Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2220: Lamp God

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Subei was a little helpless, he just thought that Qiao Shuya was dead, and that Xia Yin had so many plans, but she would fall short.

Xia Yin took northern Jiangsu to the outside. "The **** of darkness has always been excluded by the gods, so the location of the palace is quite remote."

"I didn't expect them to be able to come as soon as possible. They should really praise their speed, don't they?"

Subei thought a little, and the other gods should want to come over and see who the new dark **** is.

Or maybe see if you can kill the new dark **** in the cradle.

Xia Yin and Subei arrived at the gate of the palace, and a lot of people did come.

Those people waited in strict array, and when they saw it was Xia Yin, they were all dumbfounded.

A **** blurted out, "God of light!"

Xia Yin deliberately or unconsciously covered Northern Jiangsu behind him.

As soon as he raised his hand, the black throne appeared out of thin air.

He took Su Bei's waist and sat on the throne, pushing Su Bei's head into his arms.

Condescendingly looked at the gods, languidly supporting his chin: "No, I am the **** of darkness."

"I am afraid that the God of Light has already arrived in the Temple of Light. If you want to find her, you can go and see."

But the gods still felt a little weird. The **** of light suddenly turned into the **** of darkness.

Who can quickly accept this matter?

Xia Yin saw the gods and looked at each other without knowing what to say. You said: "I don't like to be disturbed. If you don't leave, why don't I send you away?"

Finally, God came back to God, but more was afraid.

Xia Yin's strength was obvious to all when he was a god, and he was still the only **** who had broken away from belief.

So even if he becomes the **** of darkness, it must be a powerful existence.

They have no way to get the cause.

So they had to leave first, to spend more time digesting this matter, and to see who is the new God of Light.

Maybe the new God of Light has a way.

After all, light always restrains darkness.

So those people left.

Xia Yin said with regret: "It's really boring."

Su Bei suddenly realized something, "Just didn't want them to see me look like?"

Xia Yin turned his head and looked at Northern Jiangsu tenderly, "That's natural. After all, you are mine. How can you let others watch it."

North Jiangsu is indifferent, for this reason, cheat the three-year-old child.

But Xia Yin is unwilling to tell the truth to him, then he will definitely not speak.

Subei felt no hurry, he would always know the truth one day.

There are also reasons for Xia Yin's unwillingness to unlock the memory seal for him.

The huge dark temple, only North Jiangsu and Xia Yin.

As a god, in fact, you do n’t have to do anything. Subei thought it was boring to be a god.

Qiao Shuya, who has become the **** of light, has recovered all her memories.

She is not stupid, just a little thought, you can know that all this is driven by Xia Yin behind.

But Qiao Shuya didn't understand why Xia Yin wanted to do this.

Where did the original **** of light go again.

There are also strange gods in front of her, who want to let her kill the **** of darkness.

But the **** of darkness is Xia Yin.

Xia Yin ... He is clearly not bad, otherwise how could he make himself a **** of light?

Qiao Shuya sent those strange gods, she planned to see Xia Yin, and asked why.

Reaching the Dark Temple, Qiao Shuya felt a little depressed. She felt that the power of darkness and the power of light should be mutually exclusive.

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