Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1406: Landlord: pressing step by step

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Although Fenghua Building is not a decent thing, it is not an indiscriminate existence.

But it seems that the other party intentionally trapped them in the middle of the crowd, with people on all sides.

People who were immersed in the festive atmosphere also noticed something was wrong and began to run away in fright.

North Jiangsu and Gu Huai nearly fell after being hit.

Those people also started attacking the two of them. Gu Huai because of his innocence, was somewhat handcuffed and forced to step back.

Subei is only six years old because he has no weapons, and he is really small.

Moreover, it was only recently that they discovered that the weapons were quenched with poison.

North Jiangsu is still not clear what poison this is, or be careful.

I don't know where the poinsettia is, so it's not a way to go on.

Gu Huai was obviously aware of this situation, he said: "Hug me, can you do it?"

Then he added a sentence, "I won't touch you."

Northern Jiangsu is also helpless.

He responded, "Okay."

Gu Huaidang was about to hold Subei in his arms, but he was also careful not to touch Subei's skin, and he took the light and forced to leave the place.

Of course, those people also intercepted. Gu Huai took the umbrella as a sword and swept them away with sword energy.

Then Gu Huai took Subei out of that place.

But the other party seemed to be desperate, and after finding Gu Huai out of the encircling circle, countless arrows shot from all directions.

Some indifferent attack means.

And North Jiangsu guessed that these arrows were also poisoned, in short, to let them die.

Gu Huaicai stood firm, and North Jiangsu let go, quickly pulled off his coat and rolled up the oncoming arrow.

The two flashed into a shop, and the people in the shop all shrank in the corner because of fear.

The arrows were all nailed to the windows and door frames.

After the other party noticed that they were hiding in the house, the arrow became burning.

So when another batch of arrows fell, the flames climbed into the wooden house.

The people in the house were choked by the smoke of Sisi.

Gu Huai's snow-white fox fur was also stained.

Gu Huai glanced at Northern Jiangsu and appeased: "If you persist, you will be fine."

North Jiangsu responded and backed away, the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

However, the other party seemed to not stop, throwing something into the room.

North Jiangsu only asked about the burning breath of the thing, covered his nose and mouth, and then looked at Gu Huai.

Gu Huai saw that this was the case in northern Jiangsu, and guessed that there was something wrong with the things, and he also covered his nose.

But this method will not last long, either burned to death in the inside, or go out and face those people.

I felt that the chance of going out was a little bigger, so Subei pulled La Guhuai's clothing corner.

At this time, although the two had a tacit understanding, Gu Huai instantly understood the meaning of Northern Jiangsu.

Indeed, there is no other feasible way.

Gu Huai was shocked, and the door swallowed by the flame was torn apart.

He couldn't take care of the others anymore and rolled out with Su Bei.

At the same time, arrows arrived as scheduled.

Even if Gu Huai moves fast, it is inevitable to escape.

When the arrow came towards Gu Huai's back, Su tragedy suddenly reached out and stopped before the arrow penetrated Gu Huai's back.

The price is that the entire palm of northern Jiangsu is drawn by arrows.

Fortunately, the poinsettia brought people, and the situation was better.

Subei felt that the noisy voice in his ear was away from him, Gu Huai's lips kept moving, and Subei could not understand what he said.

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