Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1391: Leprechaun: related organizations

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Qiqi is not in the world anymore, and can only wait to see the situation after leaving the world.

However, from the perspective of northern Jiangsu, it is probably impossible.

He sighed, tired, what's the matter.

Thinking about it, Subei went to sleep. Another reason is that he was really tired.

Fu Yanzhi saw that Subei was asleep, and originally wanted to take Subei back to his room.

But when he was about to touch Northern Jiangsu, he stopped again, but returned to the room and took a blanket to cover Northern Jiangsu.

When Su Bei woke up, it was already dark.

He sniffed his nose and smelled the smell of the food.

Fu Yanzhi's voice came, "It's time to eat."

Some people in Northern Jiangsu confusedly washed their faces before sitting at the table.

The feast is quite rich.

However, North Jiangsu does not mind whether it is rich or not. Anyway, the taste of the things made at the banquet is absolutely guaranteed.

He asked Fu Yanzhi, "Is there any news from the school?"

Fu Yanzhi groaned slightly: "The relevant department intervened,"

North Jiangsu raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised, "Is there any related department?"

Fu Yanzhi nodded and talked about the situation.

Probably it was the intervention of relevant departments, so that the people in that classroom must be tight-lipped, as if they did not know that there are other things in this world.

Su Bei thought for a moment and thought so too.

It is impossible for no one to see the existence of a goblin, but there have never been stories about goblins circulating among people. It should be someone who is controlling these.

The days seemed to calm down again, and North Jiangsu and Fu Yanzhi continued to attend the class, although for him, it was useless in class or whatever.

It was only the first lesson that I did n’t expect. The person from the so-called related department had already found the two in northern Jiangsu, and I talked to them.

The insiders in the classroom looked at Subei with some weird eyes.

The two in northern Jiangsu and the people of related organizations left.

They took the two to an office building.

North Jiangsu is surprised. Is this organization so blatant?

Then interrogated and asked Subei, "Speak, what the **** was going on that day?"

The interrogators were somewhat fierce and evil, and looked at Subei's eyes as if he was unforgivable.

Subei was calm, "It's very simple, that is, there is a goblin biting the goblin stone in my hand, but I don't even know what the goblin stone looks like."

The man said neither faith nor unbelief, but continued to ask: "I heard that you were taken away, so how did you escape!"

Subei deliberately concealed the matter of paying the banquet, because he felt that something must have been ignored by himself.

In short, it was half-truth.

Because Northern Jiangsu did not behave like a lie, the interrogators also believed so much.

The interrogator asked again: "Why do you say you have a goblin stone for no reason?"

Subei threw the pot to An Yao without hesitation. "I think it may be that An Yao wants to use this as a reason to let other goblins kill me. I am quite enemies with her."

The interrogator frowned, "I have seen An Yao you said a few times, she is not like this kind of person."

"I tell you, don't think we can't take you fairies, you better tell the truth."

North Jiangsu shrugged. "You can't help me if you don't believe me, because I'm telling the truth."

The interrogator glanced suspiciously at Northern Jiangsu, and probably believed it, because An Yao's whereabouts are unknown.

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