Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2391: Diseased: comes with a filter

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The moment Zhou Ruoruo held Northern Jiangsu's hand, Northern Jiangsu's eyes seemed to have opened a filter.

Zhou Ruoru's pitiful eyes in his eyes were pitiful, and I still felt pitiful, making him want to hug him in his arms.

Because quickly put the program over, and then withdrew his hand, it was too toxic, what the hell.

He has people he likes, but the situation just now is too anti-human.

So there is only one possibility, that is the role of the system.

Zhou Ruoruo looked at Sube, who was awake suddenly, froze for a moment, but soon recovered his soft and weak look. "In short, I hope you don't hate me anymore. Love doesn't come first.

"But it doesn't matter now, after all, I'm leaving too."

Northern Jiangsu: "Oh."

The data of the system that Zhou Ruoruo passed was more interesting.

It seems that it is quite fascinating, after all, the original master sent to deal with Zhou Ruoruo, somehow love Zhou Ruoruo last week.

And the possible way to pass is the kind just now.

But anyway, Cheng Xinran is a bug, and his attitude towards Zhou Ruoruo is very strange.

When Northern Jiangsu left, Jin Chen was moved by a mess, and quickly entered the ward to hold Zhou Ruoruo in his arms, and then said that he would let Zhou Ruoruo live.

After returning to the apartment, Subei contacted Cheng Xinran and asked straight away: "What's the matter with Zhou Ruoruo?"

Cheng Xinran pretended to be stupid, "What's going on?"

Subei smiled, "It's not good to say good cooperation, dishonesty, you know what I'm talking about."

Cheng Xinran was silent and smiled and said, "It's not that I don't say it, but that you won't believe it."

North Jiangsu vaguely felt that Cheng Xinran might have discovered something, "You don't say how you know if I believe it or not."

Cheng Xinran said tentatively, "I think that Zhou Ruoruo now is not the Zhou Ruoruo I knew before, just like someone occupied her body."

Subei was a little surprised, co-authoring this in addition to the system, there are elements to cross?

He replied: "This is really possible."

Cheng Xinran thought that North Jiangsu was perfunctory, but he heard North Jiangsu Road: "I also think Zhou Ruoru is not right, so I will always approach her."

This made Cheng Xinran ecstatic, "Really?"

North Jiangsu responded: "Yes." Then he took the opportunity to talk and asked Cheng Xinran how he felt this way.

It was probably the first time someone believed what he said. Cheng Xinran and Subei spoke in great detail.

Probably, Cheng Xinran and Zhou Ruoruo actually fell in love before, and even agreed to stay together for a lifetime.

But I don't know when Zhou Ruoruo has changed, and it has become somewhat hypocritical.

On the one hand, he said he loved him, and on the other hand, he frowned with Jin Chen.

This is not Zhou Ruoruo he is familiar with.

Many people told Cheng Xinran, let him admit his fate, people will change, but Zhou Ruoruo has changed, how can there be some fantasy things that occupy others' bodies.

But Cheng Xinran insisted on this possibility, because as Su Bei said, Zhou Ruoruo, who has changed a person, is very strange.

Many people who have been in contact with her will fall in love with her hopelessly.

Anyway, there are many strange places.

He had thought of countless ways to bring the original Zhou Ruoruo back, but no way was successful.

So Cheng Xinran gave up. He now only needs to kill Jin Chen and put Zhou Ruoruo to death.

In this way, at least Zhou Ruoruo's body will no longer be used by the soul in her body who does not know where it came from.

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