Chapter 268: You’re a Female Licking Dog (Subscription Required, First Change)

Cao Zizhen said, “Are you concerned?” So undignified? ’

“No… I’ve been stuck in this position for a long, long time, and I’m really looking forward to improving, as long as I’m getting to improve, anything goes. ”

Cao Zizhen said helplessly: “This is nothing, I just have a point, I want to be sure, what is the big problem with you?” ”

Elizabeth didn’t understand much, sat down in her chair, and said, “What do you mean?” ”

“That is, what special hobbies do you have, I mean male and female hobbies.”

Elizabeth said, “No, I don’t have that hobby, I’m still a woman, why, you have to say that.” ”

“No, what do you really like?” I can’t understand why, Chen Fan will have an idea for you now. 、”

I’m Nyima’s.

“You can look down on me, but you can’t insult me, I know I can’t beat you, but I’m not ugly enough, I’m still a normal person.” 」

Cao Zizhen said, “Then you explain why, Chen Fan has been avoiding you, and as a result, you are still stalking.” :”

“How can I, I’m sick, am I such a boring person?”

Cao Zizhen nodded his head hard. 、

Elizabeth said: “If you have to say, in fact, I have two identities, my first identity is the bounty killer of the ancient martial world, this is my job, usually, I am a teacher at a school.” ”


Cao Zizhen said, “Did you give someone a biology lesson?” ”

“Untangling, it is this kind, but I am in our school, it is a top existence, there are many people who pursue me, but I am not too interested, is this my characteristic?”

Well, this doesn’t seem to be really.

So what’s at the heart of the matter?

I really don’t understand, I really have a head down, a head down.

Cao Zizhen said, “Forget it, I’m too lazy to talk to you, go back, I’m not allowed to talk about martial arts, I said it, be careful to clean you up.” ”

Elizabeth nodded.

After Elizabeth left, Cao Zizhen gave the order.

“The results of the investigation have come out, and the person who blocked the gun should be inside the Shizuka family, but the main person in charge is the personnel in the Nakamori family.”

Zhu Yeqing said, “What do you need me to do?” 0″

“Find a way to tell The Brothers about the news, I’m now very suspicious of the progress of their investigation. Moreover, from the two new people, it may be a variable, when the time comes, take a look at it. ”

Li Hanxue stood up and said, “I’ll take charge, I’ll find an opportunity to help.” ”

In fact, Cao Zizhen’s worry was correct, because, over there, there was indeed a mistake.

The appearance of that Yamamoto made Cao Zizhen worry that something would go wrong.

But this fear is correct, because it will indeed be so.

Yamamoto does not normally appear in this plot, and there is no such person at all.

It’s just why such a person suddenly appeared, Cao Zizhen couldn’t understand. ,

Also confused is Chen Fan, the strength of this Yamamoto, Chen Fan has not tested, do not know what level.

But in the impression, there is absolutely no such person.

“Shizuka, what level is the master your father is looking for?”

“I don’t know, my father never told me.”

Chen Fan pondered for a long time and said, “Well, I know, pay more attention.” ”

Shizuka naturally heard the meaning.

It was past one o’clock in the afternoon, and Elizabeth rushed back.

Shizuka was already out of the house, and it was Yamamoto who was following, and for a moment, Elizabeth didn’t know what to do.

After thinking for a while, I took the initiative to push open the door.

At this time, in the room, Chen Fan was resting, and Elizabeth was also interested and took the initiative to come to his side.

Cao Zizhen said. Their strength was brought by Chen Fan, that is to say, Chen Fan was the strongest.

In the underground world, Elizabeth had also been mixed for a long time, and naturally understood this, and understood that it was very difficult to cultivate to such a point.

Therefore, there must be secrets in Chen Fan’s body, and it may even be like in the novel, there is a gold finger.

After taking the initiative to approach, Elizabeth took out a knife and cut it against Chen Fan’s Bozi.

However, when he reached chen fanbozi’s place, chen fan stopped.

Elizabeth was a little curious, this guy, pretending to be sleeping? 》

Well, since you pretend, then I’ll make it hard.

Directly move your hands to open Chen Fan’s quilt.

Chen Fan blackened his face, Nima’s, you have gone too far, I lean on.

This is really outrageous for you.

Forget it, Lao Tzu is putting up with something.

Elizabeth smiled and then reached out.

Chen Fan did not respond.

After all, man, this bit of concentration is still there.

Elizabeth blackened her face, you pretended to put you, I see how you pretended.


Chen Fan still did not hold back, opened his eyes, and kicked Elizabeth directly out of the air.

Elizabeth covered her stomach and said, “Yes… Sorry, aren’t you going to keep pretending? ”

“I’ve reacted, and I’m still pretending, do you think I don’t know what you’re doing?” Say, what purpose. ”

“I want to get stronger…”

“Then you work hard, you struggle, you become stronger, is this not good?” What are you looking for me to do? ”

Elizabeth said, “But… I’ve reached the limit, you know. ”

Chen Fan sighed and said, “But I don’t know, I’m not familiar with you, I don’t need to make you stronger.” ”

Elizabeth didn’t know what excuse to make for a moment, but suddenly thought of something and said, “Yamamoto was found by the Grand Duke to kill Ye Aotian.” ”

Sleeper, no wonder.

Chen Fan always felt that there was something wrong with this Yamamoto, and he couldn’t remember what was wrong for a while.

But if you look at it this way, the plot is ahead of its time.

However, if the plot is advanced, Ye Aotian’s death is easy, and in this copy, Ye Aotian’s strength will increase.

Chen Fan directly reached out and rested on Elizabeth’s head, saying, “I made you stronger, you have to listen to me, understand?” ”


Almost instantaneously, Elizabeth saw countless scenes, those on the road to the future, things that had never appeared.

She knew that she had really become stronger, even the strongest person in the underground world, she felt that she could not beat herself.

This kind of strength is the purest kind.

Then, Elizabeth looked at Chen Fan.

The eyes were filled with adoration and enthusiasm.

I’m Nyima’s.

“What are you doing?” I tell you, I’m a decent person, you see what I do. ”


ps: Subscribe, follow up.


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