Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1634: Supernatural: Settling in

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North Jiangsu said to 748: "Settling in?"

748: "The young master of the family may be 505. He was injured in the last world. This world will definitely be affected. It is not clear what the specific impact is."

Subei raised his eyebrows, let's do it, at least now he knows the goal.

He lit a candle for the water ghost, "Then I will tell you a secret."

The water ghost hid the candle and hid in the corner. "If you don't listen, I won't listen."

North Jiangsu smiled, "It seems that you know that I am North Jiangsu."

The water ghost continued to eat the joss stick as if he had not heard it.

Subei again said: "Then why don't you do it to me?"

The water ghost originally wanted to pretend that he could not hear it, but the gaze of another strong ghost made him feel like a man.

It's so difficult to be a ghost this year, "Is it possible for us like Xiaoye to be able to make Master Anjia so excited about his teachers?"

With that, he smiled pleasedly, "I won't blend in your fairy fights, don't think about the benefits without that skill, you can't do it alone, but you won't be worth it."

Northern Jiangsu felt that the water ghost was actually quite conscious.

A scented candle burned out quickly, and the water ghost hurried out of the room, and then asked Song Zhilin's broken breath and asked: "Can I still eat and drink?"

North Jiangsu promised very happy, "Of course, but only if you have news worth letting me rub you up."

The water ghost promised again and again, "It's easy to talk."

Song Tsurin didn't say anything all the way, but North Jiangsu felt that the air-conditioning in the room should not be too strong.

After he finished eating, he arranged the room for Song Tsurin.

As for whether Song Su Lin, a ghost, wants to sleep or not, it is not his business.

In order to prevent other ghosts from harassing in the middle of the night, Subei directly painted a symbol on the window. If it is not a particularly powerful ghost, it is impossible to enter.

Even if there is only a ghost in the house, the one who is sleeping in northern Jiangsu is called a familiar.

Song Tsurin did not sleep because he did not need it.

He stood in the dark and looked out the window. Many lone spirits and ghosts went on to succeed, but because of the symbols on the window, they could not get in.

Song Tsurin stretched his hand, and when he touched his fingertips, he could feel the burning feeling.

However, instead of responding to this, he pressed his palm on the symbol.

The runes were torn apart, and countless ghosts poured into the house.

Song Tsurin has no expression on his face, but he has no room to start, and many ghosts are directly scattered by his soul.

If the character has any other function besides blocking ghosts, it is sound insulation.

The sound of the ghost crying wolf awakened northern Jiangsu. He felt wrong. You should not be so noisy.

North Jiangsu opened the door and faced a spooky ghost.

He slapped the ghost out with a slap, and then saw the living room where the demons danced.

And Song Shilin, a faceless and crazy butcher.

Subei did not know what to do.

He shot a ghost trying to attack him again and turned into the room.

The living room can't be kept, so let's look for the second one to protect the bedroom.

After North Jiangsu packed up the ghosts who slipped into the bedroom, he drew symbols on the bedroom door, and felt the whole world was quiet.

So he was at ease and went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Su Bei came out of the bedroom and saw nothing but a mess.

He felt that he could not explain to the original parents.

By the way, the original parent.

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