Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1595: Rebirth: Can't sleep

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Subei didn't know how he got back to this space. He was very tired. He didn't want to do anything.

A cat meow sounded, and Qiqi rubbed on the north Jiangsu leg.

748 said: "I'll let someone send Qiqi."

North Jiangsu responded.

748: "Do you ... want to rest?"

Subei asked: "Can I rest?"

748 considered for a moment: "His soul has been forcibly drawn into the world by 505. Rest can rest, but if it rests, the failure rate may be high."

Subei rubbed his head, "Send me in, don't talk nonsense."

748: "Okay."

Subei opened his eyes and felt very tired, feeling exhausted in his heart.

He closed his eyes and accepted the plot of the world.

The male host Chi Cheng was born again. In the previous life, he was betrayed by various kinds, was stripped and cramped by the original owner, seized all the magical techniques and even slept his fiancee.

In short, it is cruel, inhumane, resentful, and resentful.

After rebirth, he met God to kill God, met Buddha to kill Buddha, abandoned all kindness and conscience, only for revenge.

His only tenderness was to Luo Qingtang, the hostess.

The hostess Luo Qingtang is Chi Cheng's little sister. In the past life, only this little sister believed in him, helped him, and finally helped him collect the body.

As for the end of the original owner, let alone say, anyway, even worse than Chi Cheng before rebirth.

Subei felt his head hurt, and he didn't believe that 505 was not intentional.

He took a deep breath, "88, you tell me what happened in the last world first?"

It feels messy, so it's over.

748: "It was humans who found Zhong Ruoyan's body without a heart, so he tried to use Zhong Ruoyan as a weapon against vampires."

"So I replaced him with a person's heart, and under the influence of that heart, he slowly changed to look like that person, and that's just his appearance."

North Jiangsu responded, "Got it."

Although the last world completed the task, it was still counted by 505 because there were too many smoke bombs.

Northern Jiangsu in this world must be fully prepared.

Northern Jiangsu looked at the identity of the original owner, the Buddha, that is, Buddhism cultivation, and cultivation is advanced.

All the people in the world of Immortal Cultivation know that the original owner is compassionate and merciful. Anyway, it is all kinds of beauty.

It is actually a viper's heart, black hearted.

To put it bluntly, it's different.

The current situation is that a woman in a place is always missing. The male host Chi Cheng and the female host Luo Qingtang are sent by the door to come to investigate.

The original owner said that he was passing by, but he actually did it.

He made people catch those women and refine man Dan.

Rendan can improve cultivation, in short, it is a kind of sideways.

In the plot, Luo Qingtang debunked the true face of the original owner in this place, and all the illusions created by the original owner began to collapse.

After knowing the plot, the whole of Subei is not good.

I was still thinking of using the people in the original owner's hands to do things, and now I'm going to bear the blame for the original owner.

Subei was a bit sleepy.

He decided to go out and blow a cold wind. Since he couldn't sleep, he was more awake and planned what to do.

Subei turned over from the window and sat on the roof blowing cold wind.

He can't stop the person who cultivates Dan now, because tomorrow he will lose his horse.

Even if he went to let them leave now, Chi Cheng would be followed.

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