best way to deal with it.

Chen Fan took two people to the side of the food stall near the villa, happily took the examination room and nibbled it.

Li Hanxue ate very quietly and coldly, just like this person’s personality.

On the other hand, Li Xiaoxiao doesn’t care about those, there are delicious foods, you must eat more.

“Brother, give it to you.”

Chen Fan said, “Eat yours, I have my own hands and feet, I don’t need these.” ”

Li Xiaoxiao snorted and said, “I’m not your little baby anymore, you didn’t tell me that at that time, at that time, you loved me very much.” ”

Chen Fan blackened his face and said, “Who taught you this smell of tea?” ’

“Hey, hey, it’s a random lesson.”

“Don’t learn you well.”

On the other hand, Cao Zizhen yawned and took a sip of milk tea comfortably. ,

The Qilin Dragon came with the man and said, “Hello.” ”

Cao Zizhen didn’t bother to reach out and said, “Is there anything wrong?” ”

“The Cao family and the Chen family, you are really good at management, I don’t understand why, you choose that person.” 、”

Here, Chen Fan slipped away for a moment, feeling that someone from his mother was cursing himself.

On the one hand, Qilin Fengxi was covering his head, he was not saved, his brother was really not saved.

Cao Zizhen said, “You like me? 》”

Kirin Dragon said, “Yes… I hope you can be with me. ”

Cao Zizhen said helplessly, “But… I don’t like you, you person, you look so ugly. ”



Qilin Fengxi couldn’t help but smile.

It was so much fun.

Hahahahaha, his brother is really, who are you looking for, you have to go to Cao Zizhen, isn’t this just dying?

“I’m ugly? I don’t think so. 、”

Cao Zizhen said: “No way, except for my husband, any man is a very ugly person in my eyes, you may not know much about it.” ”

“This is still really rare, I didn’t expect that you are such an obsessive woman.”

Cao Zizhen sighed and said, “You, you, in fact, sometimes you are alive, isn’t it very good?” ”

At this time, Qilin Fengxi quickly retreated.

Cao Zizhen gave up the position, Zhu Yeqing, and directly shot.

Qilin Dragon smiled and said, “Your strength… In the eyes of the Qilin family, it is still…”

However, the next second, the arm was directly broken.

Before the Qilin Dragon understood what was going on, Zhu Yeqing had already broken the Qilin Dragon’s leg.


There is no need at all, just the simplest foot, punch, you can achieve such an effect.

That’s absolute strength.

Bells and whistles, all floating clouds and some things.

Qilin Dragon knelt on the ground and looked at Cao Zizhen in front of him.

Cao Zizhen said, “Quietly tell you a secret, in fact, I am stronger than Zhu Yeqing, do you think I can strangle you?” ”

“You guys… Know…… Have you done anything? ”

“= Nothing has anything to do with you, I think, you are dead, the identity of this dean, can be Qilin Fengxi, can also be someone else, do you think, your position, will anyone look forward to it?” Do you think I’m going to worry about that? ”

The Kirin Dragon was dumbfounded.

“Forget it, it’s not a world, and it’s useless to talk to you.”

Chen Fan in the distance saw it very clearly, walked silently, ate the examination room, and said, “What’s wrong?” ”

Cao Zizhen said, “I don’t know, husband, he just said you’re not good, I don’t know what’s wrong, but I’m angry, so I beat you.” ”

“Even, it’s okay, if you fight, you will fight, and your skills are not as good as people.”

“Right, right, husband is right, husband, let’s go to dinner, the roadside stalls can occasionally be delayed.”

Chen Fan nodded and left directly.

In this matter, Chen Fan did not blame Cao Zizhen, the reason is very simple, because this is the rule of the Qilin family, the Qilin family is very simple, you go out, you have been taught, you have been beaten, that is your own problem. ,

Just walk out of the Qilin family, that moment began.

The Qilin family will not give you any help.

Rules are rules.

Qilin Fengxi said, “I told you, don’t look for anything to do, didn’t you just die by yourself?” ”

“Then you… Why didn’t you tell me that they were strong. ”

“I said it, it’s useless, you don’t listen, you have to say, where do these people have any strength.” I’m not as good as a person, now believe it? People estimate that no effort is used. ”


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