Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1379: Leprechaun: Crayfish

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North Jiangsu nodded, "Yes, we should make a break." Fart, he won't go anyway.

An Yao looked at Fu Yan and left.

Subei looked at Fu Yanzhi, "I haven't eaten yet."

Fu Yanzhi wanted to refuse the North Jiangsu, but he didn't say the rejection in the end, but asked calmly, "What to eat?"

So they went to the supermarket to buy food together.

North Jiangsu looked at the crawling lobster in the fresh area and "want to eat it."

Fu Yanzhi glanced, and then asked how much money.

At this moment, a woman came over with a man, "Huh, isn't this a feast? I met you here."

Fu Yanzhi glanced at her, no special expression, but continued to look at the shrimp.

The woman did not intend to stop there, shaking her head and saying, "I didn't expect you to be like this ... like a wood."

With that said, she smiled at the men around her: "You don't know, one of our little sisters used to like to feast."

"As a result, the little sisters sent love letters, chocolates, and the dinner party did not respond like a wood."

"Finally one day, this little sister was in a hurry, and kissed Fu Yanzhi directly. Did you know how to respond to the banquet?"

"Like a wood!"

After that, the woman giggled, and the man laughed, "He just paid the banquet, doesn't he mean he is a monster without emotion?"

Subei looked at the banquet at the center of the topic. He was carefully selecting the lobster, as if these things had nothing to do with him.

He asked Fu Yanzhi, "Aren't you angry?"

The banquet asked calmly: "Why are you angry?"

Or, what is anger?

The woman laughed louder, "Look, look, it's so funny."

North Jiangsu responded seriously to the banquet: "I'm angry."

Then he stepped forward and looked at the woman, "It's funny?"

The woman blushed at once, because the face of Northern Jiangsu was too delicate.

She was speechless for a long time.

Subei smiled, and the woman's eyes were straight.

He picked up the basin filled with water in the fresh area and slammed it at the woman.

The woman was thrown into a rotten chicken and screamed loudly.

The man next to her seemed to react, raising her fist and beating North Jiangsu.

Su Bei made him cover his stomach and squatted on the ground with a distorted expression.

He took the freshly prepared dinner and left.

Fu Yanzhi looked back at the embarrassed two people, and there was a strange feeling in his heart.

A feeling that he couldn't say, but it was very comfortable.

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, strategy progress 25%."

Su Bei, who is sensitive to emotions, felt it instantly. He turned his head slightly, "Do you feel it? This is happiness, you are happy."

Hesitantly thinking about the banquet, is this the feeling of happiness? He likes this feeling.

He asked Subei, "So, what kind of emotions do you feed on?"

North Jiangsu responded: "Fear."

He didn't know what fear was for the feast, but he had a feeling that this fairy called Subei would teach him what emotion is.

Subei got the crayfish as he wished.

Fu Yanzhi looked at Subei. He wanted to know that other emotions looked like late at night. "Can you make me feel all emotions?"

North Jiangsu raised his head slightly, "I'm not sure."

The banquet should be heard, "Oh." Nothing, nothing.

He thinks that he is really a monster without emotion, that man is right.

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