Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1279: Blood Hunt: Temptation

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North Jiangsu gave the agent a glance, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, and no matter how threatening.

The agent jumped a bit, and finally threw a sentence, you waited, and then left.

Subei was also completely awake, and after washing it for a while, he planned to customize earrings.

Of course, I ordered a bunch of peonies and sent them to Jiang Ziling.

As Jiang Ziling, who is also very popular, there are no shortage of gifts.

The rose is already vulgar, so he was surprised when he saw a bunch of peonies.

Because he has never seen anyone send flowers like this before.

Jiang Ziling took out the peony alone, and then let people deal with all the roses.

He twisted out a card from the flower, and there was nothing superfluous, and only the name of North Jiangsu.

Jiang Ziling couldn't tell what it was like, probably I didn't expect Subei to really pursue him.

I did not expect that North Jiangsu even sent peony strangely, although he felt good.

Out of feeling that it was really rare for someone to send peonies, he left the peonies behind.

Ling Feiyin has coaxed him back, just hope she doesn't get angry, then he will be very irritable.

An irritability that can't tell the truth.

747: "Raiders value increased by 5%, Raiders progress 15%."

Subei raised her eyebrows when she heard the reminder. A bunch of peonies gave her a 5% increase in strategy value.

He went directly to Jiang Ziling's company, and before he saw Jiang Ziling, he saw Xiaoxiao.

It was probably North Jiangsu that left Xiao Xiao with a shadow, so when Xiao Xiao saw him, he was obviously reluctant to stay longer.

North Jiangsu grabbed the little collar and asked, "Is Jiang Ziling here?"

Xiaoxiao said angrily: "No, he bought clothes for Ling Feiyin."

North Jiangsu nodded, "Where did you go to buy clothes?"

Now it's the turn of Xiao Xiao's eyes. "Of course it's a mall, otherwise what do you think?"

Subei mouth slightly smoked, "Which mall am I talking about, you can't let me go through the mall every time?"

As Su Bei's eyes rolled, "What do you think will happen to Jiang Jiang's appointment?"

Little silence, that is agreed, Subei asked again: "Can you locate Jiang Ziling's relationship?"

So, for small reasons, North Jiangsu found Jiang Ziling, who bought clothes in a shopping mall.

He glanced at the tiny little boy in Northern Hubei's arms, saying half-truth: "You really care about your subordinates."

Ling Feiyin saw North Jiangsu, her eyes full of hostility,

Little apparently discovered this problem, it is really happy to be able to let this woman deflated.

Every time so selfish.

Jiang Ziling's skin was even paler during the day. He even thought about it, is it because Jiang Ziling, the vampire, is afraid of sunlight?

But it's not right either. In the plot or in the past few days, Jiang Ziling didn't fear the sun.

Jiang Ziling glanced at Subei and smiled, "I am a good boss, am I?"

Northern Jiangsu denied: "No, you are a persistent boss."

I do n’t know what I mean by this attachment.

Jiang Ziling also heard the voice beyond the North Jiangsu dialect, his eyes flashing slightly, not sure if North Jiangsu knew what.

He smiled lightly: "If I remember correctly, we haven't known each other for a long time, have we?"

This sentence is also a kind of temptation.

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