Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 685: Continued Life: Ghost Fetus

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Then, the woman stretched her neck and approached Northern Jiangsu. "I heard that there are more people around Master Shen, it's you."

Shen Huan pulled North Jiangsu back a bit and distanced herself from the woman, "Speak, what's going on?"

The woman covered her mouth again and smiled, "It's like this, my elder brother, I don't know how. I'm pregnant, my belly grows bigger and bigger every day."

"The doctor is helpless, and the other directors invited are all scared away, saying my brother is self-inflicted, wait for death."

"But you also know that no matter how he is my brother, my parents are afraid of falling in their hands, and the existence of fear in their mouths, how can they just give up ..."

Shen Huan interrupted her impatiently, "Take me a look."

The daughter curled her lips and walked upstairs in a graceful manner. "Come on, I will show you all."

Then she lowered her voice and said, "It's strange that a man is pregnant."

I don't know why, North Jiangsu heard the meaning of gloating.

It seems that the relationship is not very good.

Before approaching the room, the sound of broken glass came out of the room, and then there was a roar, "I don't eat! You two are old and immortal, do you think I will be like this forever!"

North Jiangsu pouted, okay, it deserves it.

The woman used to push the door open, "Mother, Master Shen is here."

A haggard lady coaxed the child to coax the man on the bed, and then, like seeing a savior, he almost did not kneel down to Shen Huan, "Master Shen, save my son, save my son!"

The person in bed heard Shen Huan coming, and wept bitterly: "Master Shen! Help me quickly! I will give you how much money!"

Shen Huan and Su Bei walked into the room, the kind of subtle yin lingering around.

And because the curtains are tightly drawn, the light is a little dark and a little depressed.

The person on the bed trembled and lifted the quilt, and the drum-like belly was exposed to the air.

The man was humiliated.

The source of yin in the house is mostly from the man's belly.

In other words, what is in a man's stomach is a ghost.

And this ghost birth is connected to the lifeblood of the man, that is, unless the ghost birth leaves voluntarily, the ghost birth is forcibly removed, and the man will die.

Subei asked: "Have you ever killed any children?"

The man's expression was grim, "What are you talking about! I'm a law-abiding person! How can I kill any child!"

That is unreasonable. The general situation is that the child is killed. The child becomes vengeful because he is too angry.

The more angry the man was, the more hysterical he said: "You are old, what are you qualified to talk about, get away!"

Shen Huan lifted his foot and kicked the man off the bed. "Don't talk nonsense if you don't want to die."

Although the man ’s mother distressed the man, she dared not say anything in the face of Shen Huan.

North Jiangsu does not care: "In short, unless the ghost in your stomach forgives you and leaves automatically, otherwise you will continue to be pregnant."

With that said, he was about to open the curtains.

The man quickly stopped, "Don't pull the curtain! Don't!"

Subei asked: "Why?"

The man was pushed back into bed reluctantly: "Because the sun makes me uncomfortable, as if the whole person will burn."

Subei said that he understands, "but there are things that can only be confirmed with what you see."

Then the curtain was suddenly opened, and the man shrieked and hid under the quilt.

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