Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1097: Brother: I was thrown out

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He wanted to punch the dude, but he didn't.

He made a difficult smile, and made a shy expression in conscience, "Is it possible for the son to let me go?"

The **** squeezed his fan and tried to provoke the jaws of Northern Jiangsu.

Subei avoided the fan, his fists squeezed loudly, but his face still smiled shyly. "The son laughed, please raise your hand high and let it go."

The dude was a little bit reluctant. "Toasting, not eating and drinking fines, I didn't even give face to my son."

With that, he reached out to pinch North Jiangsu's chin.

Subei said angrily: "I can't bear it anymore, I want to beat this rogue."

He just raised his hand, and his cold voice rang, "Give up."

The playboy's expression stiffened in his face, and he shivered sideways.

North Jiangsu turned his head and saw Han Moling, wearing a black robe and gold thread piping, with a terrifying momentum.

Those eyes like ink dyeing make people shudder.

Han Moling went away after the young man turned away, and his eyes were unwilling to give to others.

Subei immediately followed, and called, "His Royal Highness King."

Han Moling stopped her footsteps and looked back at him coldly because of the call of Northern Jiangsu. There was a trace of disgust in his eyes, "Is this king throwing you out or are you going out yourself?"

Was it rejected? is it? is it! North Jiangsu squeezed out a smile with difficulty, "I have something to say to His Royal Highness King Duan."

Then, Subei was thrown out, and really thrown out, with no mercy.

748 said with some sympathy: "You may be able to look at the memory of the original owner."

In the laughter of everyone, Subei got up and patted the dust on his body, he was already very good not to scold others.

However, the young man came forward and said: "I still want to catch up with the king, don't be naive, it's better to follow the master ..."

Subei raised his hand and gave him a fist, turned and walked away, regardless of the screamer.

But he still looked at the memory of the original owner.

In the horns of the original owner's memory, there was a stupid thing that the original owner had done to climb onto the king's bed.

After almost being killed, he caught the prince.

North Jiangsu has some kidney pains. Well, other worlds are strangers at most. Now that's okay, there is a layer of disgust.

Without this level of disgust, maybe he can still ensure that his mortality rate is not high. With this level of disgust, he can't guarantee it.

Subei thought that after today, he was afraid that he would become a laughing stock in the capital, but he did not.

Because later rumors were that a man, who tried to climb the king of high, was thrown out of the gluttonous building.

North Jiangsu only reacted for a long time, oh, because no one applied grease, no one recognized him as North Jiangsu.

But looking at Han Moling's reaction, he should have recognized it.

The thought of North Jiangsu's bitter fun, at least people can recognize themselves, right?

So, what do you plan to do next, Subei has to look at the plot.

Can't he let him go over the cold wall? It will be dead.

The next plot, it should be someone at Qionghua Banquet who wanted to embarrass Su Yan and was hit by Su Yan.

Then Han Moling felt that this woman was so smart, so powerful, so pure and unpretentious, and successfully aroused the interest of Ben Wang and the like.

It's so annoying. Subei has to wait for Qionghua Banquet, and then he has to apply grease and powder.

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