Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1883: Personality: You are him

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After Pei Jintian fell to the ground, North Jiangsu was relieved.

Subei was also released from the small black room, and then pressed into the arms by Pei Jintian, "It's alright."

At this time, Subei also heard the voice of the rescuers coming.

Subei withdrew from Pei Jintian's arms, "Are you all right?"

Pei Jintian shook his head, what he just wanted to say, his eyes sharpened, and he pushed Subei behind him.

North Jiangsu only saw it clearly, Jiang Ru stabbed Pei Jintian with a knife.

When everything happened so fast, Pei Jintian was stabbed, but he quickly grabbed the knife and kicked Jiang Ru.

Jiang Ru stood up in an incredible posture and continued to rush towards Pei Jintian.

North Jiangsu is a bit overwhelmed, why is there still a sense of biohazard.

748 shouted, "It's 505! Hurry, stab her!"

North Jiangsu cursed: "How do you let me poke?"

Jiang Ru didn't seem to know the pain, and attacked Pei Jintian constantly, still the kind of suicide.

748 is also anxious, "You are Pei Jintian! Come on quickly! Don't counsel!"

Su Bei watched Pei Jintian's injury gradually aggravate, and his heart was horizontal. Taking advantage of the gap that Pei Jintian kicked Jiang Ru again, he took out 748 and gave him a sword against 505.

Unexpectedly, it succeeded.

But it seems that at this moment, Pei Jintian and his stabbing posture coincided.

748 breathed a sigh of relief, "505 has been forcibly repelled from the world, and the next person is to act."

Subei received the sword and felt that it was really easy to use, but 748 was too stingy, except for dealing with 505, it was not allowed at all.

Pei Jintian threw the blood-stained knife on the ground, raised his hand and rubbed Su Bei's face, and gently smiled at Su Bei, "Scared you."

Subei would like to say that if he wants to scare, he also scares Pei Jintian.

Because Pei Jintian is a legitimate defense, so there is no trouble.

Moreover, Jiang Ru has been identified as a lunatic before.

Because Pei Jintian was injured and did not work, she rested at home.

748 asked Subei, "This world is already very safe. I brought Qiqi?"

Subei raised her eyebrows, "Is it all right now?"

748 said with some pride: "There is nothing wrong, just a trifle."

Northern Jiangsu looked down, well, 748 is not honest now.

Pei Jintian was not surprised at the cat that appeared suddenly, because he thought at first that this was what he imagined.

Every day in Northern Jiangsu, he was amused seven or seven, and he did not say anything.

Until, Professor Cheng came to the house and asked Pei Jintian how to raise a cat.

North Jiangsu only saw the belated surprise from Pei Jintian's face.

748: "I suspect you deliberately."

Subei was sitting cross-legged on the sofa with his arms crossed. "Don't talk nonsense, I don't have one."

He paused for a while, "Did you get the 505, I will tell you, I will go to your headquarters to clean up the 505 myself when the world is over."

748 uttered and said: "I forgot to ask, wait for me to contact them to see."

Subei lying on Pei Jintian ’s lap, "Go quickly."

748 suddenly panicked and said: "What is this! 505 this dog comparison, actually counted me!"

A black question mark face from northern Jiangsu, "Don't tell me it ran away."

The sound of 748 began to carry that kind of electric sizzle, and it was particularly stuttering, "I ... he ... too much ..."

Subei frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

Quickly turned over and held Pei Jintian's face, "Do you love me?"

Perhaps it was too straightforward to ask in Northern Jiangsu, and Pei Jintian started uncomfortably, "Don't make trouble."

Subei broke his head back, "Hurry up!"

Pei Jintian finally stopped hiding, looking at North Jiangsu seriously, "Love."

The sound of 748 suddenly became clear, "Hurry up, I can't support it for a long time!"

Subei kissed Pei Jintian, "say you love me."

Pei Jintian spoiled the good, "I love you."

748: "The situation is unknown, the host is ready!"

Subei fell to Pei Jintian's arms, and his breath disappeared instantly.

Pei Jintian froze for a moment, reached out to see the situation in northern Jiangsu, but fell down without warning.

A huge phantom appeared behind him, unable to see his face clearly, but gave a huge sense of oppression.

As soon as he raised his hand, he suppressed the seven or seven that had just been located in the north of Jiangsu and was going to chase it. His voice was a little convoluted: "Give me the position."

The tone was not tolerant, and Qiqi seemed to be stiff and could not move at all.

He gave a pitiful meow, his phantom stooped down, and stretched out his hand on his forehead like Qi Zun was noble.

The green code suddenly burst out of Qiqi, and then the ghost and Qiqi disappeared at the same time.

There were only two people in the room without breathing, embracing each other on the sofa.

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