Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1654: Supernatural: girl

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Subei thought that there should not be many people watching horror movies, but unexpectedly, quite a lot.

And quite a few couples.

He heard a girl complaining about why she wanted to watch a horror movie, and the boy's smiling face was rippling, as the name suggests exercised guts.

Come on, he is greedy.

I'm afraid it was the girl's frightened idea that fell in his arms.

And several other pairs are nothing more than this reason.

Talking about love is so deep.

No, it seems that Northern Jiangsu is not qualified to speak to others. He is deeper than others.

Song Tsurin said, "What are you looking at?"

Subei looked back, "Nothing, just curiosity, what is love in the end."

Song Tsurin just listened and did not answer this question because he did not know how to answer it.

North Jiangsu again said: "For example, if a person approaches another person with the purpose, is the love obtained in this way regarded as love?"

Song Tsurin quietly said: "If you are this person, then yes."

Subei looked at Song Tsurin, but there was no special expression on Song Tsurin's face. "Don't you feel cheated?"

Song Tsurin responded: "No." But he must deceive all his life, otherwise he does not know what he will do.

748, listening to the conversation between the two, a little flustered.

When Subei knew the truth, he felt that he might embark on 505's escape, but to escape.

North Jiangsu smiled irrefutably, "Watch the movie, otherwise you will pay for nothing."

Horror movies are like that, relying on sound effects and color to create a horror atmosphere.

Subei is not very feeling, after all, he is a person who has personally experienced.

He glanced at the other scared people who got into his boyfriend's arms.

I feel that Song Tsurin will definitely not be like this. Should he look at his sacrifice?

So North Jiangsu pretended to be afraid, and posted in the direction of Song Tsurin.

Just wanting to speak, he caught the gaze of a girl in the front row.

She smiled slowly to Su Bei, her fingertips with bright red nail polish flicked across the corners of her lips, with extreme temptation.

Then he opened his mouth and seemed to be ready to speak.

Then Subei was covered with his eyes.

Song Tsurin took him to his arms, his voice still so calm, "Don't be afraid."

What does it feel to be close to Song Tsujirin?

And this sentence is not too afraid to be too rigid, this song Tsuji Lin will not act at all.

Subei took Song Sulin's hand down, and the girl had turned back, as if nothing had happened just now.

Others may think so, but Northern Jiangsu will not, the woman obviously has a problem.

What to say, the yin qi of Song Tsurin was condensed by him with the talisman, but at the moment, he felt the yin qi.

The horror movie soon ended, and some girls were scared loudly, and their boyfriend called a triumphant one, exulting while comforting.

Subei shook his head, all the routines.

His eyes suddenly swept over the girl in the movie theater. She took a man's arm, and she glanced across the north of Jiangsu subtly as if with a small hook.

North Jiangsu side said to Song Tsuji Lin: "I go to the toilet, you help me buy a cup of milk tea."

Song Tsurin responded and went to the place where he sold milk tea.

Subei entered the bathroom with her forefoot, and the girl followed, and she did not speak.

But infinitely close to North Jiangsu, the whole person showed a kind of extreme temptation.

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