Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2355: System: Change vest

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So when Miss Wan hit him, he still embraced Miss Wan subconsciously.

Subei pretended not to know that this was Fang Ruiyang's handwriting, and said: "It seems that this peach blossom forest is not safe, there are still snakes, you still have to be careful."

Upon hearing it, Xing Jian realized that something was wrong.

Although he didn't have as many thoughts as Northern Jiangsu, he was not a fool.

This kind of snake shouldn't be the peach blossom forest, so there is only one possibility, someone deliberately put it.

Xing Jian felt so horrified at this thought.

At first, he just thought Fang Ruiyang was unreasonable, but now he thinks that Fang Ruiyang's palace is too deep.

Although Fang Ruiyang was not reconciled, he still echoed: "Yeah, be careful."

With that said, the hand behind him made a gesture.

Suddenly, someone suddenly rushed out, very fast, and threw a lot of snakes towards them.

Fang Ruiyang also saw the timing, shouting carefully in his mouth, while quickly reaching out to take the opportunity to pull Miss Wan into his arms.

Because the snake had been vigilant to Fang Ruiyang's star sword and immediately noticed Fang Ruiyang's purpose, protecting Miss Wan in his arms and backing away.

Subei also drew his sword and beheaded the snake, and quickly retreated.

The scene was once chaotic, and the ground was full of twisting snakes.

Fang Ruiyang, who failed to succeed, seemed to be planning to grab it hard.

Subei is preparing to stop, and countless peach petals strike Fang Ruiyang like a sharp blade.

Fang Ruiyang also had to back away, avoiding those peach petals.

The peach petals were nailed into the trunk of the peach blossom tree behind Fang Ruiyang, as if it was not a peach petal, but a sharp hidden weapon.

North Jiangsu looked not far away, and a branch of a peach tree stood alone.

Sheng Xue in white, fairy fluttering, and half mask.

Su Bei saw at a glance, wasn't this a night and a rain?

Changed the vest?

Feng Xiaoyu's gaze glanced over Northern Jiangsu, and then looked at Fang Ruiyang, "Fang Gongzi, who has heard the name for a long time, came to ask for advice."

Fang Ruiyang stared at Feng Xiaoyu, "It's you again, the shameless rat generation!"

"Dare not even show your face, but that's it!"

Oh, this means that Feng Xiaoyu met Fang Ruiyang more than once with this vest.

In addition, Subei would like to vomit, Fang Ruiyang's mouth gun skills really can't, just tossing and turning just a few words.

The two sentences just now are very similar to what he said before.

Because Subei has been paying attention to Fang Ruiyang and Feng Xiaoyu, he didn't pay attention to a dead snake at his feet, he would bite Subei with his mouth open.

Before North Jiangsu responded, a peach petal nailed the snake to the ground, completely out of breath.

Feng Xiaoyu smiled at Subei Zhanyan, "No need to thank you."

Subei feels that any fairy fluttering is fake, and he also beats when he changes his vest.

Fang Ruiyang was also suffocating in the hands of northern Jiangsu. Wherever he could bear now, he directly attacked the wind and rain.

The star sword was bitten by the snake accidentally, the situation is very bad.

Subei's expression is a bit difficult to say, because this snake venom, it is not lethal, but has other effects.

Miss Wan was holding the star sword, and she wondered what to do in northern Jiangsu.

Subei opened her mouth and said euphemistically.

Miss Wan looked at the star sword with a somewhat painful expression, and Da Yi said awe-inspiringly: "I will save him! I will take him back!"

Subei looked at the sky, hoping that Xingjian would not blame him when he woke up, which was also impossible.

But Miss Wan, that's really unrestrained.

Feng Xiaoyu and Fang Ruiyang are fighting fiercely.

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