Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1282: Blood Hunt: Explanation

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The man's gaze has always been on Subei, a hunting gaze.

He ordered a glass of wine and put it in front of Subei, "Please yours."

Subei reached out his hand and pretended to touch the other person's finger inadvertently. The burning temperature on his wrist told him that it was this vampire.

Probably because the technology is too developed, so the equipment of blood hunting is also advancing with the times.

The device on the wrist of Subei is the thing extracted from the blood of this vampire. Even if he does not know his appearance, the device will be recognized as long as it is touched.

The vampire in front of him not only did not feel disgusted by the touch of North Jiangsu, but also touched up and down the wrist of North Jiangsu.

Su Bei grabbed the opponent's wrist and smiled, "Maybe we can change places."

Vampires are definitely undesirable.

Subei plans to take the vampire to another place to solve it.

After turning around, he saw Jiang Zihe and the little one who was out of tune with the bar.

Jiang Ziling gave him a faint look and looked away.

Xiao Xiao wanted to speak, and was stopped by a look in Northern Jiangsu.

Su Bei glanced at the vampire with a confused look and sniffing the breath on his body. The corners of his mouth were slightly pumped. Okay, don't expect him to find out.

He distanced himself from the vampire and then went out with him.

In order to make a quick decision, North Jiangsu simply pushed him into the alley near the bar.

The vampire stretched out his hand and wanted to touch North Jiangsu. North Jiangsu clamped his wrist and pushed into the darkness.

Then the cold light flashed, and a sterling silver dagger was inserted directly into the heart of the vampire.

As long as the right weapon is used, the vampire's vital position is similar to that of human beings.

The vampire in front of him looked at Subei in disbelief, and there was no chance of struggling.

Subei felt that the vampire was stupid, so he could dare to do so many things with such a skill.

Subei pulled out his dagger, and the vampire turned into gravel from the location of the wound and blew into the wind.

He took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands and neck. If he could, he really wanted to change clothes.

But forget it. Going to explain with Jiang Ziling first is the right thing. It is not good to be misunderstood.

Subei threw the handkerchief on the ground, and the corner of the handkerchief was embroidered with roses.

It's not Subei Saobao, but each blood hunt will have a code name, and then after the task is completed, leave the code that represents itself in place.

It is used to warn those restless vampires that if they are chaotic again, it will cause such a fate.

Compared with other people's stamps and paintings, Subei felt that it was a wise choice to choose a handkerchief.

Subei returned to the bar and waved at the position of the stairs.

He walked over and heard a small complaint, "I knew you would come back, Jiang Ziling Fei said you are a casual person."

Subei shook his eyebrows slightly and was about to explain. Xiao Xiao interrupted him. "You and Jiang Ziling should just explain. In fact, we came here for this vampire."

Following Xiaoxiao into the box, Jiang Ziling slowly wobbled the wine glass. The wine glass reflected the bright light, and Jiang Ziling was hooked under the dim light.

Northern Jiangsu did not delay, and directly explained that he had come to do the task.

Jiang Ziling didn't speak, and Xiao continued to complain, "This kind of idiot is very annoying. We, the vampires who are law-abiding and law-abiding, are very sad.

Subei was a little surprised, "So you came to kill him too?"

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