Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1183: Blood Race: Plan

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And the eyes of the original mother ’s mother were like a standing water, without any waves,

It seems that there is something mechanical about doing anything, rather than doing it out of your will.

After eating, Subei was alone with the original mother for the reason he wanted to accompany his mother,

Probably because the cheap dad felt that Subei could not do anything extraordinary under his eyelids, so no bird at home was staring at him every day.

Subei called the original mother's mother several times, and she didn't respond. Subei even doubted whether she had lost her soul. It turned out that there were still some, but there was no response.

After trying several times, North Jiangsu simply took the risk and said next to the ear of the original mother's mother that he would make that cheap father.

North Jiangsu clearly saw that the eyes of the original mother's mother had fluctuated, but she hadn't responded yet.

For several days afterwards, the cheap dad would brainwash Subei every day, trying to make Subei listen to him.

Then Subei will go to see the original mother, and then mention this matter again.

Gradually, the expression of the original mother's mother fluctuated more and more, but in front of the cheap father, she still looked like she didn't respond.

Occasionally, the cheap dad glanced at her, which was full of disgust.

On this day, Su Bei was called by the cheap father, who asked him to go to the human world to assist the demon to kill Gu Yebai.

And he threatened North Jiangsu again, and if he failed this time, he would be punished.

Can Northern Jiangsu say no? No, it was just a glance at the original mother before leaving.

Soon he arrived in the human world and met the people possessed by the demon.

Subei felt a bit cruel. The person possessed by the demon is the most trusted and grateful dean of Gu Yebai in the plot.

The dean at this time seems to be infiltrating because of the possession of the demon.

Subei asked: "What are you going to do?"

The Devil in the Dean's skin smiled a bit sour, and then he began to talk to Subei about his plan.

She has invited Gu Yebai tomorrow as the dean, and then she will kill Gu Yebai.

Subei feels that this plan will not succeed because of his sixth sense.

However, he didn't need to remind anything, if others felt feasible, it would be feasible.

The next day, Northern Jiangsu did not come forward, but only looked at the situation there from afar.

Gu Yebai really came, and the dean controlled by the demon also pretended to be handsome.

If Su Bei remembered correctly, Gu Yebai added something to the cup of tea.

Subei was a little unsure whether Gu Yebai would really be so stupid as to drink that cup of tea, so he let Qiqi be ready at all times, but if he found something wrong, he would destroy it.

Just when Gu Yebai picked up the tea, he didn't know what he thought of, and put it down again.

Then he repeated so many times, and Subei felt that the Demon could hardly stretch.

He even wondered if Gu Yebai deliberately teased the demon so deliberately.

The Mozu also reacted that this method would not work, so he planned to get close to Gu Yebai and kill him.

Just when Mozu thought Gu Yebai relaxed his vigilance, a knife suddenly appeared in his hand, and he pinched the knife to Gu Yebai.

Of course, Gu Yebai could not stand and pierce him. I do n’t know how he did it. He squeezed the long arm of the hospitalized patient, and probably the entire arm was dislocated.

Seeing this feeling, Gu Yebai today may not be Gu Yebai on weekdays.

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