Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 810: Disabled: The male lead is a dragon

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The completion of the task is naturally out of the world. As for the heroine, Northern Jiangsu does not know what is going on.

He only knew those monks, and Fangfei could not be related, even if she was hiding in the crowd, North Jiangsu could recognize it at a glance.

No way, who made him grow a hatred face.

Subei looked at the moon and sighed, "88, give me the plot."

Soon, Su Beili learned about the world.

Presumably, when the iron-blooded prince An Wang, conquered the countries in his early years, he laid a lot of rivers and mountains for the emperor.

An Wang, who is only 25 years old, has reached the peak of power, but it is also when he fell.

In order to destroy the rebels, An Wang went deep into the enemy camp, caught in ambush, was broken his legs, and cut the meat to feed the eagle.

When he was rescued, he was unconscious and his legs had ulcerated.

The emperor withdrew his military power in an instant, but in order to conceal his ruthlessness, he also gave An Wang the marriage, the lady of the senior family.

But how could the daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law would be willing to marry such a life-and-death cripple, so the unfavorable young lady, that is, the heroine Zuo Mingyue, came to perfunctory.

Thinking of being found, you can also dump the pot Zuo Mingyue, saying that Zuo Mingyue knocked on the halo on Missy.

The so-called trees fell and scattered, when An Wang was in the scenery, how many people rushed to frustrate.

Those brothers of the county king had to laugh with each other if they were not convinced.

Now An Wang is in a coma, without power, and hastened to bully.

Zuo Mingyue had already married, there is no way, so thinking about An Wang is also pitiful, take care of it if he can take care of it.

I do n’t know, the real King An is dead.

The current King An is a dragon that was deceived by the royal people hundreds of years ago and was bleed deep in the palace to the present.

Finally escaped, but because of serious injuries, had to find a way to disguise.

Just as some of the kings were dead, the male master would count it.

But the dragon was comatose after being injured. It was just that although he was comatose, he could perceive everything outside.

Therefore, during the coma, this false An Wang knew how Zuo Mingyue was good to him and how to protect him.

I also knew how Zuo Mingyue and he were bullied by his brother.

After he recovered, the first thing was to clean up those who bullied them and then avenge the royal family.

Another thing is to spoil the heroine Zuo Mingyue to heaven, and then hit the prime minister's house.

Finally, the heroine became a dragon and lived with the hero for a long time.

Who is Northern Jiangsu? Northern Jiangsu is the current prince. He used to live in the shadow of the male master, so he became psychopathic.

He and the male lead Su Ci are also cousins, because Su Ci his father and the emperor are brothers.

Well, it's really fun to be a brother with the male host again.

So now, it is precisely that he is going to find Zuo Mingyue in trouble, and insulting and insulting An Wang Su Ci.

North Jiangsu glanced at Su Ci's door, thinking about whether to continue the original owner's business, or to go back.

After further thinking, Subei felt that he should first go for a good impression.

After all, the original owner was cramped in the plot because of his hatred of the royal family.

It hurts when you think about it, you have to brush up on it.

So Northern Jiangsu pushed the door in and left Su Mingyue, who wiped Su Ci's legs, knocking over the basin.

She trembled and said: "His Royal Highness."

Su Bei glanced at Su Ci's legs and couldn't bear to look directly. One was because the real An Wang was cut to feed the eagle.

A man who is a dragon has also been cut a lot of meat, so his legs can see white bones.

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