Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2209: Lamp God: Looking for Qiao Shuya

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The man's clenched hand on his side lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Perhaps what I thought was that Xia Yin had fallen into darkness anyway, so Holy, could water kill him too.

After giving the order, Xia Yin left the church with Subei.

Their destination is simple, that is where Joshua went to the seal before.

Subei felt that Qiao Shuya was not dead, and Xia Yin thought so.

But because Xia wanted to find Qiao Shuya, Subei was not clear.

It's like North Jiangsu didn't know that Xia Yinming felt that those people were ugly in their hearts, and they had to use the holy water to drive out the monsters to save them.

It is also unclear why Xia is supposed to be considered evil, but does not explain the same.

Maybe, what he was hoping for, and maybe he wanted to know what the world could degenerate into.

Who knows?

The place was a little far from the church, so Northern Jiangsu and Xia Yin spent three days.

When I got there, I found that there were almost no monsters around.

Subei speculated that Qiao Shuya may have sacrificed herself.

They entered a village, and the villagers seemed normal.

It just seems, because there is always something wrong in Northern Jiangsu.

How to say, clearly can not feel the breath of the monster, but the villagers occasionally exude a sense of evil.

When you go deeper, you can't feel it.

The smile on Xia Yin's face was more and more intense, and North Jiangsu guessed that he should know something.

The people in the village greeted Subei and asked them what they wanted to do when they came here.

Xia Yin said softly: "I am Xia Yin, from the church. I came to see if there are any monsters here."

The man opened his mouth, as if reciting, "Relax, there are no monsters on our side. Saint Josiah sacrificed herself to save us. How could there be a monster?"

Xia Yin nodded, "That's fine, but I still feel a little worried, I don't know if I can stay for a few days?"

The man immediately refused, "Sorry, our village doesn't like strangers, you should leave early."

Xia Yin nodded, like a chicken with a duck, "So where can I stay?"

The man's face was momentary, and he said, "I have said that I don't like strangers in the village. Can't you understand people?"

Xia Yin continued to understand people, "I don't know if there is any room available in your home?"

Perhaps the other party was irritated, and Subei felt vaguely.

Then the man started and wanted to beat Xia Yin.

Xia Yin didn't mean to move, so it had to be started in northern Jiangsu.

Northern Jiangsu beat the other party to the ground.

At this time, two people came not far away, talking and laughing.

Then he stopped when he saw North Jiangsu and Xia Yin.

Subei narrowed her eyes, and Qiao Shuya hadn't spoken yet.

The man beside Qiao Shuya grabbed Qiao Shuya's arm and left quickly.

Subei wanted to chase, but Xia Yin pressed her shoulders, "No need, they will come back."

He felt wrong, and Joshua felt wrong.

Qiao Shuya's look in their eyes was a very strange look.

But since Xia Yin said so, Northern Jiangsu did not catch up.

In the end they still lived in the village.

There's no way. I can't beat it, and it doesn't make sense. What else can I do.

Subei thought several times that the villager was about to show his true face, but actually he could bear it.

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