Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1334: Peony: was saved

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Mo Ziyuan is gone, so the fish demon will be useless. When Jin Se was about to let the fish demon retreat, the lake water was tumbling.

Something rushed out of the lake water, and then the sword flashed, and the raging fish demon had been split in half.

Mo Ziyuan, who was supposed to be dying at the bottom of the lake, hugged Subei and hung in the air.

Jinse has never seen such a terrible Mo Ziyuan, whether it is heaven or earth, she has not seen it.

Mo Ziyuan walked towards Jinse step by step, "How dare you?"

Jin Se's throat seemed to be blocked by cotton, and he couldn't say a word.

Mo Ziyuan's long sword pointed to Jinse, "You have to pay for everything you do."

Jin Se finally opened his mouth, but his voice trembled slightly, "You can't kill me, because if I die, Subei will not be able to live."

Mo Ziyuan's eyes are full of indifference, and obviously do not believe her words.

Jin Se said again: "Although you try, if I die in the tragedy of Rasu when I die, it will be worth it."

Mo Ziyuan's gaze finally fluctuated. Indeed, he did not dare to gamble or take the life of Subei. ,

He waved his sleeves and threw the Jinse into the lake.

Mo Ziyuan glanced at Subei in his arms. He thought he could only settle the bill next time. Why did his little flower fairy suddenly change his gender.

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, Raiders progress 85%."

He put the tragedy of Su into the soft collapse of the cabin. After all, it was a calamity, and it has been the limit for him to appear for so long.

Therefore, after Mo Ziyuan insisted on something, he fell on the unconscious Subei.

When Su Bei woke up, he couldn't recover. He looked at the surrounding environment, and he should haven't died.

A little maid suddenly said: "The son is awake? But what is uncomfortable?"

North Jiangsu got up and pressed his forehead, "What about Mo Ziyuan?"

The little maid answered: "Your Highness has not yet woken up."

Subei nodded to know that, and then said: "Take me over to see."

The little girl brought Northern Jiangsu to Mo Ziyuan, but was stopped by someone, on the grounds that Jin Se said not to let anyone disturb Mo Ziyuan.

Subei felt amused, "When can Jin Se order Mo Ziyuan's people?"

The man said: "Who allows you to call your crown prince's name directly, but the Jinse girl, but the future prince, naturally can command us."

Subei narrowed his eyes, so what Mo Ziyuan did to make these people have such an illusion that when Mo Ziyuan woke up, he had to settle accounts with him.

These people said that they wouldn't let in, and Jinse swaggered in and out, and got angry in northern Jiangsu.

He suddenly remembered that he had a connection with Mo Ziyuan's ornament, after all, it was also part of him.

By the way, Xianli, North Jiangsu tried it, and found that Xianli had no problems, it was usable, so what was the situation at that time, did that have something to do with the water plants?

Subei was not able to use the ornament, because Qiqi told him that he found that Jin Se and his relationship with twin peonies were also related to the peony ornament.

So in fact, Jin Se has been shameless and has been using Peony ornaments to accompany Mo Ziyuan for a long time, including the difficult years of his childhood.

Mo Ziyuan trusted the peony ornament very much.

Subei felt like a dog, and Jin Se really did his best.

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