Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1091: Power: Follow you

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Ye Tianlan sighed slightly, "Do we have to do this?"

Subei frowned, so annoyed, that Shu Yumo hadn't figured out what was going on.

There is no useful news there.

Ye Tianlan thought that North Jiangsu was angry because of Shu Yumo's affairs and explained: "I never thought of marrying Shu Yumo."

Subei didn't feel much about his explanation, anyway, he didn't think much about it, just thought Shu Yumo of this world was too weird, "What if we don't like this?"

Ye Tianlan lowered his head and rubbed Su Bei's cheek, "I'll come and live with you."

He did not say to let Subei go to live with him, because it is impossible.

Subei was surprised, "Are you afraid that your dad will break your leg?"

Ye Tianlan said indifferently: "I will help him get what he wants. He can't manage my things."

Now that all is said, what can North Jiangsu refuse to do.

It is the original owner, who is happy to see Ye Tianlan and his father.

Ye Tianlan's smile deepened, "Then go."

Question mark face of black people in northern Jiangsu, is it so fast?

However, Ye Tianlan didn't care how much Su Bei was shocked. When he released him, he got on the co-pilot and then whistle.

Subei took a deep breath, "88, is Qiqi a mutiny?"

748: "I don't know."

So the people who were supposed to be at the banquet just slipped along with Subei.

Early the next morning, Su Bei was awakened. He went downstairs with some irritability and saw Ye Tianlan let people move things into the house.

Ye Tianlan stepped forward and grabbed the waist of Northern Jiangsu. "Sleep and sleep for a while."

Subei shook his head and threw himself on the sofa, squinting and looked at what was moved in. "Is it necessary?"

You can get some clothes.

Ye Tianlan said softly: "Something still needs to be brought over."

Subei went into his arms, "Your dad didn't find you?"

Ye Tianlan gently moved Subei to a comfortable position. "I found it. I told him to be here with you."

Su Bei was sober for a moment, looking at Ye Tianlan with wide eyes. Was it so brave? Just tell a lie.

Ye Tianlan turned his head and asked, "Is there anything wrong? I am indeed here with you."

Subei smiled stiffly. What can he say, he can only say that you are happy.

He estimated that the Ye family's owner was mad.

Ye Tianlan is not a okay person, so the stone monkey finally went out.

Northern Jiangsu was not idle, beckoning Qiqi who pretended not to exist, "Come."

He jumped on the knee of Subei in July and July, "Ye Tianlan threatened me, and I was not allowed to give you a report."

Subei's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't ask anything, so he recruited all, "You said he can still find out what happened?"

Qiqi was aggrieved: "He is terrible."

Su Bei was knotted, "Forget it, did you find anything wrong with Shu Yumo?"

Seven seven shook his head, "No, nothing was found."

Su Bei groaned for a while. That's wrong. In this case, where did the unreasonable things come from her?

Qiqi suddenly thought of something, "Book, I saw Ye Tianlan had a book."

Subei raised her eyebrows, "Huh?"

Qiqi explained: "It's a book about legends, and it's about those who have zero abilities."

"The zero powers appear because of something, and I don't know very well."

748 also spoke at this time, "When we first came in, I found traces of 505."

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