Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1764: Monster: Serious injury

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Subei was silent for a while, "It seems so."

After all, he is still a human-eating monster.

Subei followed Liu Sheng to meet the young master, the table was ... raw meat.

Although the treatment is beautiful, it does not change the fact of raw meat.

North Jiangsu can be said to be the ultimate performance.

He didn't dare to take it lightly 505 years ago.

It's good afterwards. Although 505 has nothing to say, it will frequently ask him.

The two guards were always there, not very good to start.

It turns out that the beauty plan is not so fast.

This shouldn't be a tough one-and-a-half year, it's too bad.

After thinking about it, North Jiangsu decided to try it out.

Is close to 505 intentionally or unintentionally.

He didn't seem to object. Subei felt that killing 505 was just around the corner.

It was so hard to let him act tenderly against 505.

After deciding this success, he decided to go back and wash his eyes at Tu Yao, otherwise he would always feel traumatized.

Even so, Subei still spent several days with 505.

However, Su Bei felt that 505 was really good for him. It seems that this face has a great effect.

748 watched the movie every day, "I didn't expect 505 to be like this, I have recorded it, and I must laugh at him afterwards."

Subei's mouth twitched slightly, "Are the feelings between your systems so plastic?"

748: "Don't talk nonsense, just talk to 505."

Northern Jiangsu did not believe it.

It's good if it's so hard, North Jiangsu can be very close to 505.

He calculated the distance, and there was no problem with 505.

He didn't know where the ribs of Tu Yao were placed by 505.

Subei is not too tangled, because he feels that, to kill 505, Tu Yao has always been like this, and there is nothing wrong with it.

So he started, and then he saw Tian Yao's ribs.

Used by 505 as a weapon.

Subei failed to kill 505. The moment he shot, 505 responded quickly.

With Tu Yao's ribs blocking the north Jiangsu's blow, and then shattered.

505 was seriously injured and ran away under the cover of those two guards.

Subei felt that after so many days, he was only seriously injured 505.

748 comforted: "At least he was seriously injured, and he won't show up for a long time after the serious injury."

Subei felt that he had not been comforted at all, because the last world was also suffocated.

The fragments of Tuyao's ribs were left in place, and North Jiangsu picked them up. I don't know if they are useful for Tuyao.

Subei directly asked Liu Sheng and his team to work with him in Antianfu.

I have to say that these people are really capable.

Only one was caught, and the rest ran away.

In this way, the 505 serious injury will not appear, and the monsters he gathers are also tired to escape, so they will not have time to do things.

Subei removed Yi Rong, changed back to men's clothing, and went to find Yao.

Tuyao was in that room, and had already noticed something, he didn't need that body directly.

He hides in the darkness, and looks a bit scary.

Tu Yao ’s voice did not fluctuate, “You have nothing to say?”

Subei told himself to resist, not to be guilty, "I lit a candle, it was too dark."

He had just lighted the candle, and the candle went out instantly. He did not even see Yao Yao's face.

As soon as the northern Jiangsu points, Tiyao puts out the candle again.

The two were very naive for a long time.

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