Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1459: Interstellar: Wake up

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Xu Bao has not remembered how many people they died in this worm wave and how long they stayed.

He only knew that their boss, who was no longer able to use mechas, was killed in a wave of insects and took them out.

The blood-stained wrists of the ritual sacrifices were only seen for the first time.

As the empire changed, the sacrifice of a person to kill a wave of insects was enough to make many people dare not talk more.

In addition, many people are actually dissatisfied with the power of the previous empire.

Because they are sitting in that position, they don't do practical things.

The ritual sacrifice bears the title of an imperial hero, which proves that he really fought his life to protect the imperial people.

That is, the offering is more popular.

Severe injuries in northern Jiangsu, raging Zerg, and instability of the empire.

This situation, which fell on the others, was about to be unsustainable, but the sacrifice was held up firmly.

He didn't even have time to think about why he was able to use mechs just like his own waste.

The feast quickly integrated the army and fought against the worms that Xia Keyi had created.

The priests had not been idle before, and collected the handles of many empire managers who ate dry rice.

So it is actually not that difficult to secure rights.

The return of the sacrificial offering, even the people who regarded him as an idol, also returned, so the army is not like the previous one, and the paper is the same.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's confusing, but actually want untrained people to go to the battlefield.

Everything and everything has subsided and developed towards the good.

Alone in northern Jiangsu, he was still unconscious.

When the priest had just brought back Northern Jiangsu, many doctors said he was not saved.

It was the unbelieving sacrifice that forced the death of Su Bei.

He will not let Subei die, he wants Subei to live.

Feng Ji was used to going home after handling things every day, and took a look at North Jiangsu.

On this day, he went home and walked into Subei's room, but the bed was empty.

He froze at the door, and then rushed down like crazy, grabbing the steward's collar, and his eyes were split, "What about people! What about others!"

Subei's voice came from behind, "Who?"

It was about just waking up, and the voice was still a bit hoarse.

The feast turned around, and Subei stood at the kitchen door and looked at him, a pair of peach eyes with a searing smile.

He wanted to rush to hug Subei and drag him into the bone blood, but he didn't, just calmly said: "Are you awake?"

North Jiangsu responded, "Well, a little thirsty, come down and pour a glass of water."

The tone is familiar as if Northern Jiangsu had not been unconscious for so long.

The feast was like nothing happened. He asked softly, "What do you want to eat in the afternoon?"

Subei thought a little, "Drink porridge."

He sleeps for so long, I am afraid it is not suitable for stimulating food.

The feast said, "I will do it."

When he was chopping vegetables, his hands were shaking.

Subei woke up, he was still alive.

The next thing is just fine. No one mentioned Subei's coma.

The days are so peaceful.

In fact, it is not calm, because the queen of the new emperor of the empire is a male.

No matter how the people object, the sacrifice is indifferent.

The ritual has formed a habit, every time I go home, I have to find it again, until I find the figure of Northern Jiangsu.

Subei looked at the sacrifice offering he seemed relieved and raised his eyebrows, "Did you play at night?"

Feng Ji looked at Subei, "Is it possible?"

North Jiangsu spread his hand, "If you don't want it, you don't even need to."

The sacrifice offering quickly said: "Naturally willing."

Neither the body of Northern Jiangsu nor the body of the ritual offering can support them for a long time.

The people were not optimistic about the marriage from the beginning, but came to the end and lay in a tomb.

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