Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 803: Amnesia: change

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North Jiangsu spread his hand, "Isn't the reason enough?"

Fang Fei perfunctoryly said: "Full enough, very full."

Subei asked Fangfei again, "So are you ready to leave?"

Fang Fei looked at the twinkling stars in the sky and was a little confused. "But I don't know where to go. I feel tired after a long long time. I suddenly relax and don't know where to go."

Subei looked at Fang Fei's profile, as if seeing the boundless loneliness from her body, "Where you want to go, you don't have such a chance if you don't get there early."

Fangfei turned back, "Maybe you are right."

Subei straightened up, "Well ... if you want to go, wait a few days."

Fang Fei asked with some doubt: "Why?"

Northern Jiangsu did not answer, and went directly to the abyss holding the peony not far away.

That night, Northern Jiangsu only realized that something was wrong, and you immediately went to Jihuai.

Sure enough, there was a ghost who wanted to kill Jihuai regardless of the injured.

But it is not a terrible ghost, so North Jiangsu quickly dealt with it.

Although Ji Huai encountered this situation more than once, he was still confused.

He smoothed the folds on his suit and said, "Thank you."

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, strategy progress 95%."

The corner of Subei's mouth slightly curved, "I prefer substantial thanks."

After all, he put his hands on Ji Huai's shoulders and smiled a little badly.

Ji Huai hesitated and leaned closer to Northern Jiangsu.

Subei's fingertips on Jihuai's body flashed with codes, and then they did not enter Jihuai's body.

Just when Ji Huai was about to encounter North Jiangsu, Ji Huai was all flew out, and North Jiangsu was caught in the arms of Yuan.

Subei wants to greet his ancestors, what is this called!

Yuan's breath was horrible, his voice was hoarse, and he said, "I don't allow others to touch you!"

Subei pushed him, without moving, "Let go!"

The breath around Yuan seemed to be even more terrifying. He stretched out his hand and slightly closed his fingers. Ji Huai, who was knocked out, flew over and Yuan held his neck.

It is also very uncomfortable to see that North Jiangsu can't move, and has missed the best time.

Ji Huai was uncomfortable, the same was true of Yuan, and his entire hand was already bloody.

Subei tried to persuade Yuan, "Let go! Are you uncomfortable?"

Yuan stubbornly tightened his palm a little bit, "Kill him, you won't always look at him."

Ji Huai's struggling is a little smaller, about to be squeezed to death, and Yuan's burns are getting worse.

Before Huabei shot, Ji Huai suddenly raised his hand and pinched a piece of rune paper on Yuan's arm.

At a very fast speed, Yuan blurred in front of the eyes of northern Jiangsu, and finally disappeared. The quick people made it too late to react.

A colorful peony dropped, and North Jiangsu's reflective hand reached in his hand. Ji Huai also fell to the ground to breathe.

Yuan, that's it ...

Su Bei suddenly turned back, grabbed Ji Huai's collar and pressed him on the table, his voice trembling: "What did you do!"

His original amorous peach blossom eyes were full of anger at this time, and the whole person was terrifying and palpable.

Then, Su Bei let out a soft voice, "Don't think you can't hide you and I can't take you. When I catch you, I will let you die better than life!"

The sound seemed to come from hell, infiltrating and cold, that is 748, and I have never seen such a North Jiangsu.

Countless codes soared from the place of Subei's wrist, quickly covering the whole room, and Subei's face was in the flashing code, which was frightening.

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