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The principle of this instrument is adsorption, which absorbs the injected nanobombs.

According to the plot, only this method can be thought of.

Subei picked up the instrument and asked Qiqi to scan the body for nanometer bombs. As a result, it was absorbed.

This made Northern Jiangsu a little bit happy, and obviously succeeded.

He and Mo Yize glanced at each other. Since they succeeded, they must take out the nanobomb in their body.

Subei, who took the nanobomb: "What do you think of paralyzing the entire game system now?"

Mo Yize slightly turned his head to look at North Jiangsu, and the excitement in his eyes made no secret, "I feel very good."

So, in an instant, the entire game system collapsed.

Even the helicopter that the sky sent to sponsors crashed directly.

Subei and Mo Yize did not care about these, but followed the map to find other people.

Because there are enough people, it can cause more confusion.

For the North Jiangsu they can solve the nanobomb, some believe it, some do n’t.

Subei also did not reluctantly, and threw the instrument directly to them, telling them whether to continue the forced killing or to resist, they had the final say.

Then go to the headquarters of the entire game with Mo Yize.

This mountain is still some distance away from the game headquarters. It takes some time to walk over, but this time is not enough for them to repair the system.

Because once Qiqi is cracked, it can no longer be used by others.

Probably there was something wrong there and started to activate the nanobomb on the player.

The explosions in the whole forest sounded one after another, and North Jiangsu thought that those people should have noticed that it was wrong.

And they do n’t treat the people at the bottom as humans, so it ’s not impossible to deal with them directly to prevent threats.

The only one who escaped the disaster was probably someone who believed in northern Jiangsu.

Others watched as the other party was blown to pieces in front of them, their flesh and blood blurred.

This shock is really shocking.

Subei asked Qiqi to connect their systems and asked them, do you want to resist?

Things have reached this point, who else will refuse.

The Game Center seems to have noticed the seriousness of the incident and activated the emergency backup system, but it crashed within a few minutes.

The whole upper class was panicked. They worried about their status and threatened their lives and property.

This fear is spreading, even if it is no matter how to appease, the spreading fear will not disappear.

In the north of Jiangsu, they found the main control room of the game, and had stationed many people to participate in the maintenance of the game system.

Subei and Mo Yize did not immediately start, but waited for more people.

Qiqi is also working hard to get the 505 replica, and will soon know where Lin Xi is hiding.

There were more and more people, North Jiangsu smiled, a mouth shape, all the people rushed up with the weapons obtained in the game.

There were definitely casualties, but they also quickly occupied the game control room in northern Jiangsu.

Subei made seven and seven links to the entire live broadcast. Subei and Mo Yize and the people who survived appeared in the eyes of those who watched the live broadcast.

He made a symbolic declaration, which means that a revolt started.

But within a few days, the news reached various districts, and those people were boiling, and spontaneously organized rebel groups.

Mo Yize and Subei, who could have become the boss of the rebel group, slipped away.

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