Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1397: Landlord: was sold

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Then there is the feeling of being thrown into something.

When he woke up, he was a little dazed, and then jumped up with a rattan.

The man scolded: "What sleep do you still sleep, get me up! If I can't sell a good price today, I will kill you!"

Subei grinned and got up quickly.

The man went to smoke others again, and the smoked children wailed.

After a while, North Jiangsu slowly reached out and shrank back.

This is not like waking up, how short hands are like those of a five or six year old child.

He held out his hand without belief and looked at the short legs again, "88, I need the plot."

748 gave the story of northern Jiangsu, and also said, "This world is estimated to be 505 selected, after all, he now has this authority."

Subei responded and began to watch the plot.

How to say it is a toothache.

Let's talk about the original owner first. The original owner was originally a wealthy young master, but because of the revenge of the enemies, everything is destroyed.

He was scammed by a trafficker because he was hidden by his mother.

It was then pulled out and sold as a farm animal.

In the plot, because he failed to sell a good price for a while, he was killed that night.

Gee, pity is dead.

Then there are the men and women.

The heroine Cang Lan is the first poison master, killing invisible, and many people are also afraid of it on the rivers and lakes.

Gu Huai, the male owner, is the owner of Fenghua Building. Although he is superb in martial arts, he is not in good health. Some are sick and weak.

In order to be able to make his body better, Gu Huai searched all the doctors, there was no way.

Finally, in line with the idea that medicine is not separated from the family, of course, there is also the idea of ​​a dead horse as a living horse doctor, thinking of the poison master blue.

Canglan promised to help Gu Huai to cure the disease, but there is a condition. As for the condition, I will talk about it later.

Of course, Canglan followed him in order to treat Gu Huai, then he was born and died, and his feelings rose.

Northern Jiangsu pouted, and Gu Huai's body could be cured.

Because it was poisoned.

It was only after watching the plot that he was kicked again on his butt, "What a daze, don't hurry!"

Subei moved his steps forward.

The reason why the original owner did not buy it is because it seems that his fingers are not touched with the spring water, and the skin is tender and tender. Do you want to buy it back or be an ancestor?

So no one wants to spend money.

Subei and several other children were rushed into a wooden cage, and they really did not treat them as human beings.

He wanted to escape, but the original owner had been hungry for a long time, and he only had the strength to walk. He was not sure at all, so Subei wanted to wait and see if there were any good opportunities.

Subei was sitting in a cage, hungry and groaning, and his stomach was empty and uncomfortable.

Someone came soon, but after looking at Subei, he didn't ask him anymore.

The trafficker's look at Subei was increasingly disgusted.

Other children were gradually bought away, and Northern Jiangsu had no way to save them because they could not guarantee themselves.

In the end, only Su Bei was left, and the popular person pulled Su Bei out of the cage and wanted to give him a kick.

Northern Jiangsu avoided it, and even made the man more troublesome. He was punching and kicking against Northern Jiangsu.

Subei is really unable to avoid this time.

But the imaginary pain was not there. The trafficker was pulled away by the back of the neck.

A crouching voice wearing a snow white fox fur, "What's your name."

Subei raised his head slightly, Gu Huai.

His face was pale, it was that sick white, and his lips were bloodless.

North Jiangsu should say: "North Jiangsu, my name is North Jiangsu."

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