Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1740: Monster: Talisman

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"Kindness?" Tu Yao raised his voice, the bewitching feeling deepened a little bit, "Then do you see who he is like to you?"

"The number of people who have become monsters is endless, but he can be treated like this, it seems that you are the only one."

Hua Yan looked at Subei's figure, her eyes changed a little bit obsessed, "Do you mean, do adults like me too?"

Tu Yao ’s voice is soft as a lover ’s whisper, “Who knows, but he is really different from you, why?”

Hua Yan's palms tightened a little bit, maybe ... maybe she really has a chance?

But it was only a moment, sober.

She is now very likely to become a cannibalistic monster, what qualifications are expected of these.

Tu Yao secretly said that this little girl is really not easy to confuse, so sober so quickly.

Their family has not only the ability to turn people into monsters, but also the ability to amplify their inner desires.

For example, the woman with his heart likes the man named Subei.

Then he will help this desire, enlarge it a little bit, and enlarge it to make this woman willing to give everything, even crazy.

In short, North Jiangsu was in the experimental stage, and it also gained a lot of fans.

Su Bei thought about it and had to write a guide for using symbols by himself, otherwise it would be too much trouble to teach it by himself.

The result of the experiment is that the symbol can be used.

However, only the characters painted by Northern Jiangsu are acceptable, others cannot.

This may be why the symbols of this world are only used to lie and cheat for peace of mind.

Subei asked 748: "Will I break the balance like this?"

748: "Yes, what then?" As long as it is not excessive, where do these world rules dare to have an opinion?

North Jiangsu raised an eyebrow, "How do you become so domineering?"

748 coughed, "Maybe the overbearing president recently fell in love with me."

Some people in North Jiangsu disgusted: "Less looking at this kind of ghost stuff will make you silly. Is there any whereabouts of 505?"

748: "No."

Subei made no secret of 748's scorn, "Why is this happening again, and you say you are useful in several worlds?"

748: "I'll look for it again, maybe it can show its feet."

North Jiangsu pouted, not expecting or not expecting.

Counting on 748, the daylily is cold.

Subei began to stay up late, and finally sorted out several formations that could be used to trap those monsters.

I also painted hundreds of symbols to be used.

Hua Yan is quite capable, helping him to put it in different categories.

The northern Jiangsu is a bit haggard, but there is no time for rest.

He immediately distributed the Fu people, and then let them copy the guide to use the symbols.

If you don't understand, ask him again.

Hua Yan couldn't help but care about Northern Jiangsu, "If you take a rest first, you're too bad to be tired."

Su Bei suddenly looked at Hua Yan, wondering if the halo of the heroine was good or not.

Hua Yan was very uncomfortable to be seen by Northern Jiangsu, and Tayao seized the opportunity and said: "You said to him, why do you look at you?"

Subei recovered his mind and beckoned to Huayan, "Come here, I will teach you to run, and then you will teach others for me."

Hua Yan was flattered, "I ... I can't!"

How can the hostess say no? Subei's expression is very gentle, "I teach you, it's not that difficult."

Hua Yan still wanted to refuse, and Tu Yao reopened. "You see that he looks haggard. He hasn't rested well for a few days. If you learn it, can you share his worries?"

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