Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1575: Vampire: who are you

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Su Bei felt that Su Yi might have done this kind of thing.

He asked again: "What about the housekeeper?"

Since Su Yi said he killed the housekeeper, Su Bei felt that no matter who killed it, the housekeeper should be gone.

Zhong Ruoyan said casually: "Miss Sui killed, she said that as long as she blames me, you will definitely drive me out."

Then he looked at Subei with expectation. "If I killed me, would you drive me out?"

North Jiangsu responded: "If it is Zhong Ruoyan, it certainly won't. If you say it, it's not necessary."

As the words fell, Subei released Zhong Ruoyan's hand and made a gesture ready to attack at any time, "Who are you? You are not Zhong Ruoyan?"

The current Zhong Ruoyan and the previous Zhong Ruoyan are basically two feelings, which makes no sense.

And just now, when Su Bei held Zhong Ruoyan's wrist, he clearly felt that his body temperature was abnormal. That should be the temperature of a vampire.

Zhong Ruoyan looked at Beibei with some injuries. "How come I am not Zhong Ruoyan? Are you still confused? It doesn't matter. It should be fine if you sleep a little longer."

Subei did not believe this kind of nonsense, "Where is Zhong Ruoyan?"

Zhong Ruoyan smiled gently, "Why don't you want to believe me? This makes me a little sad."

He said, step by step close to the North of Jiangsu, "If you think I am not Zhong Ruoyan, it is better to do this, you kill me."

Originally for Northern Jiangsu, it was the easiest thing to do, but I do n’t know why, as Zhong Ruoyan approached step by step, Northern Jiangsu could n’t make it.

I'm not afraid, but I can't tell the feeling.

This feeling made him doubt that it was really Zhong Ruoyan in front of him.

Even wondering if it was Zhong Ruoyan who met some vampire, so he was turned into a vampire.

But this reason is not tenable at all.

Those vampires rarely turn people into vampires, they just **** people into life.

Su Bei narrowed her eyes, "What evidence do you have to prove that you are Zhong Ruoyan?"

Zhong Ruoyan was standing not far from North Jiangsu and reached out to touch North Jiangsu's side face, and North Jiangsu waved away without hesitation.

He was not angry but just said helplessly: "You can still let me warm your bed, and said that you will take me to the banquet together."

Northern Jiangsu was indifferent, "Yes, the housekeeper knew these two things."

Zhong Ruoyan sighed, "Then do you like me?"

Subei was silent this time. He liked Zhong Ruoyan, but Zhong Ruoyan didn't know it before.

He was distracted for a moment, and Zhong Ruoyan took the opportunity to approach, took North Jiangsu into his arms, and put his chin on top of North Jiangsu. He said softly: "Now should you believe it?"

Believe in a ghost! Subei pushed away Zhong Ruoyan, and there was a strange feeling everywhere how he believed it.

Zhong Ruoyan seemed to give up to convince Northern Jiangsu to sit directly on the chair, and there was also a provocative saying: "But even then, you can't give me a hand."

The corner of Subei's mouth was slightly drawn. You said that you were bothersome, but you just let people hold the dead point, "88, what's the matter, scan for me."

748 quickly scanned the results, "It was Zhong Ruoyan, but the heart seemed to be replaced."

Subei was silent for a longer time. "Is the soul Zhong Zhongyan or the body Zhong Zhongyan?"

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